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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51445996 No.51445996 [Reply] [Original]

Because business and finance threads just get drowned out by crypto spam. Tricks using loans, career paths, current trends are slow, but valueable. But they can't compete against shitposting crypto breads.

Crypto is finance too, but it doesn't leave much room for other threads

>> No.51446014

The non crypto board would be dead because everyone here is frogposter posting about their estrogen levels or a Pajeet shill or a bagholder that is legally married to their stinky bags..
Or even all 3 at once.

Who does that leave to post about business?

>> No.51446041

Slow boards aren't bad. If there is a thread discussing home owner ship for young people, why shouldn't it be slow and last a few days?

>> No.51446564

>Create a /crypt/ board.
>Merge /biz/ with /pol/ because economics are politics
>All the other threads go to /qa/

>> No.51446646

I agree with your assessment of biz, anon. That's why I actively participate in non-crypto threads. Not sure if a separate board would be the answer or not.

>> No.51447650

Yeah we need two boards for the one monthly ‘small business ideas’ thread

>> No.51447680

This board is already slow and that’s a good thing. Eight was slow but the posts were typically of high quality and thought out.
If you want to talk about something make a thread about it. That’s literally the whole point of a board

>> No.51447856

shut up and buy link faggot

>> No.51447878

A /crypt/ board would actually be lit anon. Damn I actually agree with this. Don't want the retarded real world shit of actual business to get in the way of my bitDAO spam.

>> No.51449905

Like I said, the slow business threads get drowned out by shizo thread number #1940, because normal business doesnt have the up down up down new thing all day like crypto does. Sure there are phases and trends where its the case, but generally its slower(but still valueble