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51446142 No.51446142 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get an unironic thread going in which we discuss decent options for long term accumulation coins during the bear market. >99% of shitcoins are doomed to never recover, we know this. but there are good options still, personally i'm betting heavily on a) exchange tokens and b) privacy coins, as gambling and private fiat payment alternatives are the only real use-cases that i see in crypto unironically. but maybe i have missed something. what could be the next narrative after L1 eth "killers" such as avax, sol, ftm etc.? are metaverse coins just a meme? will meme coins outperform serious projects in the next bull again? post your takes on this and also what coins you're accumulating right now and in the next few months/years.

>> No.51446165


>> No.51446191

BTC and XMR are probably the best long-term accumulation coins...
if you actually want to make money invest in an ETF. It's tried and true.

>> No.51446195

is all u need dumb newfags

>> No.51446237

Everyone below this post is a paid shill. There are unironically people of non white color posting their shitcoin here in hopes of fitting in and people investing in their scam but any white man will immediately be able to spot them. Sad!

>> No.51446252


>> No.51446267
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>Can we get an unironic thread
ESL alert

>> No.51446278

unironically PNK

>> No.51446305

I think speaking as someone who works in the entertainment industry, producing stuff to be sold as entertainment costs a lot of money. A lot of companies will be looking at ways to reduce production costs, and digitising everything could be an avenue to explore. I'm not sure that places like sandbox and decentraland are technologically there yet, but if (when) vr becomes more commonplace I'd expect things like that to take off massively simply because it's cheaper for businesses to go down that route. If you can come up with a way of getting between digital business and consumers (digital land, that sort of thing) then in the long term that could pay off massively.

Not a financial advisor, not financial advice, do your own research etc.

>> No.51446320

this, but unironically

>> No.51446352

ICP + staking. By Next bill run Eth and BTC will be fully integrated (BTC already underway) and hopefully fully on-chain native swaps between eth and BTC will be built out. Imagine the shitcoin casino when that happens.

>> No.51446362

this. i think I'm going to be DCA-ing into 50/50 ICP/ALGO

>> No.51446436

unironically ngmi

>> No.51446452

which etf

>> No.51446639

unironically link. you always need oracles and they planing to expand tokens usage a lot so it should gain lot of value. obviously btc, eth and xmr will always be a thing. I got huge hopes with atom also