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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51469959 No.51469959 [Reply] [Original]

>moved into grandpas basement apartment because “Muh economy”
>$200 for rent and utilities
>family has no idea I own two homes fully rented out and managed in another state
>$1200 cash flow
>$100k in cash
>$80k in crypto
I am now retired. Suck it dweebs

>> No.51469998

Wow so you’re underpaying your own family for use of their assets?
That’s low as fuck even for a Jew.

>> No.51470010

>Retired in 6figures and 1.2k/month
Are you retarded?

>> No.51470037

Rent you gramps a hooker, he deserves it

>> No.51470063

You don't need to work if you can cover food shelter and an internet connection

>> No.51470087

In 10 years it won’t be. Gramps is young and healthy. Next step is becoming his best friend and getting more inheritance. He’s got 8 figs+ and only 6 people to split it between. I’m done working for life whether you agree or not faygut. I just go on drives and hang with friends and fuck tinder gorls pretending to work during work weeks

>> No.51470107
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Jealous, hmmm envious maybe?

>> No.51470312

I wouldn't stop until 7-8figs then live my life

>> No.51470322

Not envious of you in the slightest. No amount of money is worth betraying my already low morals.

>> No.51470325

anon don't do this to yourself, I am serious

>> No.51470819

The amount of seethe and jealousy in this thread is astonishing. You all can get fukt

>> No.51470823

but you live in a basement.

>> No.51470837

It’s ok for rich neets to live with mom and dad because “rent is so damn high”
But if I wanna pay my grandpa to occupy his basement and give him company I’m just filth huh? Go back to work wagie

>> No.51470862

It’s a fully furnished apartment with private yard and pool/spa access. It rents for $2k per month. I am taking what in deserve from the hard work of my ancestors

>> No.51470913

No, you’re lying about your assets and lowballing your own fucking family, paying them 1/10th of what their assets are worth. You are absolutely a lowlife sack of shit.
I hope they find out and you get nothing and lose all your shit.

>> No.51470933

rent free and cringepilled

>> No.51470973

He offered it to me
I’ve never made more than $40k per year in my life yet i decimate people like you. I own TWO homes. From $40k per year. Let that sink in faggot. I play life like a game and I’ve learned that morality is a tax for the stupid. If morality got you ahead Walmart would sell you items at-cost. But no, there is no morality. Middlemen win every time. I win. You lose.

>> No.51471005

I'd do the same in a heartbeat if my mom wasn't mentally ill. Can't be bothered living with a nutter sorry bros

>> No.51471048

whatever bro, that you come here to brag shows you're a faggot. simple as.

>> No.51471049
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>>That’s low as fuck even for a Jew.
>he preaches to anons calling themselves /biz/raeli on the board for learning how to be the jewiest jew a jew could

>> No.51471063

I’m separated by a long walk and two flights of stairs. He never bothers me. My privacy is preserved.

>> No.51471110

I came here for the seethe and I am left fat and happy. I enjoy the jealousy because I told fags like you how to win in life when I was waging but nobody wanted to agree with me.
“But anon houses are so expensive why would you risk that” - fellow wagie in 2015. Yes I worked for 9 years to get to this position and now I’m in euphoria.
That wagie represents 90% of you. Get fucked.

>> No.51471397

No one is jealous of you. Sorry anon but we just aren't.

>> No.51471419

fake and gay larp. Do better next time op

>> No.51471423

Absolute gigachad

Faggot cuck low IQ

>> No.51471444


>Other people success annoys me/its not real

Jesus christ you 2 should actually shot yourselves in the head youre both incredibly worthless and retarded

>> No.51471460

Honestly Ive never met a successfull person that hates other people success

This is how I know most retards seething at OP are absolutely low life sub-humans that will never be rich

>> No.51471508

Kek. Several of my friends are doing far better than you are, (4-5 homes). That's why I'm not impressed. You own 2 houses, well done. Ripping off your family, piece of shit.
Anyway enjoy the (yous) I'm out.

>> No.51471686
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morality is only a tax for the stupid for people who don't feel shame. financial situations can change, but you'll alwys have to live with lying about your assets and ripping your grandpa off, even if he offered.

>> No.51471746

>moved into grandpas basement
enjoy breathing radon gas

>> No.51471822

How does it feel to be lower middle class in California?

>> No.51471829

I'm very disappointed in you Robert. But you are my only grandson and I love you.

>> No.51472567

pathetic larp thread /sadged

>> No.51472700

He really thinks he's such a badass trying to brag on 4chan hahaha like some kind of savant. Nobody cares. The fact that uou posted this means you want someone to justify it for you by saying how cool it Is.

>> No.51472781

Fucking psychopath. I hope some deppresed guy with ubersmench morals kill you with an axe in the head, you'll die alone in a pile of cash because you won't have anybody in your family to share your wealth with. You're the scum of the earth, fucking your own family up for personal gain, even jews would feel appalled by your behaviour

>> No.51472815

>$200 for rent and utilities
Wow what an asshole. Should let his grandkid stay for free, but then again maybe he sees through your bullshit and knows you have more than you let on

>> No.51472871

>rentoids burst the pipes
>don’t tell you till 3 weeks later
>houses soaked
>black mold all over
>dry wall gone
>Aircon set to 50
>Aircon busted
>black mold all over the vents
>also let rodents infest the attic
>rentoids complain of breathing problems and sue you

Rentoids are the real parasites

>> No.51472886

Based Robert kyosaki cash flow > expenses

>> No.51472912


my man you're grossing 1200 a month. in no way is that comfortable anywhere that anyone wants to actually live. enjoy sitting in your grandpas basement and ordering dominos i guess

>> No.51472947

Seethe landbitch

>> No.51472993

It is common practice for Jews to Jew their family. At least for the shekel grabber and Satanist kinds. The religious and working class Jews show more respect to their family.

>> No.51473017

>No one is jealous of you. Sorry anon but we just aren't.

I am. I hate working.

Luckily i am like this guy and own my property outright. saving for another one now.

>> No.51473191


>> No.51473247

cope poorfag

>> No.51473270

i doubt a nonce like you knows anyone of value , fuck off scrub

>> No.51473293

My boss bought a house to live in when he went to university (easy and cheap mortgages back then). He rented out the empty rooms and turned a profit from it while studying. When he was done he continued to rent out the house to students. One year the rentoids met a young homeless man around their age before they went home for Christmas. They felt sorry for him and let him stay in the house while they were gone. When they came back everything was stolen, there was garbage and used needles everywhere. It turned out this young man was a drug addict, and had invited most of the drug community in this city over the holiday. Constant drug fuelled parties. The rentoids called my boss, he had to travel 6 hours to help them clean up and assess the damage. Can't even sue for damages because they have no money.

He got a Syrian refugee family later, he said they were the dream rentoids. Used to living in a shitty third world house, so they never complain. And the Government pay their rent.

I am never going to be a landlord, too much risk compared to the rewards.

>> No.51473329

Anyways, here's the rent

>> No.51473352

ez money bitch , now begone

>> No.51473406

Yeah, fuck you too, man, i'm out

>> No.51473536

You rent out two homes and only rake in 1200/month? Tf?

>> No.51473569

>me calling your fake and gay larp fake and gay
>REEEEEE shoot yourself in the head sirs!!!1!!!
>blatant samefagging
Lol op. Again, do better next time.

>> No.51474204

thats after i pay the mortgages dumbass. i made 40k per year and have 500k mortgaged out. i have 10x my annual income as a net worth. something none of you can say you have. I WIN

I am in utah.

man theres so much cope. you protect yourself by calling me a liar. that is called ENVY. you cant comprehend someone else having it better than you, so you find every reason to dissuade me of my hella good position i put myself in.

all successful people are psycopathic to a degree. otherwise wee wouldnt have high levels of wealth. Do you participate in pump and dump shitcoins like Dogecoin or any other Alt outside of Eth? Of course you do. DING DING DING thats psychopathic right there. youre just as evil as i am, trying to pump and dump on broke 20 year olds but you call ME the evil one.

>> No.51474224

I have amazing tenants with kids that fix shit themselves. I am very picky of my tenants. 700 credit scores, white, people who i would eat dinner with. easy to find with some patience.

>> No.51474273

That wasnt me but ok. I am the new OP. i phone posted and now im back to my PC. Seethe brokefag. your tummy craves more fast food now begone while i eat my chad homemade grilled chicken salad.

>> No.51475134

At least there is a full degree of consent in all parties involved in crypto, sometimes I win money, sometimes I lose money, everybody understands that. Meanwhile your grandpa and family think you're struggling economically while are oblivious to the fact you actually have two properties and probably more wealth than all of them combined. That's deceit, man. We're not equals. You're evil and the accumulation of capital is your top priority in life, i'm more like an antihero who searchs for virtue and the acquisition of wealth with minimal effort and time invested selling and buying shitcoins. A fucking parasite landbitch

>> No.51475255

MUH $1200 monthly cash flow
>t. poorfag with no life

>> No.51475406

it was the
>family has no idea
part you disingenuous nigger.
which is it?

>> No.51475450

What? They're screwing him. Family should let you stay for 100% free and be happy to do so and even better will make food for you. Imagine making your direct decedents pay to live with you. It would have been unheard of 100 years ago. Kill yourself rentlord scum.

>> No.51475504

Any family member who makes their kids or their kid's kids pay to live with them needs put in the grave. $200 a month is unfair not to the grandparent but the grandchild, you rent culture cuck. I'll support my kids unconditionally at cost as long as they aren't homosexuals or fat slobs or disgusting/degenerate and if they are its on me to make them look at the flowers.

>> No.51476296

> I am now retired.
Nah you're broke as fuck. "Not working" isn't worth it if it just means you live in some dingy basement for the rest of your life because you can't actually support yourself.

>> No.51476308

fyi your mario game kinda looks like a pepe

>> No.51476468

Imagine thinking your family cares about you paying stranger level rent. Fuck off faggot. Shout out to OP. I bought a house in 2020, turned it into a business renting out the rooms for 3.5k/month with a 24 hour employee moved in with my parents 5 months ago paying no rent only cellphone internet and garbage. Got 1 more room to fill lads. WAGMI.

>> No.51476503

Paying grandpa and hangin with him
Teach him vidya anon

>> No.51476688

My parents house me for free in their second house.

>> No.51476745

I’m jealous. Basically I’m just covering the extra cost of utilities also he cooks/grills for me every night.
You’re right. I should talk him into letting me stay for free.

>> No.51476765

I have more money than you in every comparison possible. Only mid 20s too so it’s perfectly acceptable. Apartment is 5 star too. I worked to get to this position. I inherited nothing yet. Jealous faggot.

>> No.51476777

Most crypto rich neets don’t tell their family. Lurk more newfag

>> No.51476790 [DELETED] 

I also live with family, but they love me and I pay for things around the house here and there. I never really mention how much I've made nor do they ask, but they know I've got money and are grateful.

>> No.51476806

This. My grandpa sees it as a win-win since he gets company daily now.

>> No.51478896

So you have rich family that can subsidize your life that speeds up the rate at which you 'made it.' Cool but that's pretty unimpressive

>> No.51478957

Sweettalk grandma so she gives you house when she dies then rent it out and move in with another relative

>> No.51479337
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anon im worried for your health you've been at this since i went to work this morning. thank u for the entertainment while i was getting paid to do nothing all day but its time to stop

>> No.51479491

Your family would make you pay for living with them? That's unironically more jewish than what that guy claims to be doing.

>> No.51479502

Take grandpa bowling.

>> No.51479511

>Gramps got 8 figs+
And there it is

>> No.51479534

my nigga you are based
all these seething copefags in this thread prove this

>> No.51479650

You just expect family to pay for your life instead?

>> No.51479685
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don t forget to larp about looking for job and running low on your savings so they don t suspect.why are you playing video game all day anon ? It s a job of new economy. i m streaming making just enough to buy food and pay your rent

>> No.51479694

I didn't say that and you know it. Stop being facetious.
If your family is asking money off you for a room your family are nothing but kikes.

>> No.51479708

I will. If I wasn't going to take care of my kids I would just kill them. I'm going to fund them as much as I can because their success is my success and even if it costs me that's OK because I knew having kids in the first place is a sacrifice.

>> No.51479748

>>$1200 cash flow
You rent two houses out and only get $1200 in cash flow? wtf? I rent out half of my duplex and get that much money. Even after mortgages, $1200 a month is less mcdonald's wages.

>> No.51479824

Congrats on your successes but you will discover you are wrong about this part.

>> No.51479863

That’s pretty comfy, I have a very similar situation at my moms with two rentals but I only pull in $900/month after mortgages. Pay her $300 and cook/good boy points. But it’s temporary and am moving back into one of the houses bc I want a family and have a job. Mortgage game is sick on both, would be nice to say Fuck it and leach off the family and quite waging. I envy you a bit

>> No.51479893

Shut the Fuck up. Unless you own it outright then you’re full of shit. My single family in high rentoid rich yuppie neighborhood nets $700 cash on cash

>> No.51480151

Maybe his grandfather likes having him around?

>> No.51480188

>>moved into grandpas basement apartment because “Muh economy”
>>$200 for rent and utilities
>>family has no idea I own two homes fully rented out and managed in another state
>>$1200 cash flow
>>$100k in cash
>>$80k in crypto
>I am now retired. Suck it dweebs
this copy pasta larp is so cringe

>> No.51480322


>> No.51480438

This anon gets it, steal her candy dish on the way out too. She has too many in the closet.

>> No.51480633

I have an apartment in my name and still pay absolutely nothing because I keep investing in shibnobi while living with my parents, it feels good to scam your parents lmao

>> No.51480679

So many shitty LARPs on /biz/ right now