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File: 284 KB, 1079x854, Weimar Republic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51482277 No.51482277 [Reply] [Original]

Once we see USD held by other countries coming back to USA hyperinflation of Venezuela will look like a walk in park

>> No.51482311

if you mean by coming back is paying debt then that dollar is destroyed you apogee of retardation
>the absolute IQ of hyperinflation retard

>> No.51482322

You hadn't been able to buy a house for an ounce of gold before WWI, and logically, the value of gold wouldn't shift if some other good hyperinflated. If, for example, a potato costs $0.20 now and suddenly a potato-planet with a quintillion potatoes on it emerged from the warp tomorrow, reducing the price of potatoes to $0.000000000001, gold wouldn't somehow independently skyrocket in price to $50K. It'd only skyrocket in price compared to potatoes.
Gold would only have become that valuable if it had absorbed such a large monetary premium. You could argue that it did, but the premium would have been on the order of x100: if we assume a house to cost $300K and the current gold price of $1.6K per ounce, then the purchasing power of gold would've had to go up by a multiplier of 187.5 for one ounce to buy such a house.

>> No.51482349

>hyperinflation of Venezuela will look like a walk in park

>> No.51482357

Debt will be paid in gold bonds once the gold realises it's true value

>> No.51482400

>issue a trillion gold bonds
>can't pay 'em
>oops he he to stop the speculators we have temporarily suspended the convertibility of coupons into gold, holders will be compensated in dollars
>thank you for the gold, goyim

>> No.51482404

rates will keep rising and dollar will deflate more and gold price will crash
jesus christ the amount of copium has reached level of total delusion, might as well say the sun will rise from the west

>> No.51482438

Gradually, I began to hate them.

>> No.51482495

Just the opposite. Japan, for example, holds US debt in the trillions. When it decides it wants its dollars back from the USA, the USA will have to either default or create dollars to pay with. Japan can then use those dollars to buy assets in the USA driving up prices. China is already doing this. It has around three trillion dollars just sitting there. They stopped buying US bonds and are using those dollars to buy US assets and gold.

>> No.51482591

they hold US bonds but each of them have even bigger external debt (which must be denominated in dollar)
every single country will default because of this and there will be dollar liquidity crisis aka hyperdeflation
your understanding is fundamentally retarded and inverted

>> No.51482796

What do you mean by external debt? Japan is owed dollars from the USA that the USA will have to borrow from the Fed.

>> No.51482818
File: 155 KB, 1400x750, Screenshot 2022-09-17 at 7.38.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no more stupid question please

>> No.51482858
File: 195 KB, 1424x832, Screenshot 2022-09-17 at 7.43.05 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51483057

today a 1oz pure silver bullion coin would not buy you blowjob unless from a diseased old hobo.
as for gold, well it would buy you a decent mountain bike.

>> No.51483117

>denominated in usd = usa owns the debt

Kys, I really mean it. Kys.

>> No.51483158

one day (soon) all these stupidities will catch up with you, you think dollar will hyperinflate while it will hyperdeflate and you'll lose it all and you'll die in the depression, and i want you to remember this, you fucking deserve it
fuck you horde of morons financial illiterate, get the fuck outta this board
cap this

>> No.51483188

>He doesn't understand there's currently a dollar shortage globally, which is why the USD is rising in value
you sound like one of those debtmax fags

>> No.51483210

>dollar will hyperdeflate
When are they going to burn 90% supply?

>> No.51484002

The US will just rugpull the world economy and trigger WWIII. They want this.

>> No.51484154

>quarter of a silver
fox aches what happened to this place

>> No.51484162

If Weimar happens again people will be using crypto not pm’s

>> No.51484493

Estimates are that there is is currently around $1 quadrillion USD in value in the world. If gold were to become the primary means of monetary account/exchange for all nations, then the value relative to current prices can be calculated based on $1 quadrillion USD / available above-ground gold. On rough estimates the current calculation means that if gold were to replace fiat currencies at current levels the equivalent price would be about $170,000 USD per troy ounce.

During hyperinflation and other catestrophic events the nominal value of real estate typically increases but the real value often decreases as there is a surge of emigration to escape the event. I don't know if this kind of real price collapse would happen if the US hyperinflated because the US is currently the world reserve currency and it may not trigger a surge of emigration, but even if prices don't drop it would still mean 5-10oz of gold for a very nice house in the US. If gold revalued to become the primary unit of exchange in a monetarily "isolated" nation such as Venezuela or Germany, I would expect a surge of emigration to collapse real house prices at the same time, which could easily bring the figure down to 1-2oz of gold.

>> No.51484640

You identified part of the reason venezuelan and weimar homes and industry were so inexpensive in gold and silver terms. They lose value in real terms because who the fuck wants to live in the Weimar republic after the socialist experiment destroys the whole country? You could just walk out of there and into neighbouring countries but if you want to be able to leave with something, you'll have to be able to take it with you physically.

>> No.51484758

in the end they will force cbdc on us. the only question is when will it happen

>> No.51484798

This time is different because it's the death of all fiat currencies simultaneously.

>> No.51484807
File: 2.29 MB, 320x568, 1663354676089165.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51484823

How does that make it different? If anything that makes it more of a necessity. There is no escape to preserve your wealth in other currencies/stock markets.

>> No.51484836

Because you can't do this forever, it's very expensive.
The debt load will cripple the system eventually.

>> No.51484848

But where exactly do you go to protect your wealth?

And please don't say cryptocurrencies.

>> No.51484909

1) Yes, in theory gold should skyrocket in this scenario as people realize they have to protect their wealth. They won't be able to hide in fiat like the USD that's being spared
2) Problem is, the economy is being burned down. That means there's an unprecedented level of supply destruction. You'll have money if you have gold, but what will there be left to buy if nobody is producing anything anymore. Land I suppose.

>> No.51484980

Give the mountain bike to the diseased old hobo and pay yourself for a blowjob, and Wallah! Just like that the US Dollar Crisis will never be a problem again.

>> No.51484995

>But where exactly do you go to protect your wealth?
hard assets that you own completely
Can you lose it on a boating accident? Buy it

>> No.51484997

Eh I think some parts of the world are way less leveraged and indebted. It's mostly the West (EU, NA and Japan) that are gonna get completely wiped out. Some parts of Asia are gonna be fine, by comparison.

>> No.51485228

Maybe. It's hard to say how this will play out in such globally integrated economy. They might be okay if they aren't big food importers.

>> No.51486742

Half of that is owed to the BoJ, meaning it is just phony accounting. The other half is owed to the Japanese people who will wait patiently for a return. Japan will not default on its debt. The USA will either default directly or through inflation. Oh, and eat a bag of dicks, asshole.

>> No.51486783
File: 193 KB, 1410x1230, Screenshot 2022-09-17 at 1.32.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're looking at the wrong debt you stupid fucking mongrel
4 trillion international debt
please don't pretend like you know shit, nobody's buying your stupid posts

>> No.51486868
File: 130 KB, 1392x696, Screenshot 2022-09-17 at 1.39.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hyperinflashyun retards are the cringiest motherfucker in the universe, they usually come hand to hand with being PM retards as well
you're all redneck mongrel incel from midwest with mad max delusion that know nothing about anything

hold 1.2 trillion
debt 4.6 trillion
where do they get the 3.4 trillion fucking US DOLLARS to pay their debt?
go back to kindergarten

>> No.51486887

few things about this, 1 is that as hyperinflation begins actively ruining lives people stop buying houses (plummeting demand) and many end up selling their houses just to survive, or to get as much of their wealth as they can and get the fuck out of the country (soaring supply).
you can probably guess what happens when both demand drops and supply increases

2 is that gold gets new value as a de-facto currency. it may never be officially used as legal tender, but unofficially people will accept it while using bank notes as toilet paper. you can see this in any society that experiences such things, you could see it recently in venezuela with people paying barbers in gold flakes
currency is still needed in apocalyptic scenarios

>> No.51486899
File: 585 KB, 2482x1224, 2 Money, Banking, and Credit in Eastern Europe 1966 Fed Admission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Private banks create all money, NOT government. Banks create new digital money when they lend. The money you borrow from the bank did not exist before you signed the loan contract. The entire money supply is created this way.

This was the same system used in the Weimar republic. Therefore, private banks create hyperinflation, NOT government.

Proofs at:

>> No.51486904

holy fuck does gold really give such aneurysms to the average NPC?

>> No.51486930
File: 535 KB, 1206x1473, Byron Dale letter from US Treasury.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Private banks create all money, NOT government.
The entire money supply is created by private banks who create the digital money they lend.

Too much money creation causes hyperinflation. Therefore, PRIVATE BANKS cause hyperinflation, NOT government.

proofs at:

>> No.51486944

doesn't matter because banks follow the interest rate benchmark set by the fed
the fed controls the entire world economy, not just US

>> No.51486957
File: 434 KB, 1700x2200, Library of Congress money creation admission 1983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the Library of Congress admits that private banks create new money out of thin air when they lend. Too much money creation causes hyperinflation.

Private banks cause hyperinflation, NOT government.

proofs at:

>> No.51487007
File: 41 KB, 480x360, Jerry Nelson Federal Reserve bank of Chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 12 Federal Reserve banks are privately-owned by the banks in their district. So when you say the Fed controls the money supply, you are admitting that PRIVATE BANKS control the money supply.

Here's a 14 minute video of Chicago Fed spokesman Jerry Nelson admitting that the 12 Federal Reserve banks are private corporations with unlimited money creation power. (Skip to 4:17 to hear his admission) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N-8DyPoNgU

more proofs at:

>> No.51487114
File: 143 KB, 1364x352, Screenshot 2022-09-17 at 1.55.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're implying they're trying to create hyperinflation
then why do they raise the rates? they should've just printing

i mean is it not normal to be angry when facing such a level of grandiose stupidity, it's like when people are disgusted looking at trannies or stupid niggers

>> No.51487478

>Implying the Boomers who own all of the housing and food supply will accept your Internet money

>> No.51487570

This. The best thing to be in this situation is a cattle farmer. We'll soon be back to the times when a man's wealth was measured in the number of cattle he owned.

>> No.51487671
File: 3.91 MB, 244x200, Silver.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will buy so many 16 year old virgins with my silver when the great reset hits. I can't wait to form my own sex slave harem, I want to buy so many little girls, and take away their rights since Woman deserve no rights.

>> No.51487675

Bro why are you spamming this here? We all know this shit, go and spam this on Boomer faceberg groups. Christ next you'll be telling us the CIA killed Kennedy as if it's some revelation LMAO