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51458904 No.51458904 [Reply] [Original]

What net worth is acceptable for entering your 30s?

>> No.51458926

100k and a mortgage

>> No.51458939
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>> No.51458951

Lol. That's less then 3% in the 30 - 45 age range

>> No.51458983

This is really out of date and wrong. I'm 28 and already become a millionaire by working in tech. Everyone I work with in tech is already a millionaire before 30. No way 95% of people at 40 have less than 1.4 million. 5% of people at least work in tech and that doesn't include doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs etc.

This must be from like 10-20 years ago.

>> No.51459000

if u dont have at least 2 million by the time ur 35 then you should kys unironically

>> No.51459038

This, plus crypto didn't exist before. I made over a million in tech and got a 12x on it this bullrun after cashing out so now I have around 13 million at 27.

>> No.51459049

By the time the Fed is done deflating the Everything Bubble, it will be back in date. Within 12 months, trillions in phantom wealth will vaporize.

>> No.51459069

>I have around 13 million at 27.
Are you going to be one of those people who stops posting after someone asks you for proof? lol

But hey if you did, congrats genuinely. I still think you'll stop posting though.

I'm 30 and just have 475k.

>> No.51459073

I don't think you're wrong but the poor and working class are getting absolutely fucked right now so it's going to become increasingly bimodal

>> No.51459542
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This meme seemed like shitty first, but then i realized im 29, have friend living in spain (i live in the states), two tatoos that felt like a good idea at the time, chronic psoriasis (spots on the skin and pimples), and eat rice like 24/7
Oh, yeah, totally. Im not nearly there (Recently just went over 100k with the recent VINU pump but it will take me a couple of months to get there), but my friend group consists all of people that work on different programming-related jobs and have net worths above 3million at the least, outdated meme

>> No.51459608


Anyone with RSUs vesting from any public tech company in 2020-2021 is retired right now, or they are completely financially illiterate.

>> No.51459724
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>AT LEAST one chronic illness
Is it weird that im 30 yrs old and don't have any really serious health problems...? Im not even going bald yet.

Everyone my age seems like they are literally falling apart.

>> No.51459740


Damn medical bills took me from the top 80% to top 20% this year.

>> No.51460110

I have none of those. I'm 38 and every year is the best year of my life. If you peak before 60 you're doing it wrong.

>> No.51460296

just dont get sick lol, also american moment.

>> No.51460315

>net worth
you mean body count

>> No.51460320

do you eat like shit? most people eat absolute trash until it catches up to them usually in their 30s and their doctor tells them to stop

>> No.51460361

I mean, my diet isn't that great, but I never smoked, don't drink alcohol, and I gave up soda and coffee years ago.

I also never really suffered any broken bones or serious injuries from sports or accidents.

>> No.51460380


>> No.51460386


I'm 32 and have no health issues. I feel the exact same as I did in my early 20s.

>> No.51460393

Ah yeah, if you don't actually live of course you don't age lmao
>inb4 cope

>> No.51460428

im pretty sure whoever lives the longest actually ages.
Have fun dying while shitting yourself i guess

>> No.51460434

>im in the top 5%
>just work at a call center and live a frugal life
>got on the housing ladder at 26

>> No.51460477

this is wrong, I'm 23 and have around 50k net, may have around 100k before I get to 25 and still feel poor af. Can't do anything still, can't by a car, can't raise a family. Only reason I'm doing this shit is to raise a family and I still can't get a gf, I sometimes think I'm going to remain a serf forever.

>> No.51460509

>i havent done much with my life
>why am i less worn out than those that have
whether you take comfort in this or resent it it's not a hard concept to understand
people that do more wear out quicker, might be because they drink or they are consistently sleep deprived, or they're just very active physically
it all takes a toll, but if you live a quiet comfortable life, especially if you're neet and stress free, you'll just notice yourself decay less quickly
it's why women live so much longer than men on average

>> No.51460544

You sound really insecure, m8, just sayin

>> No.51460553


>> No.51460622


Survivorship bias at play here. This is only really possible by working at globohomo FAANG companies, the average software engineer is certainly not a millionaire unless they got extremely lucky with RE/crypto.

The people who managed to cash out are millionaires, the rest of the people holding their confetti RSUs and collapsing shitboxes are dead broke.

>> No.51460643

Post proof or you're a LARPing faggot.

>> No.51460716

Thank you.
What kind of proof do you want?

>> No.51460834

24 with close to 80k net, just got a house and paid off my car, making 105k
i feel trapped between accumulating xmr and living in the momentby traveling or so on

>> No.51461001

Cock n' balls from the back should do it

>> No.51461036

I’m pretty sure this chart is for liquid net

>> No.51461153

Brokerage or crypto screenshot even if it's just part of your NW.

>> No.51461294

The reason you have more money is because you have no friends and never leave the house

>> No.51461297

I don't know how that would help if I can edit it with with inspect element. But tomorrow I can send a screenshot of my binance trading history which is were I got my 12x on my million. I bought AXS at 3 dollars with 400k of it and sold all at 98.

>> No.51461365

early 30s with 3k in debt AMA

>> No.51461426

31 300k Net I feel like an absolute poorfag. Oh well it’ll make me grind harder to make it in the next bull run.

>> No.51461435

Does protein powder count for bottom right?

This makes me want to die. I took the PhD pill and fucked myself financially

Congratulations on making it, fren

>> No.51461815

i sold my house this year and went back to renting
i have the equivalent of nearly half a million usd and im not even 30

>> No.51461836

Top 5 percent at 32 baybee

>> No.51461925

>doing drugs and drinking alcohol is living your life
I hate normalfags so much. Have fun with your early onset dementia you retards.

>> No.51461976

its one way to live your life, yes
nobody said it was the only way, or that it was better or worse, you two are just inferring shit and then taking offence to it probably because of your own insecurities

>> No.51461980
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>$60k debt
>Living in parents basement
I don't know how to get out of this situation, I'm so fucked.

>> No.51462034

>someone says he doesn't drink or do drugs
>retards reply that he didn't live his life
>then retards imply that they didn't say that not doing drugs is not living
i hate retards

>> No.51462041

If you're not making 100k a year by 25 then you really must have fucked up. That's just to be average at this point. Inflation is crazy and if you're not making that much then what the hell did you do?

>> No.51462070

you're the one bringing up drugs and alcohol
one person mentioned that those things will make your body decay quicker and you've inferred this whole fucking story that isnt there
we know he hasnt done much with his life cause he's a virgin freak on 4chan posting about turning middle aged while married normies around him seem different
the drugs and alcohol side of things is secondary and something you've brought into this

>> No.51462088

lmao that is the most made up shit I've ever seen

>> No.51463059

No you didn’t, you larping nigger. This is a demoralization thread. Most people will never have a million dollars. A million dollars is a lot of money, and you don’t have it. Kys

>> No.51463330

Why are you in debt? What did you take the debt out for?

>> No.51463417

No amount is based for 30s, you can have as much as gets to you. Being in the crypto space I only make sure to have my wallets connected to a privacy platform so that my assets aren't exposed to the public

>> No.51463460

>33k in cash (and investments) (not net worth. Not counting car. No intention to sell that old thing until it breaks)
>Lost half of it from crypto
>I'm still 85% better than my age group
What the fuck? This thing is either wrong or my generation is retarded. Most likely both. No way I'm doing better than 85% people my age I'm legit pants on head retarded

>> No.51463492

I live in the fucking balkans and have a 40k nw at 25
Disn’t even count crypto

>> No.51463511

>every year is the best year of my life
How do I do this? Every year is the worst year of my life.

>> No.51463974

basement rent

>> No.51464086

How strange that the jump from top 5% in 30-34 to 35-39 is +500k, or more than doubling net worth, whereas 40-44 to 45-49 is only +100k, a mere less than 10% gain in 5 years. On the lower ages I'd just assume they don't earn as they are still studying but with this older group, what happened? 55-59 to 60-64 is even more insane, with net worth going down somehow.

>> No.51464108
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Lmao why do niggers do this? Bored Incel neet with no friends, jerks off while writing larps on biz kek

>> No.51464124
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Unhappy woman make me so happen :)

>> No.51464993

Women really live on easy mode.
If you are a man like that at age 30 its over for you

>> No.51465011

literally nobody makes the money you're talking about save for ameriburgers working at globohomo companies
you guys are sub 2% of the population in your own country, and sub 0.1% worldwide

>> No.51465026

i'm 28 and my "net worth" is $500k, though i guess it's split between myself and my wife. $300k cash, $100k retirement accounts, $100 equity in house. going to plow the $300k back into the markets very soon and probably be a millionaire by age 30.

>> No.51465289

>25K in savings
I feel poor as shit compared to Americans but I’m shocked at how little everyone else I know has, most don’t even have 10K

>> No.51467556
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You lead a decent life and made the right choice to sell your axs, but I was unable to do so and am hoping that they will recover. For long-term holdings, I also purchased other alts including Xpress, Zilliqa, DREP, Monero, and KSM because I like all of their developments.

>> No.51468160
File: 71 KB, 500x593, E7C312D9-48A3-420F-B0FD-3AAE244A9479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sucked a million cocks from 10 million different people
>gotten every booster
>covered your entire body with qrd codes
>verbally reinforce your freedom

>> No.51468432

is this world wide or in the USA?

I'm married. My wife is not is two age brackets away from me. Should we split the difference? Should we cut our combined NW in half?
Does this include primary residence or retirement savings that I can't touch for more than a decade?

Shit chart really.

>> No.51468502

If you're on 23, keep grinding and saving.
Don't worry about a wife until your like 27-30, and then aim for one 5-10 years younger than you.
Have more kids than you think you want.

>> No.51468554

Leave your comfy bubble. Lots of people are living paycheck to paycheck and own nothing. I know people in their 50s that own a cheap car and that's it.

>> No.51468649

Can this shitty larp please stop?

>> No.51468666
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>A food you eat 5 times a week until it gets boring
I eat the same breakfast everyday which is cheese sandwich with egg on top.
Dinner for 3 weeks has been rice + chicken since they had a sale on it, and before that rice + steak every day (was on sale).

Tasty food stays tasty.

>> No.51468752

Yeah, money really isn't an issue anymore. It's all about how you lie on the internet for attention, that's where the excitement is. Yours was a poor attempt, very embarrassing, but there are ways to make it more believable. Keep working on it anon, it might look hopeless because you are starting from the bottom, but you might get there one day.

>> No.51468978

post your account balance then larper

>> No.51469153

7398837974974793479479743 sextillion

>> No.51469183
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>there are people out there who unironically make their own kids pay them rent
Imagine being Jewish that hard.

>> No.51470439

just turned 23, 50k net here - can liquidate whenever i want. feel poor af, and i've only been able to get to this point because i've sacrificed my social life
50k isn't a lot in the grand scheme of things, but pretty much relying on icp at this point. i don't feel like there's a way to really get there without heavy risk.

>> No.51470476

Same here if ICP doesn’t take off I think it’s over for me

>> No.51470832

It's unironically over for me

>> No.51470929

>better than half people my age just by having $10k and no debt

>> No.51471083

crickets.. we need deer anon

>> No.51471245

Those top 5 percent people are probably well into their career and get a decent promotion, purchase a house, etc.

And the decline makes sense too as some retire early, begin to have expensive health issues, pay for children's college, and more

>> No.51471296

There’s no way you can earn as much as you do and be as retarded as you are

>> No.51471315

dotcom bubble vibes

>> No.51471406

Your teens and early twenties is when you sacrifice money for social and skills not the other way around. Just network and learn valuable skills and the money will come later. You can’t get that time back man.
t. 35

>> No.51471463

I just got out of all debt and i make 75k a year.

I have 15k in stocks but it's all going to shit the past few weeks, what else should I do just save?

>> No.51471976
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>and a mortgage

>> No.51473689

i would rather be young and rich though

>> No.51473972

>techbro yuppie thinks his bubble reflects the median
I am so tired of this meme.

>> No.51474015

> Better than 60% of the age bracket by not being in debt
Feels pretty nice

>> No.51474033

>This makes me want to die. I took the PhD pill and fucked myself financially
I got out after my first academic year. Even that is having negative effects on my career. I can't apply to the EMBA program I want because I have 1 year too little experience

>> No.51474402

The addition of xpress and utilization of their all-in-one solution for easy and practical use is a wise move imo.

>> No.51474758

That's nothing. Even 100k a year with no mortgage isn't enough. Especially if you started from nothing and don't have any wealthy relatives with inheritance. I make good money and have been saving but wasn't able to buy the house I wanted because I didn't have enough for a down-payment. I saved about 200k and it went down to 50k because of the market. You're just coping hard.

>> No.51474968

$50k savings + 2 cars I bought for $50k and $15k. 26 y.o. how am i doing

>> No.51475170

Jews don't make their kids pay rent. They look after their kids.

>> No.51475422
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You made good progress for your age, but do you also invest in crypto or are you merely employed? It would be better if you were since I think investing, especially in low-cap alts like Geeq, cate, and lit that has practical applications, has a ton of potential imo.

>> No.51475479
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>> No.51476147


>> No.51476174

What solutions is that?

>> No.51476198

american women are some of the most awful creatures on this planet

>> No.51476627

Once they successfully launch their solution, I believe their enterprise blockchain will become widely used. Companies will make use of that imo.