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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5146606 No.5146606 [Reply] [Original]

>fast tx with no fees
>unlimited tx rate
>low power usage
>no miners or block rewards
>superior consensus mechanism to everything out there

>mesh network that pays you in coins for providing bandwidth
>similar to tor or bit torrent but you will be paid to run a node

>like meths ERC20 except its better
>network doesn't get fucked up by ICOs and kitties
>every coin gets its own blockchain
>cx programming language (similar to go)

>energy efficient hardware platform
>first 300 units are shipped in the following weeks

All of this is working right now and no vapour ware like 90% of the projects out there.
If you are not already in this, get your shit together!

>> No.5146637

Jokes on you OP
Balls deep already

>> No.5146717

How exactly does one get those coins? I do not see them on any big exchanges.

>> No.5146739

Otc.skycoin.net or Cryptopia kiwi exchange

>> No.5146847
File: 112 KB, 1086x759, 01.36efe7c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

otc.skycoin.net or cryptopia
new small exchanges will come soon
rumours about binance listing

you are still early if you buy now before the volume goes through the roof

>> No.5146929
File: 138 KB, 1280x768, photo_2017-12-14_20-02-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody interested in this project should check out the interview with the lead dev of skycoin.

Also join the telegram.


>> No.5146969

call me when he does an interview with bitcoin uncensored.

until then i'm gonna have to pass. that interview doesn't even scratch the surface of all the problems with this coin.

>> No.5147036

Used to be a fan. Followed the chat for months and grew to distrust the project. This is a shill thread.

>> No.5147093

Could you be more specific on what problems the coin has at the moment?

>> No.5147147

explain please

explain please

>> No.5147208

Enjoy your 51% attacks faggots

>> No.5147308

Skycoin has different mathematical properties than Bitcoin and is stricter. If you are trading coins back and forth between five people in a closed network, the 51% attack does not affect them. You need a private key of someone in the transaction chain to do any damage in a Skycoin 51% attack. There is no transaction malleability in Skycoin.

>> No.5147551


>Community growing faster then ever >hardware is getting ready for shipment

yeah you should dump all your bags asap

>> No.5147765

>waiting 4 days for pending withdrawal from cryptopia

yeah what's going on here

>> No.5148103

I think they are finally implementing the new wallet that has been ready for weeks.
You can back up your fud with an tx id?

>> No.5148127

> devs do basically zero marketing for years
> suddenly they decide to hire Microsoft tech support

>> No.5148251

Fuck this shitcoin. Raiblocks all the way.

>> No.5148320


With all the net neutrality kikery going on:

>encrypted peer to peer communication using public keys
>immune to censorship of any kind
>nodes providing bandwidth will get rewarded
>tcp/ip suddenly feels outdated

>> No.5148515

they will be forced to operate like an isp and as such be regulated as an isp in whatever country they operate in get your head out of your ass

>> No.5148527

Yeah sure when you have a coin with so much utility like skycoin you should rather buy "proof of google captcha" that can do exactly 1 thing.

>> No.5148578

this has the same problems that "mysterium" had. the company is void of all responsibilities and when you run an exit node you are responsible for everything people look up, thats assuming you are routing people to your connection and not their own sattelite or whatever tech they will implement that will undoubtedly either vs them to operate as an isp or get banned because some guy shared cp in another country using the same tech.

>> No.5148608

And how exactly do you want to regulate a decentralised mesh-net with nodes all over the world? Let me guess the same way nobody is using tor/i2p/freenet at the moment. Or how ((they)) successfully stopped everybody from using BitTorrent all over the world.

>> No.5148688

mesh nets arent a protocol ontop of the current net. you have to buy and run hardware to run nodes, thats easier to regulate, just like most governments do with tor exit nodes.

>> No.5148909

Well you have to able to handle the risk just like the people operating tor exit nodes. I don't see those dissapreing any time soon.

>> No.5149020

this will significantly reduce the amount of exit nodes available based on governments ruling and allow them to effectively pwn your decentralized network. if you don't think thats a problem i suggest you reevaluate the situation.

>> No.5149138

You can just go ahead and participate by not running an exit node and just route the traffic inside the network. Just run an exit node if you can stomach the risk. And as for the mesh-net component its the same. In most places it is not illegal to broadcast.