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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51434491 No.51434491 [Reply] [Original]

Today I have completely fell out with my gf when I discovered that in the bed I am just as good as her ex. Not better. Just as good as him. It doesnt make situation better that she had more sexual partners than me, she enjoyed sex with her previous partners (she confirmed it), did anal and squirted with one of them. I thought I was the only one she ever squirted with.

One of her previous men was a married one who "taught her everything in sex" thus she is so experienced now. Cherry on top is that she was telling me all this time that I was the first one who has cummed inside her with no condom. I really believed it. Today I discovered that I was not the first one, there was also her ex and his condom broke during sex, so technically he was the first one, not me. The only difference is that with me it was intentional and with him it was accidental.

I actually feel sick and demoralized now. How can I profit from this, financially speaking?

>> No.51434520

dont ask questions you dont want to hear the answer to >financial advice break up now because its over and everything past this point will be a waste of time/money

>> No.51434559

>my heterosexual gf had SEX with MEN
would you prefer if she was a rug muncher

>> No.51434572

I know the feeling. Find yourself a virgin lady. Its much better when she isn't tainted.

>> No.51434581

Anon she is a men
Do whatever you want with this information

>> No.51434599
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I would leave her before your disgust for her turns into disgust for yourself.
But make sure she understands you are leaving her because of her sexual history.
Women need to be regularly confronted by the fact that we men decide what is acceptable and not society. By leaving her for that exact reason you at least give her a dose of reality.

>> No.51434610

Shit like this is why I like 'em young.

>> No.51434691

>How can I profit from this, financially speaking?
Learn all her skills. Become a skilled jiggalo. Fuck her mom for profit.

>> No.51434732

anon, all women are like this.
she has done you a favor and revealed the process that all women go through where they dole out uncomfortable truths over the course of several months.
it hurts now, but take it as an opportunity to see women (and men for that matter) for the inconsistent, selectively honest deceivers that they genuinely all are.

>> No.51434746

listen up muzzie mut: if she wasn't honest with you and fed into your idealistic perception of her- yes. if you just assumed all this shit like a sperg and now feel rugged because she has a history- up to you.

>> No.51434773
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It just hurts anons. She is really nice and everything. But I cant look at her the same way anymore. Fuck

>> No.51434822

How did an incel like you get a gf in the first place? My gf was married before she met me and I'm completely fine with the fact another dude railed her. But now i'm the one railing her so who cares. If you want a pure girl who's never had sex then just become a pedo or something idk

>> No.51434855

This types like is was filtered through google translate

>> No.51435076

What part of business and finance you don't understand

>> No.51435173

Do you care if your dog had previous owners? You're the one feeding him now and he loves you right now because of that.

You should think of women the same way. Except dogs are a much better return on investment (time and money).

>> No.51435262
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>tfw she told me I was the first one to ever make her cum
>she stayed paralyzed on the bed for like 10 minutes afterward
>wanted to fuck all the time after that