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51458946 No.51458946 [Reply] [Original]

Apple took out the sim card tray on its new devices. How is this a benefit? Are they not concerned that they will lose a ton of consumers?
Jannies: this is a business thread discussing apple as a company

>> No.51459077

>How is this a benefit?
It is not, it makes you on a leash 24/7 without the possibility to change your SIM, plus it opens you to all kind of SIM manipulation attacks.
But applefags are cultists, you don't have to reason with them when you sacrifice them.

>> No.51459088

The type of idiots that buy those phones would still buy them even if they didn't work.

>> No.51459125

>owning a smartphone goyleash in CY+7

>> No.51459133

The kind of retards that waste their money on Apple products don't give a shit.
They'd buy the newest iPhone even if Apple removed all functionality.

>> No.51459168

Apple users are room temp IQ

Can someone recommend a good phone for me? I just need to call/text/take and send photos. I'm still using my 2015 Blackberry but I can tell it'll die this year.

>> No.51459185

Appletards would still buy this piece of shit if they literally removed the display

>> No.51459193


>> No.51459199

>I just need to call/text/take and send photos.

Why don't you google it boomer?

>> No.51459215

Apple ruins/has ruined everything.
The original Iphone was horrendously bad.
Neither of these statements should be taken lightly.

>> No.51459225

>I just need to call/text/take and send photos.
no you don't
go outside

>> No.51459241

lol the original iphone couldn't even take video which my piece of shit boost mobile flip phone could do at the time and it cost like a fourth of the price

>> No.51459242

Wait what, I can't keep my number and put my old sim card in? How does it work? You have to buy a new plan with the phone or something? I've been on my mommy's plan for the last ten years and was going to buy the new iphone 14 but didn't know about this. If I can't just use the same sim card I've been using I unironically will have to buy a different phone. What's the best high end alternative out there?

>> No.51459259


>> No.51459273
File: 70 KB, 671x1024, zoomer haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because everything available in a new condition, upon a search query, necessarily involves a level of personal engagement with the user that causes me to disqualify it.
Filthy zoomie

>> No.51459284

Samefag android jeet

>> No.51459335
File: 363 KB, 711x692, 1661741221494799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off filthy zoomie

>> No.51459369

its literally 2022 and you still think android has negative connotation

>> No.51459521

mutts are absolutely obsessed with iphones for some reason.