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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51460397 No.51460397 [Reply] [Original]

>Anon, time in the market beats timing the market. I'm minoring in economics.
What's unironically the correct rebuttal here?

>> No.51460406

that's a man

>> No.51460410

I'm young so I can take more risks and still have time to recover

>> No.51460431

>i beat it to spending time in your market

>> No.51460432

Get up and walk over to table with old guy in back. Sit down and ask him if you can drink with him because you're sick of "that dumbs cunt's bullshit"

>> No.51460438

what are you majoring in? giving all your shekels to globohomostein while you learn frankencocks make women men?

>> No.51460439

> yeah, and time in the shart pit beats time in my armpit
> get under the table and suck my fart you norwegian bitch i paid you eat my shit not feed me tips

>> No.51460475


>> No.51460524

showing her
DJI 1929 - 1952
Nikkei 225 1982 - now

would be my answer.

>> No.51460530

I wonder what her butthole smells like.

>> No.51460536

That doesn't apply because of population differences.

>> No.51460539

One word: NIkkei

>> No.51460552

japanese stock market took 40 years to recover losses, and with inflation it still hasn't recovered

>> No.51460570

>population literally dying out
you can't apply this example to SP500

>> No.51460601
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>What's unironically the correct rebuttal here?

>> No.51460602

sure you can
the u.s. may have future population, but it doesn't have future tax payers

>> No.51460610

It smells like strawberries. Strawberries and shit.

>> No.51460614

Not sure if midwit or absolutely braindead take

>> No.51460630
File: 60 KB, 1527x998, Japan_Population_by_Age_1920-2010_with_Projection_to_2060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesnt seem so bad to be completely ignored idk

>> No.51460702

"I am taking the approach to investments that modern women take to dating. Risk it all constantly on whatever random thing comes along and looks halfway decent." (The women then cries)

>> No.51460856

That’s sexist

>> No.51460926

These population graphs are so stupid. If Japan really faces a demographic crunch they will just import people from Africa same as Europe is doing now. This population collapse will never happen until 3rd world modernizes. Too many young people in Africa still.

>> No.51460977

“You’re minoring in economics for a reason. Try not to forget that, ok babe? :^)”

>> No.51460991

You ever think about how these things take stinky shits just like you and how close the pussy is to the butthole and just lose all interest entirely

>> No.51461026

kek, that definitely works for getting over somebody

>> No.51461043

>how close the pussy is to the butthole
true, this is fascinating/horrifying to me

>> No.51461046

conversely, the heart shape their ass makes when they're in the missionary position sort of makes up for it

>> No.51461047

>Us population barely growing with endless immigration
>Old population going parabolic
There are literally not enough Mexicans and jungle Mexicans in the world willing to come here and wage to stop the decline.

>> No.51461085


lol. you are all fucking retarded.
time in the market does not mean hodl through obvious dumps.
time in the market means experience with the market. hours upon hours of time in the market. does not matter if you scalp or swing trade.

>> No.51461110

Then the statement becomes a complete non sequitur because experience in the market IS learning to time the market.

>> No.51461138

>not giving the butthole a little rub with your thumb as you watch your own cock thrust in and out of her doggystyle

>> No.51461192

That's not what the phrase means retard

>> No.51461203

the statement has always been a non sequitur since a hodler will realize that they have to time the market to get anything right.

check mate

>> No.51461227

No one talked to you cunt

>> No.51461271

japan certainly won't be importing from africa lol

>> No.51461350

That's true Stacy, and I actually love that line of thinking! I think it's a really good entry level line of thinking for people who are unfamiliar with trading.
Have you heard of a Sharpe ratio? Well, since some of my investments are destined to be further out on the Sharpe ratio, I've opted to keep hold of all my blue chips, but to try my hand at timing those that go further out on the risk curve.
Actually, for the investments that are further out on the risk curve I think timing is imperative

>> No.51461460

a full time day job has the best sharpe ratio.
prove me wrong.

>> No.51461544

>minoring in economics

>> No.51461571

Correct rebuttal is that she is right ON AVERAGE. It's generic rule of thumb advice you tell normies so they don't day trade their life savings away. Some exceptional people can obviously time the market.

>> No.51461589

I lol'ed

>> No.51461630

Say "Okay" and you move on. Never debate unless you're baiting to extract useful info out of them.

>> No.51461638

Time in the market worked for boomers, tell the Japanese and Europeans to just sit and wait like retards
Index investing is dead, the idea for some reward for zero risk is retarded and flawed. There is NO SUCH THING AS A SAFE INVESTMENT

>> No.51461717

If you took the sentiment to its logical conclusion it means everyone would always permahodl and nothing would reflect its fair value which would ultimately erode trust markets are reflective of the assets they purport to represent. The concept of value implodes on itself. The only way to escape collapse is to take advantage of market opportunity- gotta time the damn market

>> No.51461789

>Heh yeah I remember not knowing shit

>> No.51461817

>Okay boomer.
is the only response

>> No.51463064
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Are you fucking retarded? Blacks are a net drain on the economy.

>> No.51463173

> I tell her Im no longer in the market sold everything in 2021 and don’t care

>> No.51463259


>> No.51463463

Have you thought of keeping your farming strategies on privacy mode so you get less exposed to scammers and fraudsters?

>> No.51463600

This but I also think of periods. Women literally bleed out of their pussy every month lmao wtf. That is so fucking gross and they're proud if it too. In the women's bathroom, they have little special trashes for their bloody pussy rags. Seriously wtf is wrong with them?

>> No.51463614

Fine by me. I'd rather be poor and live in a White country then still poor but live in Africa 2.0

>> No.51463622

That's doggy style you nigger.

>> No.51463645

I am minoring in economics. Easiest classes ever. Is there some kind of problem with doing this? Seems like an easy minor to me

>> No.51463663

tell her go to back to intro economics and read about 'opportunity cost'.

>> No.51463671
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Correct behavior would be to piss on her to assert dominance.

>> No.51463675
File: 66 KB, 789x540, 6E689473-CC6C-4FBB-9998-8CAC7D8115CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask her to quantify her answers and calculate expectation values for both time in the market and market timing strategies.

>> No.51463710

I dont got enough time

>> No.51463783

2/10 elbows too pointy

>> No.51463999

None because she's right

If you'd DCAed during those times you'd have made bank

>> No.51464360

I have never been on a date or been alone with a girl in a private setting before

>> No.51464388


>time in the market does not mean hodl through obvious dumps.
Correct response here, because this is what roasties and boomers mean when they say this.
I'll also add that buying a top could leave you rekt til you die. If you bought the top in 1929 you didn't break even til 2000


>> No.51464397

Completely agree with her, have sex, and invest all my money in crypto anyway

>> No.51464574

HODL. is one of the hardest skills in cryptocurrency, prefer staking than just holding.

>> No.51465085

Yeah sure, but if you're a 6 foot 6 tall gigachad like myself you'll simply sell the top and buy the bottom and beat the average annual returns 100 times over

>> No.51465123

>time in the market beats timing the market.
For the average "timing" of the market.
Of course everyone thinks they can beat DCA. Most of us can't and most who try probably also fail.

>> No.51465150

>'For sure. I'll have a bloody mary, thanks hun.'
Why am I rebutting this girl when I should be having a nice time?

>> No.51465160

It's jew propaganda to make you a bagholder while the jews dump on you. Simple as.

>> No.51465204

Cope, tranny spammer. Ywn look like that. Ywnbaw.

>> No.51465611

he might be a tranny but the attention seeking clickbaiting simp thot posters applying jewish tricks distracting anons with some slut whore while posting dumb nigger information are annoying

>> No.51465660
File: 35 KB, 1778x801, Nikkei-225-Preischart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's unironically the correct rebuttal here?
Japan is the right rebuttal. If you buy at the peak of a bubble you might be fucked for life.
Western countries are aging rapidly just like Japan was and still is.
Interest rates are at a low point while inflation is high so there's not much to come in terms of stimulus either.

>> No.51465668

wrong, retard. scalping and swing trading is timing the market.

>> No.51466233
File: 37 KB, 1024x616, usa_working_population.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I think we might have a problem here...

>> No.51467473

>khv with no game itt
Girls, especially the 9s and 10s like pic related don’t want to argue about data. They just want to talk and feel validated. That’s it. Entertain her wack ideas and get laid. She wants to talk about astrology? Oh you’re a Virgo? Me too wow, isn’t that crazy Stacy? She wants to talk about the Philips curve? Yea Stacy I totally agree with your Econ 101 aphorisms. I think you’re on to something!
Engage. Validate. Regurgitate. Get laid. Stop being an incel.

>> No.51467808


>> No.51467957

checked and based, it's time to go make coffee.

>> No.51468604

touch grass

>> No.51468628

I hate this answer so fucking much. I fiddle with my portfolio to ever so slightly buff my down payment and every faggot in my life gives me this time in the market spiel. Normies don't seem to understand that investing on a 6 month timescale is completely different than a 30 year position.

>> No.51468883

Yeah no. Immigration is NOT helping Europe, quite the opposite.

The real answer is as simple as start telling people to procreate and give incentives for having big families. The narrative for the past 50 years has been that "there are too many people in the world already", which is complete nonsense in regards to civilized countries.

However, the most likely scenario might be that things just keep getting worse, until another global war starts out. After the war we'll have a new generation of baby boomers, snd the cycle keeps repeating.

>> No.51468975

bad teeth brown eyes and black hair (you aint fooling me bitch)
and wtf are those fingers? is this a dinossaur???
no tits, body of a man

>> No.51469005

I mean, it does. Your investing strategy should account for highs and lows. When the markets are red, buy more.

Unless you have inside information or an HFT system you aren't timing the market my friend, you're a chimp throwing darts at a board.

>> No.51469081

Nah, I dont think many people understand the importance and need for privacy in crypto as a means for security.

>> No.51469100

Its not really difficult to spot a brainlet on biz.

>> No.51469129

Fucking show off, bet you read that of a bottled water.

>> No.51469168
File: 171 KB, 233x290, 166329faggot3871034165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right.

>> No.51469191

She's very pretty. I would like to hug and kiss her. I'm so lonely.

>> No.51469211

It takes a lot of self discipline to hodl and not earn anything while for staking you make more while you hodl but most importantly security is very important with both strategies hence why going on privacy mode is recommended.

>> No.51469365

Women in America statistically don't invest their money, and the ones that inherit vast sums from their deceased spouses squander it; what's your major in? Human Resources?

>> No.51469405

you're correct. counting the seconds of the market are silly, when I could be spending that time with you.
*fucks her raw doggstyle on the tabletop*

>> No.51469418

I'm not gonna lie the only thing green in my portfolio rn are my ETFs.. so yes that strategy of regularly dumping money on etfs, being as long as possibel and never selling IS LEGIT.

>> No.51469460

hodling is seriously the easiest thing I've ever done

>> No.51469543

Smells of cherries with hints of peaches and Christian Dior. After notes of strawberries and ripe figs.

>> No.51469554

Because I stuffed them up there without lube

>> No.51469577
File: 19 KB, 474x331, EB820B85-43C6-4504-A982-33BB0134B111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, i….

>> No.51470214


>> No.51470397

She is ugly by the way.

>> No.51470645

It depends on which time and which market, and your skill and luck, of course. Like many have said, if you bought in 1929, you likely wouldn't have lived long enough for your "time in the market" to pay-off. If you had terrible trading skills and terrible luck, you could have lost even more trying to "time the market" though. But if you were skilled and lucky, you could certainly have come out ahead during that same time frame as well.

>> No.51471203

A man that does this would have a good time drinking with the guy and unironically get a late night "I'm lonely..." text from the girl that night.

>> No.51472006

I'd rather spend time in you than timing you

>> No.51472110


>> No.51472315

>I tell ya sonny, her rack was THIS big!

>> No.51472328

It's unironically better to buy low and sell high.

>> No.51472394

this webm always makes me lol

>> No.51472472

How much and what assets does one need to get a girl like this? Be as specific as possible.

>> No.51472498

> rebuttal
She's right though. There are decades worth of statistics across both professional and retail investors showing this.

>> No.51472530

She's correct

>> No.51472545
File: 385 KB, 429x542, 1660082369299442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LUNC, WLUNA 10m each

>> No.51472601

This isn't the market from the 80s and 90s. Such a simplistic outlook is a recipe for underperformance.

>Follow the Bears
>Buy the rumor sell the News

>> No.51472823


>> No.51472866

Only Klaytnchads attract that kind of trim.

>> No.51472946

This is only true under the assumption the market will go up. It's likely that technology advances and the means of production get more efficient, so far so good. But where this may go wrong is when monetary policy gets out of hand, for example incompetence, political infiltration of the central bank or something like an outright attack from a foreign nation etc.

Another case is if you have some kind of an advantage over the market. Ie relevant actionable information. A good example is early cryptography enthusiasts who had information asymmetry over the general population or more recently the US Senate members who were playing the stock market according to the legislation they knew they are going to make in the near future.

That's something I would tell her. I think it at least sounds smart enough. Something to know about studying economics is you are probably studying a certain branch of economics, often the schools don't tell that. They just present the theory like it's some recognized phenomenon something acing to laws of physics (in before they are theories too, which they are). That being said it's good to know what they teach, some of those things are useful and if enough people operate under that programming then the programming starts turning into large part of the reality. But remember not to confuse it with the underlying reality

>> No.51473014

Kek. I'd say more than 1k link. Judging only by the picture and you being anon it's difficult to be more specific, but I'd say 1k is the minimum

>> No.51473050

nikkei recovered a long time ago
you and the entirety of /biz/ are retarded and have no clue how that index actually works

>> No.51473337

>you spend $1000 to buy BTC in November 2021.
>I spend $1000 to buy BTC in June 2022.
>who has more money?

>> No.51476126

True but Privacy focused project like Railgun is really pushing boundaries to make privacy accessible, the team recently deployed a privacy on the go app on playstore and iOS.

>> No.51476236
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>> No.51476270

She is such a uniquely American phenotype. Probably an Italian/French/Scottish mix from the South. A true American thoroughbred.

>> No.51476515

I would show the person my executive stock options and tell them free money from stock simps beats being a stock simp.

>> No.51476600

>I'm doing graduate research in infectious disease and I diagnose you with Retarditis.

>> No.51476664

>conversely, the heart shape their ass makes when they're in the missionary position sort of makes up for it
lol this guys never had sex

>Anon, time in the market beats timing the market.
yes for morons who dont know how to trade

>> No.51476694

>>Follow the Bears
>>Buy the rumor sell the News

A degen play. It's quite difficult to time the market. It much preferable to build through a well planed buying plans and if possible stake. I mostly deal with major alts when it comes to staking on Freeway, most precisely BNB and DOT. Their passive income offering is quite high and fixed.

>> No.51476734


>> No.51476761

You're a fucking retard

>> No.51476768

>yes for morons who dont know how to trade

Ignorant is the major contraint here.

>> No.51476774

I love white woman with pretty nails

>> No.51476843


Considering the clampdown on this sector by the SEC, what made you think it is a good one to invest in, and how can I profit from it?
My lucky bait this season is running an arbitrage trading and staking in a CEDEFI project that deals with asset management.

>> No.51476920

>bait or really that reddit tier retarded

>> No.51477172
File: 46 KB, 1069x591, Real Estate since 1870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many markets had catastrophic outcomes and got wiped completely.

Time in the market increases your risk loading for catastrophic failures. Think 20th century Russian, all eastern European, German and Chinese stock markets. They got completely annihilated. (even when German investors had diversified into US markets the US government casually confiscated their holdings)

Merely taking or so 100 years of only US market history is very myoptic. Yeah it worked well. However, it's very much cherry picking the surviving best performing market.

>> No.51477686
File: 21 KB, 358x308, 4cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would respond
>you are correct
because I am not an incel chud moron

I was wondering if you would post on this board again
every time I see a thread that's along the lines of "what's the dumbest shit you've heard on /biz/" I think about this comment

>> No.51477796

The privacy sector is getting a clampdown by the SEC because its very important and the very base of decentralisation. Privacy equals security.

>> No.51478135

If regulation should find it way in this sector then it defeat the whole essence of it being a private.