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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 165 KB, 1080x815, pls buy our OLED tvs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51469647 No.51469647 [Reply] [Original]

>Hedera 3 year anniversary open access event video on Youtube
>30mins long
>some faggot from avery dennison spouting buzzwords and saying 2 more weeks
>some LG roastie shilling LG OLED tvs
>whole thing is a giant nothingburger
>Mance didnt even bother attending
>Zenobia looks like shes hit the wall harder somehow
Holy shit it really is fucking over for HBAR, isnt it?

>> No.51469681

I wanna fuck Yuna

>> No.51469688
File: 14 KB, 257x180, india.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have 100k hbar 30c dca. i am miserable

>> No.51469812

Show some respect with my Wife pleb.

>> No.51469811

i have 384k hbar 0.03 dca

been shorting bitcoin and buying hbar since 65k

>> No.51470172

Cope harder op kek. Usecases going live other coins could only dream of. Eth on life support soon one validator will own 34% top kek. Imagine even knowing about and watching this video. Rent free

>> No.51470326

>use cases going live other coins could only dream of

like what? Tell me about a couple

>> No.51471166


Cope seethe and don’t forget to dilate twice daily.

>> No.51471679

If you think people asking questions regarding your own claims of this chains usability is somehow an attack then I am certain you are holding 10lbs of dog shit in a 5lb bag.

What are the use cases

>> No.51471794
File: 131 KB, 1021x1024, 6D2D5780-ADAC-4809-B8BB-E7F1F8FC12E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> If you think people asking questions regarding your own claims of this chains usability is somehow an attack then I am certain you are holding 10lbs of dog shit in a 5lb bag.
>What are the use cases
Picrel. If you were genuinely interested you’d have been satisfied with a simple google search or clicking through the previous link. But your malintent is so palpable I can smell you dilating from here.
Op why didn’t you mention drec? That’s huge and unique to the industry. Many banks have stated that being unable to recover passwords is unacceptable.

>> No.51472120

Okay so you cannot tell me what the use cases that other chains can only dream of are, got it.

maybe the hostility towards people just learning about it is why your chain has absolutely no adoption or community and only seething bagholders, faggot.

>> No.51472178

I looked at the link and the contents were shit. It's just a chinese mobile game with NFTs shoehorned in, no innovation happened here. Apparently people are already hating it in the comments, lol

>> No.51472193

God that Korean girl looks cute af

>> No.51472327

>mobile game
Haha no it isn’t retard kek
Seeeeeeethe. Bet it’s you hating in the comments. Top fucking kek. Eth ftm ada all that other dogshit you guys hold is worthless. You know it and I know it. Hbar is the future. Helloooo future.

>> No.51472364

you are completely and utterly delusional.

>> No.51472462
File: 420 KB, 1125x1156, DF706575-BE2E-44DF-A210-7AD843ED3C1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you are completely and utterly delusional
Let the demoralization flow through you. Picrel.

>> No.51472763

>Bet it’s you hating in the comments
Then you have lost the bet, I would't use my youtube account to comment on NFT shit, that's like signing up to the scam bot newsletter. I just find it funny when reality clashes so hard with bagholder delusions

>> No.51472864

>wouldn’t use my YouTube account
You have to go back. Seriously. And it absolutely is you now that you’ve inadvertently confirmed it.

>> No.51473008

I don't get it, I went to your thread, clicked one of the youtube links, saw a generic chinese mmo copy paste job and people (rightfully) hating in the comments, then came back to state what everyone knew from the start: it's shit

>> No.51473083
File: 667 KB, 1125x1688, 883C8434-98E6-4129-B284-A751C1848321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s funny to me that you think your opinion carries any weight or has any relevance. You are a literal nobody seething about a AAA game being brought to Hedera, a landmark achievement. All you can do is seethe because it’s not on your dogshit coin. Guarantee these guys have a better feel for the market than you, again, a literal poorfag nobody writing on biz. You’re just seething and I love it.

>> No.51473171

There are no use cases. I regularly fud Hbar threads and know the guy you're arguing against. That guy is very angry that his beloved coin is ignored. He posted a picture of him and his kids all with hbar "tattoos" you can tell that this is his only bet. So much is relying on this coin succeeding. Maybe I'll buy when it's less than a penny hahahaha

>> No.51473208

how come Liithos isnt associated with this new chinese shovelware game? they outsourced to a studio called legendary star studio to shit out a mobile game for them?

>> No.51473276
File: 399 KB, 1125x1814, 7E2565D7-2FC9-4104-9846-AD31516A9E1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All your dogshit is going to zero. Hbar >$100 in 5 years.

>> No.51473466

Btfo kek

>> No.51473653

Why do people keep buying VC scam? Don't you want to make money by being early?

>> No.51474243

What's the current HBAR sui/make it?

>> No.51474354

>>some faggot from avery dennison spouting buzzwords and saying 2 more weeks
arent this what every crypto project does? gooks and pajeets love scams so they took over most of crypto

>> No.51474454

Holy shit this is huge

>> No.51475208

10k 100k
Yeah except he said 1b by year end which is 100-300 real utility trx. Not fake pinging trx like ftm icp Bsv algo.

>> No.51475522

They got rich, the project was a success

>> No.51475598

Hey I'm interested in hbar, can you spoonfeed me some of the usecases that other chains dream about because eth and sol already have p2e gamescams of varying quality.

>> No.51475811

>spoonfeed me some of the usecases
HBAR will be used to validate coupons, the Australian debit card payment system, the largest bank in Africa, the second largest bank in South Korea, be used to track the source of products (avery), and is currently being researched by multiple governments for CBDC adoption. There is also adoption from a Fortune 10 company that has not been announced yet, but it is suspected to be Walmart or Amazon.

>> No.51475941
File: 663 KB, 960x560, AA051FC5-0C48-4BDE-901A-61EEADEE4A26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fortune 10
Turned out to just be a noodle shop in the International District of Seattle.

>> No.51477111

>Not fake pinging trx like ftm icp Bsv algo
These are all shit but Hbar is the only one that actually does fake pinging to pass off as trx

>> No.51477219

Is the noodle shop at least using HCS?

>> No.51477358

Luckly for me I don't have any HBAG.

With globohomo, you always lose.

>> No.51477455

> Hbar is the only one that actually does fake pinging to pass off as trx
Cope and seethe stupid bitch. We both know you’re a liar. Guess that’s your coping mechanism.

>> No.51477488

No. They use MSG.

>> No.51478607
File: 319 KB, 970x911, delusional schizo baggy that bought the top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spoonfeed me some of the usecases
>HBAR will be used to validate coupons, the Australian debit card payment system, the largest bank in Africa, the second largest bank in South Korea, be used to track the source of products (avery), and is currently being researched by multiple governments for CBDC adoption. There is also adoption from a Fortune 10 company that has not been announced yet, but it is suspected to be Walmart or Amazon.
Chris plz go.

>> No.51478956

>Understands the world is ran by a kabal of billionaires
>New world order supports financial endeavor in crypto
"Pfft that won't work!"
Yeah. Okay. I have 650k rn and I'm saving up to hit 1M.