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File: 25 KB, 700x467, 4835146-3x2-700x467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5146032 No.5146032 [Reply] [Original]

My wife found the credit card statements. Hey guys I've been browsing here for some time but I've never had a need to post. I'm kind of in a pickle. So to keep it short my wife doesn't allow me to spend alot on wreckless things, and most purchases we decide together and she usually gets the final say.

I work as a car salesman. Do alright for the most part anyways to get to the point. I secretly took out a new credit card under my name and just had the invoices forwarded to my office.

I've been purchasing bitcoin with my credit card for the past 3 months now so she can't find out. I tried talking her into it at the beginning of the year and she just flat out said no and it was a scam.

Since my sex life with the cow had basically gone south and dried up I decided to also start using the same credit card on cam girl sites. You know the ones where it makes that pinging sound when you donate coins.

Anyways I guess I had forgotten to throw away one of the credit card statements of my permiscuous doings. I left it in the glovebox of my car and forgot about it. Turns out my fucking wife and I were driving and I ran a red light. Cop pulled us over and asked for license and registration, the rest is fucking history.

She seems to think I'm paying these women with bitcoin when I am not. And wants to know how much money I have.I've been with this bitch for 5 years now and I think it might be over.

This brings me to my question for you guys. I do have some side money stashed away around 30,000$ that I've saved up. Is there a way on getting this into monero without her knowing it? I'm very new to this shit I don't want her tracing my crypto payments with a lawyer and that's why I'm coming to you now... Wtf do I do to get my savings into monero. I will not pay this cunt a single dime.

>> No.5146050

>My mom found
fixed that for you

>> No.5146068


What about her son?

>> No.5146079

>she usually gets the final say.
That's where you're going wrong

>> No.5146112
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>didn't listen to the marriage is a meme posts

>> No.5146156

Gave my wife 1 BTC last year. The stupid bitch cashed it out almost immediately and bought some useless shit. Why are women so shit with money?

>> No.5146196


>> No.5146207

just do OTC trades

>> No.5146236

You deserve it you fucking cuck

>> No.5146257

>You know the ones where it makes that pinging sound when you donate coins.
kek, great story OP

>> No.5146266

Move coins to new address. Admit that you have used most of your Bitcoin to jerk off with your cam girl problem. If she divorces your coins are safe. If she stays your coins are safe. Never understand the cam girl kink but a lot of people don't get my foot fetish

>> No.5146359


Lol, do not leave him no children either, let this brainless whore create pain and sadness, cut her veins, you can raise your descendants with a Russian female, that you rustle as soon as she raises her voice

>> No.5146391


>> No.5146416

Where is the 30K currently? Is it in your name?

I hate that sound. Especially where there's a bunch back-to-back.

>> No.5146419

>I don't get why people like looking at hot naked women but a lot of people don't get my stinky foot fetish

>> No.5146435

If she's not the one earning the paycheck, she does not get the final say.

>> No.5146449

> she usually gets the final say

You brought this upon yourself you cuck. Be a fucking man and take charge of your life.

>> No.5146467

They're always short term thinkers

>> No.5146468

>1 post by this ID

>> No.5146499


No need for Monero shit. Load it to some wallet and say you lost the privat key.
Poof money gone, they can't do anything about it.
Also divorce that bitch

>> No.5146530

>wife doesn't allow me to spend a lot

If the bitch starts complaining about shit like that you need to make her know that YOU dominate her.

Next time slap her a couple times and fuck her in a rape-y way so she knows who the real boss is.

You need to assert dominance over her. If she won't take that then literally go find another bitch and fuck her hard, also make sure that your wife knows. This will completely mentally destroy her.

>> No.5146561

Stopped reading at
>my wife doesn't allow me

>> No.5146608

>my wife gets the final say
>she's not even attractive
Yeah I don't care what happens to you desu.

>> No.5146610
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once you go monero ......

>> No.5146647

If you don't man up she will leave you or cheat on you. Dominate her.

>> No.5146648

>use it again ever in the future

>> No.5146684

Holy fuck you guys are ruthless. I mean I know I can't stand her but actually physically dominanting her and abusing her is too far wtf is your problem?

I just want to know how to evade the lawyers that's all. I don't want to hurt my wife.

>> No.5146708

Wrong place to ask, /biz/ hates marriages

>> No.5146724


>> No.5146731

people don't actually become this cucked do they?
Where I'm from, men have the first and last say arround the house.
Ís it an american thing? I heard obesity leads to low test, that then leads to submission preference.

>> No.5146737

>my wife doesn't allow me to spend
I was going to tell you how to buy monero anonymously but you can go get fucked you low test faggot

>> No.5146752

buy monero with btc and transfer monero to private wallet then keep the wallet hidden better than you kept those receipts

>> No.5146759

get a divorce
she sounds like a dumb bitch

>> No.5146768

Hope you mock her every day for being short sighted and explain her thats why she should always vote for men into office.

>> No.5146774

Biz literally sees marraige as baghiolding a depreciating asset you bought at ATH. Selling those bags required have your stuff as a free. They don;t like that.

Edit: Gotta go with the wallet --> "Hurr I lost my private key". Make it legit though. Start writing letters, emails to whatever the wallet is saying you lost your private key. Have a paper trail that shows this happened and not just a Tx before the due date.

>> No.5146824


>> No.5146868

how's your wife's son?

>> No.5146875
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>is it an american thing
Yes, but also a general characteristic of an empire that's right on the cusp of an inevitable violent collapse.

>> No.5146890
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Having crypto gains> Having a wife

You will never make it OP

>> No.5146902

>Biz literally sees marraige as baghiolding a depreciating asset you bought at ATH.
Sides gone.

>> No.5146937

well, it's one thing to watch, it's another thing entirely to want to throw digital shekels at them even though you're a poorfag

>> No.5146974

>Biz literally sees marraige as baghiolding a depreciating asset you bought at ATH.

>> No.5146986

read this story last week. just rehashed it with the "found in the glove box."


>> No.5147037

10/10 quality shit post

>> No.5147050

Ahh, the lion in the cage starts losing that shine in his eyes. The lion is no longer wild and ferocious.

I'm sure the commies would destroy USA in a guerrila style warfare in american soil. I can already hear the feminine screams of terror from the muricucks

>> No.5147060

>my wife doesn't allow me to spend alot
Stop being a pussy whipped little bitch and tell that cunt you'll do with your money whatever you goddamn please, and if she doesn't like it give her the fucking boot. Jesus christ, are you even a man?

>> No.5147075


Man the fuck up and tell her to fuck off. She doesn't control your fucking life unless you let her and obviously you're letting her control how you spend the money that YOU'VE earned through YOUR LABOR at YOUR JOB.

I swear to God I will never let a woman or any of my partners dictate how and when and where I spend my money.

People have long since forgotten the idea that a marriage or a relationship should be an equal team effort. The moment somebody starts trying to dictate or control the others money or methods is the moment the relationship loses all sense of purpose.

You fell for the marriage meme OP. Sorry bud.

>> No.5147085

You're a cucked piece of shit but one thing I hate more than that is a fat cow who divorces her husband and steals the money that he worked for.

You can just buy Bitcoin and then use that to buy Monero on an exchange that lists Monero. Easy.

>> No.5147090

Step 1.
Stop consuming soy products.
Step 2. Use multiple accounts to turn your money in to Monero then transfer that Monero to a Monero wallet.

After that it cant be touched by anyone. Deny you own it. Say you lost the key. Refuse to give up the key, whever you want.

>> No.5147109

>I swear to God I will never let a woman or any of my partners dictate how and when and where I spend my money.
Start by not telling them about your money though. Ideally it wouldn't matter but unfortunately you will be bent over.

>> No.5147121

Yeah kind of lost track OP, but don't do what this retard is saying. Going anywhere near exchanges means you have a record and every buy/sell you make is on the book. (guess who has access to your trade registry).

Do the following: Arrange a local metup on a big crypto forum. Make sure your account isn't linked to anything that can trace it back to you.
Proceed to do the trade in person

I swear this board keeps getting more retarded by the day

>> No.5147156
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>don't do what this retard is saying

say that to my face fucker not online see what happens

>> No.5147199

Now if you just want to spit in her face. Just transfer the money to coinbase, buy some Bitcoin, transfer that to Binance and buy some Monero.

If you want to keep it secret, use local bitcoins and find someone local you can buy bitcoins for cash. Then use that bitcoin to buy Monero.

Also if you have it in cash, you can open a new bank account at separate bank and then send the money to Coinbase to start the process.

Or you can give that money to a trusted friend to buy your bitcoin to start the process.

Theres hundreds of ways to do this.

>> No.5147202


Also, the fact that she let herself go (like most of them do nowadays, especially in North America and Western Europe) is a huge red flag. If she can't fucking manage to take care of her health and maintain some relevant sexual value, then what is the point of being together? Your just friends at that point.

I can't stand what modern feminism has done to our culture. Women are letting themselves go enmasse and men are so fucking pussy whipped it's ridiculous.

Stand the fuck up for yourself. Not even because you're a dude and the whole masculinity thing, just because you shouldn't let other people control your finances. Period.

When you're in a monogamous heterosexual marriage today, the power dynamic should be made very clear from the beginning. Is the woman in charge, or is the man? Is it a team effort? That's fine but make boundaries clear. Yes, no?

Divorce her fat fucking ass. Pump her fat disgusting beef pussy one more time full of your beta cum and slap her across the face for me while you do it would you?

Hope you got a prenup at least, faggot.

>> No.5147223
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>> No.5147229

Domination does not mean you are abusing her anon. It just means you wear the trousers.
The joos are fucking with our hormones with their hops, soy and plastics. Learn to increase your testosterone. Use borax and herbs,

>> No.5147239

I've been thinking this over and trying to decide what route to take. Seriously all I did was just jack off to Internet models for less than 1000$.

I'm thinking I will take the marriage counciling approach. I know she makes most of the decisions in the relationship but I still think we can work through this.

Has anyone here done marriage counciling before? Did it work out? Maybe if I come clean about my 30,000 I made from 2 years of commission sales of Extra work and my 6000$ worth of bitcoin payments she will forgive me if I agree to counciling.

In the end I really do love her even though she bosses me around. Im afraid I'll never be able to get someone as good as her.

>> No.5147265

you fucking KEK, error spine not found.

>> No.5147330

>doesen't let you fuck her
>never be able to get someone as good as her

I'm sure a crack whore would be better

>> No.5147343

Fuck counselling, just increase your testosterone.
She will cheat on you with a alpha male if you don't man up.

>> No.5147350

Your marriage is your marriage. It’s down to you, not a fucking counciling session where she gets a say. Your life if your life. Stop being gay and dominate her, and if she doesn’t like it then divorce her. Take control of your money.

>> No.5147376


>> No.5147434

The media hide the fact that woman are more likely to cheat than men and if your subversive that chance must go higher.

>> No.5147467
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>it's another "cuck weakling asks for advice from biz virgins" episode
You people disgust me.

>> No.5147475

Women are trash. Day of the rope soon.

>> No.5147484

>If you're subversive that chance must go higher
The state is punishing the rebels with faithless women!!

>> No.5147506

Meant Submissive lol

>> No.5147534

Literally this OP >>5146774.

I poured a good amount into crypto a couple 2 years back to the point where I'm have about 2 mil. Ex-wife knew I had Bitcoins and after seeing all the new ATH news on the MSM she got it in her idea that she was going to take if from me. I had it in my mind that we were going to divorce so a couple months prior I had a friend buy several ledgers and deposited everything in it. Luckily, I didn't talk to the her at all about bitcoin, then when she brought it up, I said "oh yeah, I have to check my accounts. I open up my accounts and boom there's nothing there. I pretend to freak out and she's going crazy.

Long story short, I got the divorce (luckily no kids), left the US and moved to Europe. Waiting to check a PR or something then I'm going to renounce my US citizenship and cash in.

>> No.5147653
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Tell us more about how she freaked out? How did she take the fact that you moved to Europe?

>> No.5147756

>renounce my US citizenship
Why the fuck would you do this.

>> No.5147858

For $600k? I would too. Fuck this shit hole country and their taxes

>> No.5147943

>had a friend buy several ledgers and deposited everything in it.
>I open up my accounts and boom there's nothing there.
Why not just transfer your funds into a different wallet without her knowing?
I do not understand the issue here.

>> No.5148014

Europe is much better than the US, we don't have redneck presidents, mudslimes are all concentrated in sweden and northern germany. Also corporations can't rape us in the EU like they do to you in the US.
With 2m euros you're set for life and will never see a single black person in a decent neighborhood.

>> No.5148037

That's exactly what he did...

>> No.5148090

Pretty standard dumb bitch stuff.

>"How did hey hack your account?"
>"Find out who did it and lets get it back"
>"Isn't your account insured? can't we get X amount back because it was the company's responsibility? The US govt insures banks up to 100k or something"

It was pretty annoying at first, I got through it thinking about the long term. She was pissed though, kept insulting me and was on the verge of assaulting me several times.

After everything was finalized I just span it as "i gotta find myself" and appeared like I was extremely depressed. Posted emo shit on social media then before I left I deleted all my social media accounts.

Mostly tax purposes given that the US taxes worldwide income.

>> No.5148105

Yeah but Europe's gonna get worse, and probably won't turn around until after the US begins to.

>Mostly tax purposes given that the US taxes worldwide income.
That's fair enough I guess. I just don't care that much about paying the outrageous taxes if it means staying in the US.

>> No.5148106

Why would you not do it? Maybe you haven't been outside of US, but there's shitload of better places to live than America.

>> No.5148141

At the time I didn't know if I could buy hard wallets in store. I had my friend buy them in case the lawyers would've seen that I bought hard wallets and then asked where the wallets were.

>> No.5148145

I don't live in America and have only visited once, I just wish to move there.

>> No.5148157


>> No.5148182
File: 27 KB, 397x600, every_girl_with_cute_tushie_should_wear_such_jeans_640_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked chad. Everyday there is a 300+ reply post telling you to not marry this degenerate whores but you went ahead and did it didn't you?

>> No.5148189

To each their own. I don't even ever want to visit USA. I'm very comfy in Europe.

>> No.5148218

>Getting married.
You kinda asked for it.

>> No.5148260

Wow I thought this was supposed to be bait but you're actually serious. You are such a fucking cuck that its pathetic. Kill yourself. That advice has never been more necessary than now. Just fucking end it you spineless faggot. Allowing a woman to make you miss out on the greatest transfer of wealth in human history. What if those btc you would've bought have now ended up in malicious hands? Just cut your losses and 86 yourself and try to get a high score while you're at it, smith & Wesson stocks need a bump

>> No.5148315
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>2018 minus 1 fortnight

you life was just'd from the beginning.

p.s., get me in the screenshot, please and thank you

>> No.5148381

Just break it off with her you cuck. It doesn't have to end in a divorce where you get completely fucked over, that all depends on how you go about it.

>> No.5148469
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Why would anyone ever want to visit USA?
It's the most generic state ever, where the biggest attraction is consumerism.

>> No.5148495
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>tfw my qt asian wife convinced me to put 7k into ETH instead of a safe 1k when it was $25 a piece

Bless her greedy chinese genes.

>> No.5148545
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>Posted emo shit on social media
lol who doesn't?

>> No.5148662
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>> No.5148733

Longing s&w 500x after this post, no cuck-loss

>> No.5148779

clear larp op is a faggot virgin

>> No.5148820

Hey dumb fuck OP isn't American.

>> No.5148979

>Yeah but Europe's gonna get worse, and probably won't turn around until after the US begins to.

Depends where in Europe. Germany is booming so hard that our economic council is worrying about overheating. The refugee meme is totally overblown Fox news fud. As long as you got money in Germany you can live happy without any worries. If you do worry about Muslims then move to Bavaria, there the police is the most hardcore and the classrooms still have crucifixes. Southern Germany is one of the most economically prosperous regions on the planet. East Germany has the white trash Nazis, so avoid that.

>> No.5149012

Lol at you thinking the 'refugees' won't slowly spread over the entire country like gangrene eating at a wound.

>> No.5149137
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Europe would be fine if not for the piece of shit Europeans in it. Of all the people on this earth I despise, eurotards are the top of the list. You have no sense of community, no sense of continuity, you only care about what is right in front of your puke faces. It is fondest dream that Mohammed finally and for all remove you from the planet. With a little help from your women of course who can't stand the floppy things formerly referred to as European ''''''men''''''. They lust for the swarthy cock which is very well as the native men will be relegated to the dustbin of history. The thought fills me with spasmodic glee.

>> No.5149166

And which amazing utopia are you from?

>> No.5149182
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Damm, dude. Shit relationship; I hope you can get out of it.
As far as wanting to get Monero goes, that probably is your best bet—but, trying to eliminate the chance of any evidence getting out is a concern. If part or all of your money is in cash or assets, then you're probably better off than if it were all stored at the bank. Mind you, I've never had to do a thing such as this before, but I'd start with trying to contact a good friend or family member—preferably someone who dislikes your wife enough to have natural incentive to not want her to get any of your money, and to keep quiet about it—to see if they can make part of the purchase for you. Alternatively, you might be able to exchange any physical cash you may have for Bitcoin from a BTC ATM, and then just convert everything to Monero from there, via an exchange—not the most efficient way to do it, as to my understanding, fees for Bitcoin ATMs tend to be high, and the machines are sparse to begin with. I know that DigitalCash ATMs exist in some parts of the U.S.—and other crypto machines for that matter. Shop around; keep in mind, too, that I'm only throwing ideas out, and have no idea what the laws where you are are like. I do know for certain that it's in your best interests to not get audited and wind up having to fork half of what they find over to her; avoid suspicion.

Good luck with the uncuckening.

>> No.5149203

>nagging cunt attempted to prevent you from making money
>you felt the need to get credit cards just so you could invest your own money
>I've been with this bitch for 5 years now and I think it might be over.
Congratulations, things are looking up for you.

>> No.5149241

If you can’t tell by his rugged individualism and superior masculinity, he is the one and only white American Super male. I know because I am one of them. I have two loaded handguns right in front of me.

>> No.5149268

New pasta everybody

>> No.5149305

found Quentin

>> No.5149591

Can't you tell he's from Tel Aviv?

>> No.5149711



What you need to do is start taking out cash in small amounts like $500 from your bank account, and use local bitcoins to buy some crypto with cash. Have all that crypto hidden from her. Then come divorce time when the lawyers ask for your bank records just say the cash was for dispensible purchases like food or entertainment.


Men: Logic first, Emotion second
Women: Emotion first, Logic second

Men were responsible for survival for 50,000 years, Women for keeping the family happy.

>> No.5149839

No one's going to buy you needed $500 cash every week for food.

>> No.5149982

Yeah but how are they gonna prove he used it to get crypto?

>> No.5149998

It doesn't matter, they'll 'know' he was tucking away money somewhere and will never stop looking until he's dead.

>> No.5150045

Knock her fucking teeth out you fucking cuck. Show that fat count who is boss. Fucking grow a set already.

>> No.5150864

That will not work retard. Since u can never access / send with that address again without moving out of the US and renouncing your citizenship. BTC IS TRANSPARENT. Now, just convert it into Monero and use a sub address OP. Make sure to use one, then claim you lost the key. And you are done.

>> No.5151017

>You will never be this much of an undercover normie as this guy

Why even live bros. I can do the undercover thing but not this much, damn son kudos to you.

>> No.5151168

sub address?

>> No.5151247

>falling for the 3D meme
When will normies realize 2D is superior in every way?

>> No.5151290


Dude, I'm trying to get the fuck out of this hell hole. Europe, Australia, even Canada are 100x better than the US if you're smart enough to get out.

Don't have to deal with corporations raping you, taxes ain't as bad, universal health coverage, cheaper college, not polluted by negroes everywhere.

America is on a rapid decline.

>> No.5151312

None of those places have free speech, which makes them fucking gay and doomed.

>> No.5151331

I mean, if your wife has any say in what you spend your own money on you deserve everything she does to abuse you. Stand up for yourself soyboy cuck. Are you a grown man that works for a living or a child with his mother? Unless your wife is the one doing the providing, tell her to shut the hell up and be grateful for letting her leech off of your finances for so long. Men these days really are emasculated.

>> No.5151506

Get your waman under control faggot. How the fuck are you such a beta that you let your wife make financial decisions for you. Value her input, sure, but you are supposed to be the rudder. If your final say is you invest in crypto then you just do it, slap her around a bit if she won't listen. This is why she won't fuck you anymore, you aren't being a man.

>> No.5151665

Put your savings in a physical wallet, like a ledger. I hope you were paying for these coins from a personal account and not a shared account.

>> No.5151762


This. Never allow a woman to make choices for you. Women ruin everything. That's why there are no women CEOs despite that one bitch that ruined Yahoo.

>> No.5151815

>my wife doesn't allow me


>> No.5152048

does she have a job op seems like she wants to know how much btc you have so she can jump on your wallet desu

>> No.5152301


>american education

>> No.5152321

I'm Australian.

>> No.5152350

>Since my sex life with the cow had basically gone
First sign of a cheating wife.

>> No.5152400

Stop spending money, it's that easy

>> No.5152485

>I receive paper statements

just fucking wow

>> No.5152570


>> No.5152711

It is a new sort of technology for Monero: when you create your Monero address you can generate a bunch of subaddresses. These subadresses just transact the money to your "main" address. This has the advantage that nobody knows the "main" address money was sent to. They can only see the subaddress, Monero is really the way to go here. Do not be a retard and put it in BTC everybody can see what the fuck you are doing.

>> No.5152776

So subaddresses are a way of doing what BTC wallets have with their deterministic seed essentially? I thought the payment id was the solution to that problem? Since addresses have their balance hidden etc anyway I can only see this being a problem if the encryption is broken?

I mean it sounds cool, I just don't know if there's much practical use. Afaik there's no real reason for people not to know your main address.

>> No.5152822
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>So to keep it short my wife doesn't allow me to spend alot on wreckless things
>doesn't allow me

>> No.5152850

Sounds like your pawg wife is busy chilling with Demarcus and the boyz while you work your little car salesman job and jack off to dumb thots on the internet.

Ahh to be an American

>> No.5152909

>Signing divorce contract nullifying wealth divide on said case

You can only choose both

>> No.5153045

You spent $1000 on pinging noises?

>> No.5153376

we have the best pasta

>> No.5153426

Studies have shown that women are much less likely to engage in financially risky behaviors and will condone them. Didn't even read OP's post entirely but if nobody posted this ITT you are all brainlets.

>> No.5153470


>spending money on free whores

I hope she takes you for everything you're worth. Maybe then you'll learn what it means to have self control.

>> No.5153637

faggot larp. get the fuck out

>> No.5153704


Fucking leave her.

As soon as you need to answer to your wife its fucking over. As soon as you leave you will feel your anxiety and stress lift off your heavy shoulders

>> No.5153716

This is some of the most sophisticated monero shilling to date

>> No.5153780

Doesn't Vertcoin do this as well?

>> No.5153846
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It means being the man of the house you pleb.
You should always be above her because women cant think on their own. They need to be guided by a man. Thats why many girls need marriage so early.
You fucked up by letting her have the last word. Either way. Drop her.

>> No.5153893
File: 140 KB, 948x632, IMG_4606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent $125 on Verge 1 week ago. Wife screams at me for wasting money. Show her yesterday that $125 is now over $800. No congrats, no sorry... She just shrugs and says "cash it out!"

>> No.5153969

Women are retarded when it comes to money. Do not consult them or expect appreciation. The only time you should discuss a purchase is if it's a house.

>> No.5154030

You earn the money and pay the credit card bill, not her.

Tell that greedy bitch to fuck off and get a job. Then say you will continue spending money on camgirls until she loses weight and becomes fuckable again.

>> No.5154075

this women get manipulated everywhere litterally trained to spend money
just look at all the fucking commercians and how they 80% target women lmao

>> No.5154131


As a fellow married man.

Find your fucking balls in her purse and divorce the bitch. The marriage ended the second you had to pay some whore to flash her tits because your wife wasn't doing her duty.

You sound like you married a fixer/upper and that's not what marriage for men is for.

My wife and I are almost equals but I have final say if I put my foot down and she knows it.

>> No.5154349

Well there is, people now know the address where your money is. Perhaps you do not see this as being an issue, but I certainty do and also many others of the community. It's not like it costs you anything to use them either.

>> No.5154377

Vertcoin is an open ledger it is more like litecoin.

>> No.5155029

Yeah I know but, what does knowing someone's address do for you? Balance hidden, all transactions in and out hidden, even people receiving from it don't know they did.

Obviously enhancing security is good but I don't see how this is a problem unless the existing security is flawed or broken.