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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 212 KB, 1099x617, good morning sers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51452382 No.51452382 [Reply] [Original]

These are your average LUNC posters


>> No.51452619
File: 37 KB, 360x450, 166238075350078145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s your (you) for the day faggot

>> No.51452629

Based. Lunchads gmi. This is too big for biz

>> No.51452639

Fuck, I can't. I just sold

>> No.51452659

I actually hated these cultists then it changed to sort of pity but now it's just fucking hilarious.

>> No.51452699

Based whites who bought redditard's life savings for lunch money then dumped on these monke investors. Thanks for playing. No refunds. LUNC will bleed out as more monke realize it's never going to reach 0.00050 ever again.

>> No.51452744

Based Pradeep getting comfy kek there was even a pajeet who dropped a good morning sirs before they muted everyone

>> No.51452770

why wouldn't it?
Who is paying you to say that

the burn hasn't even started yet. You can thank the bird niggers and shorts for the price.

>> No.51452783
File: 1.87 MB, 1024x1024, 773F7113-FE01-4F93-9097-E1DCBF9C55FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahaha fucking textbook cope posts right here

>> No.51452789

>onpy subhumans

>> No.51452796
File: 281 KB, 421x421, 9FC7C269605B4EA78B48E0FE36162AE9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next it's muh beer money muh I'm still up x4 probably x3 now kek

>> No.51452863

goddamn I can smell the curry and matzo ball soup from here

>> No.51452897
File: 102 KB, 319x674, Screenshot_20220916-060501_Clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Sandeep

>> No.51452957

Kek I hold lunc and will probably hold it even if it goes to zero i was there and couldn’t stop laughing at the chaos and the people saying “hello sers!”
Still hopefully and looking forward to the Binance AMA

>> No.51453039

Jeets and niggers
Sounds about right

>> No.51453224

it's 100% going to zero. thanks for playing

>> No.51453242

>surprised all of the delusional fags that bought $50 worth like it's their golden lottery ticket out of poverty are poor thirdworlders

>> No.51453261

ANyway, none of them will hold until $1. They will sell at a cent.

>> No.51453301

desu it looks like a bullrun is about to happen. i don't blame them for playing the waiting game

>> No.51453571

>/biz/ last week: Is it too late to buy LUNC
>/biz/ this week: It's going to zero
>/biz/ in a year: Is it too late to buy LUNC
>Me in a year: Not for a cent less than $5 apiece, pay up

>> No.51453583

It’s already at zero you tard. Do Lunc fudders have permanent brain damage or something?

>> No.51453650


>> No.51453691

It’s already below zero, retard

>> No.51453719

Me on bottom right laying down

>> No.51454922

my wish and hope and dream are that hating fuding kike worshipping smug plebbitors, pajeets working for kikes and the kikes themselves, which is unlikely because jews are the master manipulators, will rope when they expect it the least should be enough copium fren
hate troons and noses ngmi

>> No.51455749

bullish ngl

>> No.51457110

>when lunc moons there will be tons of annoying jeet photos of them covered in gold, driving lambos and generally being materialistic as fuck

>> No.51459510

i had the most pleasent and pure kek i had today
thank youtvwgfm

>> No.51460327

where is the pakistani lunc poster?
the guy who kept saying “ser”.

>> No.51461707

Me on the bottom left

>> No.51461913

Holy Based! Just bought more LUNC WAGMI bros!!!