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File: 66 KB, 1024x768, kratom2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51433334 No.51433334 [Reply] [Original]

How can I profit from this?

>> No.51433360

What kind of faggot is addicted to green tea? LOL

>> No.51433374

What does it do?

>> No.51433376

Thats fucking shit

>> No.51433388

Kratom is crap and toxic, switch to phenibut like the big boys

>> No.51433861

Me too lmao.
Ngl though..
Life without it is a whole lot more dreadful. Shit is hard carrying my mental health rn.

>> No.51434169

yeah I used to take 6.5g on saturday/sunday, that shit feels great. like an energy drink but a smoother buzz, and lasts for hours. and when you're coming down your whole body just feels great and relaxed. but lately I feel my kidneys hurt just a tad so I stopped taking as much and instead do 4ish grams twice a week. feel totally fine now. been taking it for like 4 years and never really had any problems. how tf are you "addicted"? how much do you take and how often?

>> No.51434327

just go into it lately
trying to find my favorite

>> No.51434519

It makes you hella sick if you do too much at once, so you'd have to be a pretty big faggot to get addicted. I usually take t-breaks months at a time ez.

They aren't comparable at all, phenibut is like a weak benzo and kratom isn't like anything, because real opiods make you itchy and lethargic and shit. One legitimately treats pain and the other is a life ruining experience chasing a high.

>> No.51434569

does kratom really treat pain?

>> No.51434593

for me its boofing ketamine and then smoking dmt before i cant move

>> No.51434603

Wait I'm thinking of kava or cava or some shit that was toxic, kratom didn't do shit to me though

>> No.51434606
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, IMG-1342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kratom didn't give me anything beside constipation
phenibut tho, i used to take it daily 2g a day + 2g top up twice a week every weekend for party for a year plus no fail around 2018, good time
now i'm a retired multi millionaire kek, drug is good what's bad is the withdrawal

>> No.51434607

Shove it up your bum

>> No.51434614

I’m addicted to suboxone
If I’m going to get off it, I have to go back on oxy or heroin for a month.
That’s true mental pain and anguish

>> No.51434632

Maybe it's hyperbole, but it definitely takes the edge off of physical and mental pains for me. Also makes it nearly impossible to coom, that's the only trade-off.

>> No.51434636

kratom? what's that? something like matcha for zoomers?

>> No.51434674

it's something like cocaine

>> No.51434713

As far as legal drugs go, it’s the closest you can get to opiates.
A lot of people use it to get off heroin or suboxone, but you end up addicted to it and the withdrawal is double hell.
Been there done that

>> No.51434913

Comparing kratom to heroine is like comparing coffee to cocaine. I've done kratom on and off for around 6 years and the withdrawal isn't nearly as bad as benzos, hydrocodone, or even nicotine. Or you're getting tainted shit.

>> No.51434979

the active chemical in Kratom 7hydroxyMitragraine is 8 times stronger than morphine

just because the levels in the Plant matter are relatively low , making the high virtually unoticable compared to heroin doesn't mean it's not physically addicting.

It IS physically addicting and they make extracts that can actually rival some of the more traditional opiates in strength

don't get it twisted, this is an OPIOD
it is addicting and it will lead you to doing heroin

be careful

>> No.51435005

Kava isn't toxic. There were concerns due to tainted batches in the early 2000s, but since then the FDA and similar agencies have lifted their bans. Kava is to benzos what kratom is to opiods; in fact it's even better than kratom because there's no withdrawal risk.

>> No.51435028

Phenibut withdrawal was the third worse withdrawal I’ve ever had. Only things worse were benzos and fentanyl withdrawal. It really works, but I’d advise not fucking with it lol.

>> No.51435143

>muh slippery slope fallacy
And soda and fried chicken will lead to obesity and heart attacks. Adults should be able to do what they want if it doesn't hurt anyone else.

>> No.51435158

The slippery slope "fallacy" has a fantastic record. Appeals to it are usually right.

>> No.51435183

Out of the 5 people I know who used or currently use it, not a single one became addicted to it because they weren't retarded and understood that anything you dose every single day will lead to either physical or mental dependency.

If you can't control yourself, don't use any drugs. Even the ones where addiction potential is low. Simple as

>> No.51435194

Try LDN.

>> No.51435250

99% of cocaine and meth addicts started with coffee. Finding the slopes are easy, but everyone at the top doesn’t slip down them

>> No.51435318

just cut back then take loperamide and smoke a small amount of delta 8 for a few days

>> No.51435424

I tried kava once, it made me sick as shit and was the most god awful thing I'd ever tasted. No relation to kratom though.

>> No.51435499

I’ve used it basically every day for 5 years. Last week I ran out and was waiting on my next shipment to land and I felt absolutely no withdrawals and barely even thought about it. The only people that would be addicted to Kratom are those that are using it to substitute for a harder drug

>> No.51435503

>and they make extracts that can actually rival some of the more traditional opiates in strength
could you suggest a good strain?

>> No.51435626

>active chemical in Kratom 7hydroxyMitragraine is 8 times stronger than morphine
why didn't drug lords arranged a kind of drug to sell on the black market isolating it?

>> No.51435645

Shit makes me puke, but I can fuck for an hour straight without cumming

>> No.51435660

Just use a nasal spray man, the minor boost in absorption isn't worth shoving it up your arsehole

>> No.51435664
File: 39 KB, 358x310, 164027069511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy disgusting amounts of $vinu while you are seeing red on your next overdose anon, thank me later.

>> No.51435704

kratom unironically makes you go bald. you should pick another drug OP.

>> No.51435714

>the minor boost in absorption
is ketamine ot well absorbed by nasal mucosa?

>> No.51435738

you consider this desirable?

>> No.51435854

Lol now I’m just picturing you banging a chick doggystyle while puking all over her back.

>> No.51435904

sure the japs have a fancy name for that

>> No.51435950

I sure hope it's just the kratom bro. I've had shitty thin hair since my late teens and it's only slightly worse now. I also had really bad dandruff that I use coal tar and zinc to control now.

>> No.51435975

Where can you buy this type of stuff in Europe? Safely.