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51476895 No.51476895 [Reply] [Original]

the WEF kikes and the deepstatee shills are working non stop for their globohomo great reset coin. we have to resist this satanic takeover of the world. if you don't stand up to these pedophile blood magic Baal worshipers, they're gonna enslave you and make your kids half nigger mutt faggots.

we have to report all Chainlink shills and wipe them off the board. that's the only way we can have an all white nation under our lord and savior Jesus Christ again

>> No.51477300
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>mixing lies with truth in order to shill jewish poison

>> No.51477323
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take ur meds schizo

>> No.51477325
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>uses "kikes" instead of jews, like the JlDF does
>goes on to promote (((christianity)))
Then later:
As expected.

>> No.51477334

The final redpill is to become the jew.

>> No.51477339
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Friendly reminder that you should always call jews jews. They fear that! Calling them "kikes" helps them more than harm them, because:

• it plays into their Christianity hoax and makes their Scheinkampf (pretend-fight) against Christianity seem real, thereby promoting Christianity ("kike" is said to originate from the jew word for circle and supposedly the origin of "kike" is that jews refused to use a cross instead of a circle on some document, so they supposedly used a circle instead).

• to normalfags it sounds like a "racist slur" like, like nigger, which makes the enemies of the jews seem bad/evil/racist.

• another reason it's best to call jews simply jews is because every time they're called jews it helps instill into the subconscious of normalfags that jew=bad. It's already a word with a somewhat negative connotation around the world, but we need to make it even more negative/bad sounding. Calling them "kikes", or anything else other than jew, doesn't advance that goal.

Notice how JIDF shills (when larping as anti-jewish non-jews) almost always use the word "kikes" and avoid using the word jews. That's because of all the above. They much prefer it when their enemies use the word "kike", or anything else other than jews - for example "hebrews" or "semites".

>> No.51477349
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>> No.51477355
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>> No.51477357
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>> No.51477367
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>> No.51477378
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>implying their opponent is crazy etc
Also typical tactics of JlDF agents.

>> No.51477402
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>t. Cohen Foreskincollectorstein

>> No.51477437

we can see you glowie. nobody believes your kike lies. whites like me have a second sense for your kind. next your gonna tell me space is real and aliens are coming. we're onto you. soon everyone will know the earth is flat and your power will come crashing down, even harder than LINK