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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5146137 No.5146137 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest. Who here is actually wealthy?

>> No.5146152

i'm wealthy compared to many africans

>> No.5146182

I’m wealthy compared to most /biz/lets

>> No.5146183

According to wikipedia, I am in the top 5.63%.

>> No.5146307
File: 214 KB, 882x1350, 24313335_1704405659616857_630522863889347982_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the south park episode where future people come back in time to work shitty jobs so they can be rich as fuck through investments? That's how I feel.

I work 67.5 hours a week and I put 60% of my pay into btc eth and memecoins like req xmr link and even mana.

I hate my job. One moon away from quitting.

>> No.5146349

How much would that be? Net worth nigga

>> No.5146379

How much BTC is wealthy? 100?

>> No.5146500
File: 13 KB, 540x960, illbethere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

euro poorfag reporting in, no many saved, no job, just playing games on my smartphone instead of becoming a productive part of the society. i'm waiting for the next big thing following cryptos and then i'll go all in (with my time bc i don't have money).

>> No.5146527


>> No.5146662

I deliver food 6 days a week to invest in crypto.

>> No.5146677

My wealth in the last year increased by infinity.

>> No.5146735

>i'm waiting for the next big thing following cryptos

you realise this is a once in a life time thing. the next big thing will come around when you're 50 or 60.

>> No.5146781

What is your job?

>> No.5146964

shit. i tried to jump on the train when bitcoin was ~1k. made accounts on some exchanges (kraken or so) but was too stupid to verify my accounts. i got panic and deleted everything. then everything mooned (bitcoin 3k/4k) and i thought
> that's it, anon. it can only crash. be glad you missed the bullet.
and now it's mooning and mooning and every damn micro company which hasn't even a product to sell collects moneyz through cryptos.
i know i should stop being a faggot and get into crypto but it's like everytime i try to use my brain a fog stops my thoughts. maybe i'm getting dementia or a brain tumor.

>> No.5147259

What are some good smartphone games?

>> No.5147335

Compared to my age group (18-24) in the UK I'm in the top 10%

>> No.5147377

karpador jump from nintendo is quite fun.
it's somehow ironic but most smartphone games are usually really bad and lack of fun. players have to buy things or have to wait weeks until some fancy new gold mine is built that needs years to pay back the "investment". i'm a 90ies kid who loved the gameboy color and n64. i would have never thought that a gameboy with the possibilities of a console/pc that fits into your pocket could be that boring.

>> No.5147384

not even close

>> No.5147394

I come from a very well-to-do family, but as long as I depend on my parents they'll keep trying to control my life.

>> No.5147423

And where do you generate them statistics from other than your egocentric self?

>> No.5147443
File: 45 KB, 409x409, comfypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I will hit $0.5M in 2018

>> No.5147502

"sour grapes", my boy
please don't blame your missed opportunity jealousy on dementia

>> No.5147528


>> No.5147569

Yeah relative to niggers in Africa and spics in Venezuela. So is the guy who sells you super-sized fries at McDonald's. OP meant wealthy in relation to people that actually matter

>> No.5147636

do you mean i should eat sour grapes or is that an english phrase like hitting two beards with one stone?

>> No.5147710
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tehee :^)

>> No.5147754
File: 24 KB, 600x402, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 50 years old and 'wealthy'. I live in a modest suburban house worth 340k thats paid off but my property taxes are 15k per year...thats the price I paid to give my children a safe upbringing in a nice school district. My two children are adults and on their own now...no student loan debt for me or my kids as I worked and saved over the years to help pay for their college (both got over 50% scholarship/grant monies).
I've collected gold and silver coins over the years since i was a kid...probably about 200k worth in my safe, with about 120k cash next to it. 600k in the bank, trading and 401k accounts so my net worth is over a million dollars...I enjoy my work as a pharmacist so its not a chore. My wife and I bring home close to 2.4k per week and travel several weeks per year. The real wealth in life is you worth to society and the love of family.

I will say this to anyone who listens...I normally browse /pol/ but lately I've been here in /biz/ and its scary how many of you have bought into this cryptoe thing. It's gonna end badly...I know many of you will be like 'shut up old man, etc etc' but I'm here to tell you there's an old saying 'Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and inexperience'. Nothing could be truer right now. Enjoy the ride up...the right down will harden you immensely. When old money starts pouring, bad news suddenly appears in the mainstream and IRS/regulations appear out of no where, that dip you buy will be a final one as you bleed out.
Just some 'old man' advice.

>> No.5147771
File: 37 KB, 365x470, 1513163026983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello IRS
All these fagots not realising this is a data collection thread

>> No.5147792
File: 6 KB, 615x289, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pleb right now but i'm trying to change that by 2023

>> No.5147824
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>> No.5147855

>that dip you buy will be a final one as you bleed out.

You mean no one will ever buy crypto currency again as fiat supply continues to increase without bound? Sounds boomery but I want to think you are wise

>> No.5147886
File: 18 KB, 500x300, old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bait...just VERITAS

>> No.5148021

Haven't checked in a while but I'm in the top 2% for my age group in the US

I accomplished this by moving back in with my parents after college

>> No.5148035

define wealthy
i have over 200k in crypto shit
but just 50k in capital

>> No.5148084
File: 31 KB, 800x533, children.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin may go to 50k next month...who knows?
But the nature of trading is following herds and herds can be stampeded off cliffs.
Ever hear the trading phrase about charts..."Movement goes up like an escalator but down like an elevator"? The exit door will be crowded...and your sell fill will be 10% lower than when you entered it because of volatility...if its filled at all....ever see Coinbase give you the spinning spoke wheel of death when you want to sell? (my co-worker told me that and I just lol'd at that)....imagine a Senator's nephew lose his inheritance on cryptoes and he kills himself, then that Senator pushes 'Cameron's Law' that states all buy and sell are regulated in some onerous way (for the children of course and in the memory of Cameron doubly of course)...I wish you all well. Time to go to church for me.

>> No.5148391

You're a pussy who's destined to become an old lonely loser filled with regret. But hey at least you played it safe ;)

>> No.5148689
File: 29 KB, 320x320, 1506019459602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> at least there'll be some pussy
thanks anon. you safed my day.