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51478657 No.51478657 [Reply] [Original]

>complained about having a bad day at work
>girlfriend immediately sees this as a sign of weakness and starts losing her feelings
why are women so cruel and heartless bros

>> No.51478677

Maybe don't date heartless cruel women anon, pretty simple

>> No.51478683

dump her. she will be nothing but a pain and will get you killed in the upcoming world war against jews

>> No.51478700

Ask her, 'was Hitler wrong?'
Then use that answer to the question 'should I dump her?'

>> No.51478704

They're all like that anon

>> No.51478721

Women are the LINK of gender, token not needed.

>> No.51478742


>> No.51478765

Sounds like my ex. She is now basically in the gutter and I am a multi thousandaire.

>> No.51478843
File: 2.10 MB, 4920x4161, premaritalsexdivorcestatistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was unironically one of the hardest redpills to swallow for me.

Never trust a woman. Always put up the facade around them. Too many times I've seen a relationship go sideways because a man fell for the "open up" meme and told his girlfriend about his insecurities or his past trauma, and cutie patootie lovey doovy who would never heart a fly loses all attraction and sees him as someone she can control or abuse.

But you don't need to go through hardship in life alone. Trust in your bros.

Women do not care about your mental health. As much as women like to say they want a man who is in touch with his feelings, they don’t. If you open up to them, they will see you differently, not respect you as much, and most likely use it against you in an argument. Express your feelings to your homies not your girl.
Its blatantly true. We are not so different from our ancestors. Caveman thinking and lizard brain reasoning still runs strong in our blood, especially when it comes to the subconscious about very basic stuff like mate selection.

In general, from a woman's subconscious point of view, a man should always be strong and never show weakness. Because a weak man is a liability and possibly cannot defend her or provide for her or the family. A woman might consciously think that its great that her man is showing his vulnerable side to her, and she consoles him. But deep inside she feels weird, it gnaws at her and she will never look at him the same way again. She can't really put it into words.

>> No.51478854

Unironically beat the shit out of her

>> No.51478931

Couple of points
1. If your girl isn’t your doting slave you aren’t really in a relationship
2. Define complained about having a bad day, because if you are a little bitch that gets all hurt over something or someone treating you badly literally anyone would lose respect for you, even your friends, even your parents, in fact I suspect that your parents are to blame if you are this way. They must have never taken you seriously, they must have considered you like some sort of cute little pet they shat out if they encouraged crying over something not going your way. If something happened to you that wasn’t right get pissed off, if something happened to you that was an accident or no big deal then act like it’s no big deal. I’ve noticed only children really struggle with this shit.

>> No.51479039

Can confirm. I've only had experience with a few but even when it comes to just flirting or getting to know each other everytime I say anything about my feelings it pretty much kills the entire relationship in an instant. Same women who will tell you how much feminism cares about mens feelings while it's complete bullshit when it comes to actual attraction.

>> No.51479117

>he talks to wymminz
ngmi op.

>> No.51479137

You shouldn’t have dumb bitch feelings, you shouldn’t want a partner with dumb bitch feelings

>> No.51479149

You need to fuck the absolute shit out of her and she will see it as you taking your emotions out in a dominating way and will fall for you even more.

>> No.51479167

Truly, leverage is everything in life.

I would like to hit you in the back of the head with a rock while you walk to your car randomly.

>> No.51479169

>multi thousandaire
I hope to get there

>> No.51479182

Sorry OP but most women are like this, going forward NEVER show your weakness or insecurities. Hide them at all costs.

Anyone I have opened up to my girlfriend I have instantly regretted it and could feel the attraction she had for me leaving my body. Never will make that mistake again.

Unironically beat her.

>> No.51479330

Holy shit this is 100% on point. I fucking hate women.

>> No.51479351

that image. this is fucking tragic. we are FUCKED

>> No.51479408
File: 82 KB, 500x578, 652397356268c8c841cfc137e8e14924d35f20a4_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man speaks the truth. Ignore it at your peril.

>> No.51479462

OP a lot of posters here say your woman is losing respect for you on a subconscious level, that it's about evolution or you appearing weak...

I'm gonna tell you the harsher truth here. She is consciously, deliberately showing you disinterest and disrespect just to make you feel shitty. And she's probably doing it because she's jealous of your job or that you care about your job and are frustrated about not being able to do as well as you'd like. So if you have potential for a better job down the road, her rudeness here can be masked in the past as "I just wanted anon to reach his full potential and not deal with shitty jobs anymore". And in the present, she's doing it to make you feel isolated. But it's all willful and petty.

>> No.51479480

I bet an aggressive rape would change her opinion of you being weak.

>> No.51479521


Same here. I lost my mind and received zero support. She'd actually get mad me, because I was the problem. I would always joke about "when I'm a millionaire" I'll do this and that. Jokes on her 'cause I was always a millionaire. Now she is my ex and she works a nightshift. Kek.

>> No.51479539

Maybe the question you should ask yourself is why can't YOU be heartless if you know that that's what women want?

>> No.51479540

>Always put up the facade around them. Too many times I've seen a relationship go sideways because a man fell for the "open up" meme and told his girlfriend about his insecuritie

The solution to that is to not care about her more than she cares about you in the first place.

I tell my gf when I want to kill myself, because I don't care if she decides to dump me. I hardly like her. The only thing I'll miss dearly are her blowjobs.

>> No.51479564

Because they’re subhumans, never have feelings for a hole. They are literally just meant to be slaves sex objects for men and is what they were for thousands of years before the Jews inverted the natural order

>> No.51479573

This is true, and wonderfully clearly described.

I fell into this trap with a slightly horse faced but banging tight-body red head cycling christian chick, who was "sensitive" and "empathetic" she wanted us to be "fully honest with each other" and at the time I was thinking that radical honesty make life much simpler, and lying is immoral and never works out in the long run. Well, I can now confidently say, that there are times you have to dress up the truth, or omit certain facts, and one of those times is when interacting with women. Being honest and telling her I didn't really enjoy gossiping, or talking about what was on my mind regards the fun I want to have in the bedroom (even if no actual sexual intercourse before marriage I was fine with that) but especially sharing my real self by sending memes I found funny, and especially my plans to leave my job and transition my career to do more interesting work caused her to greatly lose attraction. It took a few months, but she let me know that we "weren't compatible". She didn't care about my carefully thought out ways for us to navigate the complex future or my inner feelings, it was a trick to sniff out any weakness or any threat to her (wrong) normie ideals of security.

Women operate on simple immediate short term feelings and social norms, and they will never, ever think beyond surface level to solve a problem. So plan for this, if you ever aim to form a long term relationship with a woman: you will have to be the one to come up with creative solutions to problems. Do not consult with her, only feed her the fantasies she wants to hear. Have clear rules, habits, and guide rails for her, stick to them even if she seethes. Show polite forcefulness now and then, but also show her strong love. As other anon said, without saying it explicitly, communicate that you expect her to be a doting slave or else seriously move towards breakup if she won't get back in her place.

>> No.51479627

Hitler lost, so he was wrong about something at some point.

>> No.51479658

This is retarded. Why are you trying to have a long term relationship built off lies? If she doesn't genuinely like you then you're wasting your time.

>> No.51479679

I think I worded it a bit poorly. I'll elaborate, don't open up about your weaknesses and darkest secrets. Got molested? Feel like giving up? Depressed? keep that shit to yourself.

There's a very fine line you have to balance when it comes to "opening" up to your woman. It's possible for sure, but the main point is that if your views you as weak, its OVER. It's very much possible to be an emotionally expressive man without being a weak pussy or having her lose feelings, but, very fine line.

>> No.51479696

Why would you want someone commonly around you if they don't respect you during hardships?

>> No.51479700

you got strung along by some woman who had no intention of sleeping with you and here you are giving relationship advice. goddamn incel website i sware ill bash all of u on me mums life

>> No.51479710

This guy is telling the truth. If only 9k could appreciate this truth they wouldn't feel so bad about being virgins.

>> No.51479734
File: 1.63 MB, 480x852, 1628454567281.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you ever aim to form a long term relationship with a woman
not a wise investment....just saying

>> No.51479742

its impossible to rape someone you're in a relationship with. maybe you could rape someone else and let her see you doing it

>> No.51479751

This. I cried in front of my girlfriend once about a friend passing and that spelled the end for our relationship. It wasnt even full on sobbing, just a tear.

>> No.51479771
File: 520 KB, 1170x1152, wojakgood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about a man experiencing hardships, it's about her perceiving you as weak (unfortunately in some situations where it's not even your fault like depression, she will subconsciously look down on you otherwise. Although I've seen exceptions for sure). If anything, being able to successfully navigate your darkest times and emotions will be quite attractive to her. You cannot lean onto her when you are down because you are the formidable rock that she leans on.

I'm sorry to hear that man. I opened up to my girlfriend about being depressed after losing a pretty important tournament to me and I'll never forget how quickly her demeanor around me changed, from warm and receptive to cold and careless. Really fucked with me. Ironically, I saw on r*ddit of all places that this actually has happened to a bunch of other guys too. If you go onto a male oriented subreddit and search the keyword "open up" or whatever you'll get very similar stories.

>> No.51479779

All this tells me is that even women who idealize marriage, "wait for the right one" and often repress their sexuality (ex. age 26 on the chart), only report happiness, stability, and non-divorce 50-55% of the time, and God knows how many women are lying due to Stockholm Syndrome or religious fear.

>> No.51479819

It was kind of over around that time anyway we had already broken up, but were still seeing each other cause we couldnt find anyone better/bored/alone , but it definitely was the final nail in the coffin.

Oh well, sometimes you just gotta lose to learn. I didn't want to marry her. But the next girl I date I will not be fucking that up.

>> No.51479852
File: 2.13 MB, 1647x911, adaw8j9das89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just accept it bros and be a man. To be a man is to not care about this sort of shit, to get on with things, to solve his problems on his own and keep on your path no matter what shit tries to pull you off.

>> No.51480098

No they're not, God you sound like a woman. Are you going to turn gay too because only men are precious honest intelligent humans? stop dating disgusting people. The majority are horrible people ... the good ones are always dormant and don't overbreed like animals so they're always in the minority.

>> No.51480112

Uh huh and you're such formidable people yourselves and not careless cold assholes yourselves? I'd like to believe you cunts aren't lying to me, but I doubt it.

>> No.51480134

stay with your homies or keep looking for a way to get rich, dextools ends up being more useful than any woman as emotional support

>> No.51480142

My chad friend lost his arm in a motorcycle accident and his gf still stays loyal and by his side because he is a chad, despite his constant agony and pain. If you are natural a bitchboy nothing will keep a woman beside you and that’s just life. the best thing for you to do is to pay for women and treat them like absolute shit. You should also beat your current woman with your fists and choke her a bit. Don’t be a pussy and hesitate or show remorse as she already thinks you are weak.

>> No.51480164

Haha not at all, I've just learned not to rely on my woman too much for emotional support, and definitely not break down infront of her.

christ dude lmfao

>> No.51480172

Yeah, I was foolish enough to believe in building a life-long marriage with a woman as equal partners. I can only talk about the lessons I have learned, which is that the man must dominate with skills and rescouces 10 times stronger than the woman, in all areas. Even emotional and psychology. The woman should not be your equal, but its OK to let her play pretend that she is to her friends and family.
I am not upset at missing out on sex, I've had plenty, it is a short term sacrifice I am willing to make to ensure a solid long term relationship. And, as a matter of principle I don't want to ruin a virgin girl if she isn't going to marry me. I did get plenty of playtime with her double D pink nipple boobies though and ate her virgin cunny, which was delicious.