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51483129 No.51483129 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people seethe at the thought of me trying to strategize ways to avoid paying taxes on crypto? Do wagies really think paying taxes is a virtue?

>> No.51483137

Wagies are nigger cattle for a reason anon

>> No.51483146

i dont know how this is even a question this is how you don't pay taxes on crypto:

You know tax? don't pay it.

>> No.51483228

You're a criminal and deserve to be put in prison for life.

>> No.51483235

Why the fuck do you care about literal non humans.

>> No.51483250

I partake in society. I use public services. They are paid for by taxes. With less taxes they will decrease in quality. So you evading them pretty directly decreases my quality of life. It's not a hard concept to understand

>> No.51483282

Taxes only exist to be funneled into the hands of wealthy corporations. They have enough money, they don't need mine.

>> No.51483311

A good chunk maybe. But public services still get paid. So obviously at least part of your taxes benefits me. Now if you want to pay me directly instead I'd be fine with that too

>> No.51483333

Be grateful I have to pay sales tax on goods I purchase. You and your fellow wagies can pay your share in taxes for your public services you enjoy, just leave me out of it.

>> No.51483363

I don't pay taxes except Vat. But that makes me want to stop you all the more, since if we all do it it will really negatively affect me

>> No.51483378

most taxes go to niggers or corporations not building muh roads

>> No.51483407

Even then = more roads = more urban sprawl, cars, pollution, niggers on the road, people dying by niggers on the road and less hospitable cities.

Fuck roads.

>> No.51483446

State taxes =/= Federal taxes

>> No.51483464


gotta pay your taxes goy how else will we fund da programs and gibs.

>> No.51483470

I only pay taxes for fear of the IRS. I do everything I can to minimize what I have to pay, but evading taxes is a gamble I won't take.

>> No.51483527

pedophiles need your money
pay your taxes

>> No.51484371

>shit will get worse from someone elses corruption so MAKE UP FOR IT
no, go fuck yourself

>> No.51484467

>Do wagies really think paying taxes is a virtue?
Yes, yes they do.

>> No.51484501

When am I gonna get compensation for the government allowing doctors to literally mutilate my dick when I was an infant?

>> No.51484567
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this. it s expensive to rent children to have sex

>> No.51484845

Paying taxes is a virtue in as much as not throwing your trash on the ground is. The system can support a couple of leeches, but if there are too many, the system has to fight back, spending even more tax payer dollars on people, making it even more inefficient as it already is. As flawed as the system is, people all over the world want to immigrate because in their country, people behave just like you and everything is broken. Don't be a cheap bastard, anon

>> No.51485052

>"Do wagies really think paying taxes is a virtue?"
Yes, and so do rich boomers

>> No.51485268

Vat is daylight robbery lol no wonder europoors are so fucking poor

>> No.51485988


>> No.51486078
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, IMG-1342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

>> No.51486096
File: 871 KB, 2218x2574, IMG-1324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be based. And many of them are so cringe, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

>> No.51486104

kek, lmao even

>> No.51486120
File: 34 KB, 1009x548, agents, irs agents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why mr anon why why why do you not pay your taxes?
because i choose to

>> No.51486152

>government magically makes twice as much this year
Budgets and services would still be slashed. Not a single bridge would be rebuilt.
The people who make those calls should be slashed instead. In fact I think they should be afraid to do their job poorly, and they should be deathly afraid of lying.

>> No.51486201

I'm guessing that the people that want to shame you for tax avoidance do not realize that tax avoidance != tax evasion. Tax avoidance is not illegal. If those people don't approve of your tax avoidance strategies, then they should blame law-makers, not you.
Besides that, it is totally baffling tome that people couldbe so brainwashed to think that it is somehow virtuous to provide more funding than you are required to for our national governments, considering the places they have been spending that funding lately: funneling billions to all sorts of big corporations, sponsoring censorship, pressuring their citizens to partake in dangerous medical experiments, and sending machines that cause death and destruction to the other side of the world and paying people to use them to kill, maim and destroy.

>> No.51486212

You think you’re the first moron who has thought they can pull one over on the IRS? Sounds like a great way of getting fucked and ruining your life

>> No.51486672
File: 407 KB, 400x225, dodging taxes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51486686
File: 285 KB, 385x385, not having to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you trying to say? that i can dodge taxes?
No, Anon. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to.

>> No.51486781

Sorry you were born in America :(
I was born in a 1st world country where the only people who really do that are Arabs and Jews

>> No.51487361

Hahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahshahshahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaha please keep going anon I needed the good laugh. Lecture me like I’m a cheap deadbeat non taxpayer. Tell me about how paying taxes is actually a moral prerogative

>> No.51487412

Ok but what about the entire Democratic party that committed fraud and destroyed cities and still defends invaders contributing to hyperinflation? I'm pretty sure treason is punishable by death

>> No.51487424

Ya but niggers. Niggers replace tax dollars doing stuff for your neighbors...

>> No.51487446

Public services? They don't exist. We are charged for clean water. The business model takes care of it... We are charged for road work, it's a business model paid for directly... Police even generate revenue... There no reason we should be taxed.

>> No.51487477

stealing from the government is a moral obligation

>> No.51488323

and banks too

>> No.51488348

same thing

>> No.51488356

exactly, same principle, just saying out loud