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File: 1.77 MB, 1327x845, quantum-computer-2944357064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51477834 No.51477834 [Reply] [Original]

>destroys crypto
heh, nothin' personnel kid

>> No.51477915

that's a refrigerator

>> No.51478079

we had this discussion a gorillion times sha256 can't be cracked completely, you can only weaken it with quantum bullshit,
kys newfag

>> No.51478086

I like how you say that as if you're so sure, fucking jackass.

>> No.51478130

What is that like a fancy microwave or some shit ?

>> No.51478139

looks fancy but thats only like 10 quantum bits or less. hardly a crypto destroyer

>> No.51478205


>> No.51478241

It's a close up of a sprinkler head for a fire alarm

>> No.51478345

>git add --all
>git commit -m "Upgrade from secp256k1 ECDSA to Quantum-resistant signature scheme Dilithium"
>git push
heh, nothin' personnel quantufags

>> No.51478369

>just rework the complete digital signature method for Bitcoin bro.

good luck getting consensus on that, kek.

>> No.51478405

Quantum computing is a literal meme that no one on this anime posting website understands even enough to have a decent debate about it

>> No.51478419

haircomb does have consensus

>> No.51478473

>good luck getting consensus to stop a potential chain-destroying threat
and that's if it ever becomes a threat at all, quantum computing is as much of a meme as fusion power

>> No.51478477

The amount of cope in this thread
Bearish for crypto

>> No.51478501

So the same governments that created crypto are going to destroy it also? I dont think you know what is going on OP.

>> No.51478506

It’s an AI dilator for for trannies.

>> No.51478532

I think the computation needed to break Keccak or secp256k1 is absurd.... 1,461,501,637,330,902,918,203,684,832,716,283,019,655,932,542,976 possible addresses.

If the quantum computer can guess all these digits daily and search for the biggest wallets with BTC and Eth then yes it is a major problem to the entire Crypto system.


>> No.51478562

we are at least a decade away (probably 2 or 3 decades away)
and post-quantum crypto NIST standardisation and subsequent attacks attempt are still in very stages
for sure at some point an emergency BIP will be formalized, so if a threat becomes real it will be just a matter of mining+user clients signaling for BIP emergency activation
if you think we will just sit here and wait for BTC to be destroyed you are fucking wrong

>> No.51478582

it's a hashing algo and it's quantum-resistant already, just like SHA256
not quantum resistant, but combined with Streamlined NTRU Prime (sntrup) for example can make attacks impossible (or maybe not, and we need a better signing algo)

>> No.51478748

Eth uses elliptic curve cryptography (ECDSA) to do privkey -> pubkey. ECDSA is difficult to 'reverse' because of the discreet log problem. Quantum computers break discrete logs. Consensus seems to be you need 6n qubits where n is key length, and Eth uses 256 bit ECC keys, so a 1536 qubit computer could do pubkey - > privkey, sign transactions as you, and take your shit

>> No.51478770

I understand quantum computing very well but you're correct so there's no need to debate anything

>> No.51478776

That's just with Shor's and Grover's and only as we know it today.

But we will migrate in the future when it does become weakened enough.

>> No.51478790

crypto is just another charity collection for kikes now. its less than worthless. might as well donta money to catholics for gold trinkets or buy fake blessings from insane rabbis. you are just donating to scum at this point participating in any markets

>> No.51479100

Doesn't that mean it's fairly close? If that has 10quibits, even just making 150 of those things and connecting them couldn't be that hard or am I missing something. I should note that I am mentally retarded

>> No.51479227

if someone gets a quantum computer capable of that wouldn’t they first collect as many bags and holders addresses before doing anything??
assuming this person or entity would be some nation state like china or america or euro whose decided crypto needs to die.

>> No.51479377

Nobody is gonna get their hands on their own quantum computer. They will all be ran by states or institutions. So if anything happens its because of a Bad State sanctioned actor.

You need near zero temps for a quantum computer to work so its not gonna be like a personal computer anybody can have.

>> No.51479395

Says the cunt saying it as if you're so fucking sure. Dumb fucking negroid cunt

>> No.51480788

is that your mom's dildo?

>> No.51480995

It wasn't rigged, it was fortified

>> No.51481008

Thank god, at least we can trust the states and institutions to not do anything bad.

>> No.51481147

you cant make a quantum computer do the calculation you want cause its predetermined bullshittery

>> No.51481201

Its just bait, there is not a single person on this planet that doesnt know post quantum encryption has already been invented and that way more important stuff relies on the same cryptography, like the nukes, banking system, and so on.

Encryptions have been broken before, its a nothing burger.

>> No.51481214

>pink id
there's a difference between genuinely breaking encryption and gaining access, having a backdoor, etc

>> No.51481213

You just fork to a quantum resistant algorithm and literally 0 btc stakeholders will object. Because it's either that or lose your coins.
Can you guys stop this meme now?

>> No.51482111

true and yet idiots here still think its a meme or a scam
its the simplest way to 'lock' bitcoin against QC attacks so its likely to win out long term over dedicated post quantum blockchain
so claim a few and forget about it

>> No.51482178
File: 110 KB, 1019x900, 1631905757231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future is now.

>> No.51482191
File: 99 KB, 1024x1104, bitcoin-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know how crypto works
hashing is immune to QC, idiot
and public signatures can move to post-QC algorithms

>> No.51482765

>cant even calculate binary faster than a standard supercomputer
>has to emulate it at an even slower speed
>somehow can end crypto

>> No.51482828

you guys should be less worried about crypto being cracked and more worried about the 20+ years of internet activity you've engaged in that has been archived by organisations like the NSA, GCHQ etc etc and will be immediately decrypted when these governments get quantum computers. We are in the worst possible era where everyone is using non-quantum resistant encryption while also being right on the cusp of seeing quantum computers realised