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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 43 KB, 646x682, AVAX investor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51453511 No.51453511 [Reply] [Original]

If you become a Node Operator in this Network, you will make your first million within three years. Okay?
I'm gonna repeat that. You will make a million dollars within three years of your first day of Staking your own Avalanche Node.
There is no question as to whether or not you'll become a millionaire staking here.
The only question is how many times over. You think I'm joking?
I am not joking. I am a Node Operator. It's a weird thing to hear, right?
I'll tell ya. It's a weird thing to say. I am a fucking Node Operator.
And guess how much I stake. ten thousand. You know what that makes me here? Micronode senior citizen.
These other DeFi ecosystems are entirely comprised of ghostchains, not mine.
Lucky for me, I'm very fucking good at staking AVAX, or I'd be out of rewards.
You guys are the new blood. You're gonna go home with the kessef.
You are the future big swinging stakers of this network. Now, you all look shitcoin hungry, and that's good.
Anybody tells you C-Chain is stuck doesn't fuckin' have any sJOE.
They say blockchains cant scale? Look at the fuckin' AVAX Consensus. high tps and decentralized, baby.
You want details? Fine. I run a 8core 32GB on a VPS. What's up? I have additional 2% from delegation rewards.
I can validate every Subnet you could possibly imagine. And best of all, kids, no slashing.

>> No.51453552

i have no clue what any of this means.

can you just give me the money?

>> No.51453572
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Kys $200 per month roach shill, your shitcoin has a 30 % inflation and vc hold 80 % of all coins. Also your shill campaign to /pol/tard poorfags is a huge redflag. Sold all my coins last year and I so fucking happy. I will never touch avax again.

>> No.51453631

Any hopium left for us, Validatorchad? It feels like we ran out of narratives. Even Söylana and Cosmos is more popular right now.

>> No.51454023
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>buy 2000 AVAX
>stake on your own Node
>become a Millionaire

>30 % inflation
its ike 7%, also Avalanche is hardcapped, deflationary (fees are burned) and 65% of all circulating AVAX is staked or delegated to a Node, the rest is in DeFi.
additional to that 900+ Subnets are currently in the works and all of them will lock up 20k and more AVAX.
Permissionless Subnets will push this up even further.
>I will never touch avax again.
$491B asset manager KKR tokenized their health care fund on Avalanche this week.

>> No.51454733

i fucked up bros, 2600 avax to 1900, i need 12.6 usd avax to get it back.

>> No.51454918

i dont understand why anyone wants to exchange real dollars for this imaginary token?

>> No.51455046

Because this token gives you 10% back a year and increases in value as its deflationary? Because its novel consensus mechanism and infinite, permissionless subnets mean infinite scaling, forever, with perfect security and sub-second finality? Lol yeah I wonder why...

>> No.51455172

>Because this token gives you 10% back a year and increases in value as its deflationary?

But why? How does it have any value in dollars?

>> No.51455623

>How does it have any value in dollars?
nigga i don't even know where to start with you, let's just say "tokenized derivatives"

>> No.51456351

Because you perform the work of validation, making sure the transactions recorded are accurate. This is the essence of blockchain. You are rewarded in tokens for doing so. The network as a whole has value because it allows for so-called "smart contracts". These are highly efficient way of conducting transactions such as business, swaps, derivative contracts and so on, and reduce many of the costs and delays associated with traditional contracting. How the fuck do you not know this?

>> No.51456569
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> Thinks burning fees makes a coin deflationary
Tell me you're low IQ without telling me you're low IQ. AVAX inflation is 40%

>> No.51456586

>Because you perform the work of validation, making sure the transactions recorded are accurate.

but why have any transactions in a made up fake currency? who wants to transact and why?

>> No.51456800

because its more efficient than using a real one. imagine entering into a contract with someone where you bet that certain stonks will drop and the other party bets they will rise. the winner pays the other a set amount. you need a third party to verify that - its called "clearing" so that no one cheats. this is slow, costs money to the third party and so on. with a smart contract you can tokenize it - run it on an automated smart contract and you dont have the need for anything else. it works automatically, trustlessly, and is almost free to carry out (if fees are low). you then convert your asset back to whatever currency you want, anywhere in the world, for free again, without ever having to swap it in a bank etc incurring yet more fees. its just more efficient. this is only ONE use. there are dozens I can think of - probably hundreds in all - almost anything you can do in business you can do this way - anything you can use a contract for, or would use a ledger for to keep track of things. again, how the fuck are you asking this in 2022?

>> No.51457195

this chain is absolutely going to die for the shit it pulled and for being totally useless

>> No.51457428

Cringe if you're implying the low IQ lawyer stuff, that's a nothingburger

>> No.51457482

you're right, it's just the useless aspect then and the 1.8 tps

>> No.51457549

Shit been so undervalued for so long (tech wise, adoption wise, network value locked etc) i've lost any hope at least until the next bull market arrive.

Crypto never matures and doomed for eternal shithousery, The top 30 look even worse now than 2 years ago, Abysmal and a measure for how subhuman the crypto community is.

>> No.51457799

Permissionless subnets are the only hopium I have left. I guess avalanche v2 as well.

>> No.51457831

this long ass post won't change the fact that avalanche is shit compared to polygon lmao, simply look at how Matic was able to flip avax, shib, dai, and tron in market cap, rising all the way to the top 3

>> No.51460240

Avalanche is superior Sandeep.

>> No.51461495
File: 111 KB, 772x766, unlocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX has a hardcapped supply similar to to BTC's hardcapped emission model. However unlike BTC, AVAX burns fees so ultimately it's deflationary when staking rewards fall before the burn rate. Staking rewards account for about 6% inflation and will slowly decrease over time.

>but muh unlocks
Token unlocks are all team/foundation/community tokens so very little of it will enter circulation and it it does it will be in the form of incentives like Avalanche Rush or paying for more devs, both of which are bullish.

>> No.51461899

every unlock was actually bullish and the price always pumped.

>> No.51462959

How much AVAX for me to make it

>> No.51463113

i just took a fat shit

>> No.51463252

>because its more efficient than using a real one. imagine entering into a contract with someone where you bet that certain stonks will drop and the other party bets they will rise. the winner pays the other a set amount. you need a third party to verify that - its called "clearing" so that no one cheats. this is slow, costs money to the third party and so on. with a smart contract you can tokenize it - run it on an automated smart contract and you dont have the need for anything else.

but i can already short stocks for free can't i on the likes of Robin Hood?

>> No.51463286

But nobody really uses these so-called 'smart contracts' do they?

it's just a talking point for people who pump and dump worthless digital currencies, isn't it?

>> No.51463300

sounds interesting but I think you could prob pull the same thing off with icp or matic in about 1.5 years

>> No.51464543

That's why it's speculative. The technology is there and it is better than the current systems in use, we just have to wait and see if it takes off. Keep in mind people were saying similar things at the dawn of the internet

>> No.51465118

> the tech
>1.5 tps
>all defi scams and shit crab game
this shit is done

>> No.51465262

They do, there's already a bunch of use cases, being able to borrow using over-collateralize loans, swapping thousands of coins for thousands of other coins. The fact that everything is automated, people are instantly liquidated by soulless machines, everything is transparent so you can accurately assess the level of risk in the entire system.

In the recent Terra Luna/Celsius/3AC fiasco DeFi held up fine, working exactly as intended, the problems were all at the CeFi end. That alone is a hyper-bullish endorsement of the technology.

There is no reason for institutions not to use this technology for low volume shit like CDOs or ABSs amongst themselves in private permissioned networks. Creating this "walled garden", which Avalanche will, is a massive market.

>> No.51465273

>They do, there's already a bunch of use cases, being able to borrow using over-collateralize loans, swapping thousands of coins for thousands of other coins. The fact that everything is automated, people are instantly liquidated by soulless machines, everything is transparent so you can accurately assess the level of risk in the entire system.

don't lie, literally nobody in the real world uses your magic beans smart contracts.

>> No.51465303

People in the "real world" would struggle to enter due to regulatory concerns.

>> No.51465793

>AVAX Consensus. high tps and decentralized
I agree, I'm glad gamestarplus has its onchain activities there.

>> No.51465811
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>> No.51465836

Not yet - which is why the token is 18 dollars not 1800-18000 dollars. The idea is to buy now though before that happens - then sell when people need it to do it. Its called "speculation". You either believe in smart contracts and the fact that people do what is efficient or saves them money to do, or you dont...up to you to DYOR

>> No.51465995

Family fued on this streaming platform has been good. I can't wait for their NFT integration.

>> No.51466087

AVAX is quite efficient. good stuff is being built on it now.

>> No.51467817

I am excited for the future of AVAX

>> No.51468984
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supposedly this gay website thinks my post is fucking spam so here is my reply

>> No.51469466

No reason to shit on Sam so hard, he namedropped Avalanche next to Solana a couple of times when asked about legit tech

>> No.51469849


dude every fucking twitter account connected with ftx via sponsorship always talks about solana and never avalanche

cobie says that avalanche "sucks", he isn't particularly stupid either so I feel completely sure that influencers are being paid to namedrop solana and shit on avalanche whenever possible

no coincidence 3AC weren't on the Alameda/FTX payroll and were fully into avalanche before they blew everything the fuck up

>> No.51469923

I find it interesting how the coins with low inflation are the dead ones like Cardano.

Most stats about inflation are lies. September 2021-2022 Avalanche has high inflation of 32%, but Messari lists Solana's at 7%, utter bollocks. Solana's Inflation is 19%, anyone can verify this using publicly available information. They made it seem as though Avalanche has four times Solana's inflation. The main difference is still that Solana had one huge unlock whereas Avalanche spread theirs out, inflation from that respect depends purely on the point in time where you start measuring from.

>> No.51469964

>You either believe in smart contracts and the fact that people do what is efficient or saves them money to do, or you dont...up to you to DYOR

i know you cant put a business contract in a couple of lines of code. they are hundreds of pages.

>> No.51470188

>depends purely on the point in time where you start measuring from

Like if you'd measured Solana's Inflation from September 2020-2021, it would be 740%. Funny how nobody was out there then trying to claim that those numbers would persist into the future. This dick measuring over inflation started from a time when it was purely in Solana's interests to do so.

>> No.51470838
File: 15 KB, 538x570, images - 2022-08-19T093144.631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You appear to lead a bitter life, therefore I would evaluate the system first before declaring it to be a scam. If you think it's not, you can put your trust in it just like Freeway, where you are free to invest and generate passive income.

>> No.51471412
File: 5 KB, 200x253, A15119ED-C4CC-41E0-AE7F-A715D1D3EA15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the dip.