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51471479 No.51471479 [Reply] [Original]

Fellas, I'm in absolute shambles right now. Everything in my portfolio is tanking hard.

>> No.51471692

you either bought at a wrong time or got too greedy and didnt take profits, wait it out or cut losses, learn from it and set a new strategy

>> No.51471763
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Your immortal soul couldn't possibly give less of a fuck about the amount of shekels you accumulate in this life. This realm is truly what we understand as hell, with the exception that Satan must still fight to maintain his control here. One only needs to see that it is ruled by Satan-worshipping "jews" to know it's true. Seek validation and salvation outside of Satan's den of vice and you'll never be demoralized again.

>> No.51471817
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>> No.51471848

jesus dude, that was brutal

>> No.51472050

I want one of these cards

>> No.51472172
File: 276 KB, 716x1560, roastme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51472204
File: 492 KB, 2254x1438, roastme2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wrong one kek

>> No.51472826

post moar
also old captcha is back thank god

>> No.51473124

damn she got rekt lmao

>> No.51473217

Sell. Hold cash and wait for things to start improving. Nothing is more demoralizing than waiting for your portfolio to go up when the market is screaming at you to sell.
You'll find when you do this that you start rooting for the markets to crash so you can slurp the cheapies.

>> No.51473309

She didn't kill herself cause of roasting. That's what got her internet fame. She became a social media influencer/model after that and had a large following. She killed herself because she had mental illness

>> No.51473390

>when the market is down 80%+ thats when its screaming at you to sell

brainlet take. market was screaming to sell above 60k

>> No.51473534

Brainlet move was holding from 60k, expecting it to get better as it dropped to 45k, then to 25k, and finally below 20k.
It can still drop by half. OP still has time to rescue his portfolio and save himself a few more months of agony.

>> No.51473585

Tax harvest
I sometimes go so far as to make losing trades to offset gains elsewhere to stay in a lower tax bracket
My favorite hobby is starving the beast