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51483054 No.51483054 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we mock women for believing in astrology but are perfectly fine with men beveling in TA?

>> No.51483071

I mostly mock jews for having tay sachs

>> No.51483089

I don't mock either.

>> No.51483091

I use both and I am a man

>> No.51483112 [DELETED] 


>> No.51483116

Maren get of biz and go close your position

>> No.51483118

i literally combine TA and astrology for my trades

>> No.51483135

nyger who is "we"
post a meme not a blogpost

>> No.51483143
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I don't mock astrology at all it's very based
TA is cringe tho

>> No.51483144

>noooooooooo there aren’t channels and currents in liquidity!!!! Reeeeeee!!!!

>> No.51483153

Based jp Morgan

>> No.51483160
File: 46 KB, 499x538, 1655373267885 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont know whats order flow
>midwits cant conceive the idea of probabilities

>> No.51483184
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You will never be a billionaire.

>> No.51483185

Because the universe is cyclical while astrology is bullshit based on made up axioms

>> No.51483186

I only mock hodlers.
TA and astrology practitioners at least look for indications of how things are going in the world.
People who continue to dump money into failing markets have a level of blind delusion that surpasses all belief systems.

>> No.51483198
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Stay poor.

>> No.51483212

Men who use TA identify as women, so we mostly mock them for that

>> No.51483266

>a jew said something so it must be true
They’re also a bunch of pedos and degenerates. Are you gonna fuck kids to be a billionaire too midwit?

>> No.51484834
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>but are perfectly fine with men beveling in TA?
Oh, because you don't have one.
Both are fucking retarded, you utter faggot bot.

>> No.51484860

>TA is jews manipulating the market
>astrology is jews waiting for specific times to carry out events

>> No.51484990

Astrology works and if you disagree you're a redditor. See the Mars Effect and the CSICOP Controversy for science proving astrology and skeptic scientists lying about it. See also The Astrological Journal and Correlation for more peer reviewed studies. And see so much more on Astrologer.com.
The Nazis also made use of astrology and many of the greatest historical figures did and they did it in spite of the Christian establishment as it is done today in spite of the scientific establishment.
The best thing you can do is contact a professional astrologer, but you can also study alone and find enough evidence by yourself.
Don't be a cringe redditor, be an esoteric Chad.

>> No.51485005

Source for this

>> No.51485025

Good goy. Jews use weapons to kill so you must not do it.

>> No.51485437
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I discovered that it's astrology that's real and TA that is bullshit

>> No.51485597
File: 560 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220828-172220_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also most people don't know what real astrology is, they know newspaper horoscopes which are something entirely different and hyperbolically not real astrology. Kikes like Sagan and cucks like Dawkins criticized shitty horoscopes and thought they debunked based astrology.

>> No.51485790

I don’t mock women for astrology. It was a new multi-year blood moon cycle when LUNA crashed. If you don’t believe in astrology you’re actually a complete fucking retard.

>> No.51487102
File: 441 KB, 2189x1222, astrologyformen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51488266

does this shit work?

>> No.51488305
File: 264 KB, 1391x1023, astrologyformen2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, notice any historical market events in these years? or the MOON cycles?

>> No.51488329

How do I generate charts like this?

>> No.51488351

start here

>> No.51488375


>> No.51488410

what are we beveling... 45 deg. , 30 deg?

>> No.51488526

TA doesn’t make sense since most market movement isn’t purely data driven and hinges on factors outside of anyones control.
example say the dev is incompetent or a jeet you can’t look at a TA board and predict next day he pushes a dump on his token. no amount of TA could predict that.
no amount of TA can predict black swan events or another market intricately related crashing for god knows what reason bringing down your market with it too.
TA is like ancient chinese chicken bone fortune telling.
lets say you know a coin is promising charts look good numbers go up dev looks good team looks good fundamentals are sound and you use TA.
From what you get it looks like the coin should massively jump up in the near or far off future but then suddenly something nobody could predict gets through.
perhaps some insider leaking information revealing the whole thing was a PnD or devs were hiding the real numbers or some key supporter left shaking the backbones of the token.
now your TA is completely useless and that other guy who was just randomly throwing darts and purchasing without a thought suddenly has 10x.

>> No.51488699

Nah, TA is like if you analyze your bank account and you see that there are inflows every 2 weeks. The analysis doesn't "know" that you get a paycheck from your workplace every 2 weeks, it just sees inflows and predicts there is a trend. But what if a crazy outlier situation occurs, like you get fired or gravely ill? Maybe in those situations the inflows stop showing up in your bank account. Is that something you should criticize the technical analysis for? It's good at averaging out trends. Of course it doesn't predict outliers and black swan events. Your risk management strategy should account for those.