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File: 41 KB, 598x418, Screenshot 2022-09-14 Justin Trudeau on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51431668 No.51431668 [Reply] [Original]

Bottom is in.

>> No.51431717

How can one man be such a slimy shit? I boggles the brain, mystifies the mind and shakes the soul.

>> No.51431742

ok i don't care where you're coming from you need to fuck off the board
ottawa doesn't understand the stakes of the game it's playing, and it's clear nobody around Justin gives a shit about the fact they are putting him front and center of an intense line of public fire.

>> No.51431753

All the elites are like this, they want the peasant class to remain poor. They're afraid of losing wealth/power.

>> No.51431781

Btc was supposed to be different
We could have gotten global fomo despite all this because people are desperate for a inflation hedge
And now its the dollar ffs
I also blame people who sold because of the halfing time that was the worst timing wise

>> No.51432063

I dont think people realize how epic this tweet iweet is
We KNOW the last two are false
The amount of confidence I have now for crypto is off the scale

>> No.51432388

"he" is not human

>> No.51432578


>> No.51432610
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>> No.51432613

We are close to the bottom but I am expecting a parabolic dump in BTC to 15k, they really are trying to shake out as many people as possible before the golden bull run

>> No.51432674

When do you think the dump is gonna happen?

>> No.51433162

Two weeks

>> No.51433226

if it follows the same trend as in 2018, the dump will put bitcoin at around 10k-20k range for 6 months, but the time to accumulate is now because the market volume will decrease x10 in the next bullrun.

>> No.51435200

This but not ironically . Also dubs confirm

>> No.51435748

true golden bull run is in 2030

>> No.51435786

why would I care what dictator trudeau says? he's a tyrant. fuck him and his dictator chud ways

>> No.51435907
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>> No.51436010

and these same elites unironically keep winning.
This is the real black pill. It's not so much about avoiding the rape but just learning how to deal with it because we literally have no power on earth.

Who is going to stop them?
Which leaders? they are all in on it and if they arent they will destroy you.

>> No.51436418

>saved jobs
I know a bunch of people who got fired because of vaxx mandates

>> No.51436676
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>> No.51436681

Is cucknada the last country still requiring the kike spike for visitors?

>> No.51436724

Isn't the US also doing that?
Or did they cancel the vax mandate for travelers now?

>> No.51436798
File: 142 KB, 1920x1080, 5f21b335-c21c-4e68-8bae-c414861ee526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is going to stop them?
You are going to stop them by washing your penis. No one is going to wash it for you and it sure as hell is not going to wash itself.

I mean this unironically.

>> No.51436800

trudeau sucks

>> No.51436821

Why the fuck does Canada continue to exist

>> No.51436876


Arriving in Toronto airport, I thought I had landed in India. The security guard is a poojeeta that greeted me. The immigration officer is a poojeet. The taxi driver who solicited a ride is a ... poojeet. I went to Tim Hortons, a coffee store, and the cashier is a poojeeta. Her brown feces coated hands made my coffee and brought my donuts. This country is so brown. If you want the Indian experience without visiting Mumbai, just visit Toronto.

The poojeets have over taken white people working at the airport. The baggage handlers are blacks and poojeets.

>> No.51436890
File: 920 KB, 1419x735, white_waiter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone else is tired of white entitlement, especially white waiters/waitresses?

Entitled little shits demand that you pay 15-20% tip for the bill. The bill is $200 and they THINK the deserve $40 for clearing some plates and asking "is everything okay?" (in their shrilly voice). You don't tip them? They shame you on social media or SPIT on your food. Canadian white culture is based on entitlement and high-than-thou morality.

Female bartenders make $300 - $500 during a good night. They make more than a labourious UPS driver or studious accountant for POURING drinks. White males have enabled snarky, entitled white females through rules and social norms.

>> No.51436906

Rural white towns are getting flooded with Indians, and if it's somewhere up north too cold for Indians, the government will literally offer full citizenship to anyone who can prove they have lived there two years. Our housing market is out of control and our economy is built around hyperinflated real estate (like 20% of our gdp is in real estate). If immigrants stop coming in and buying houses the whole pyramid scheme collapses and the economy goes tits up. So the government FURIOUSLY ramps up immigration by any means. If you have $50,000 to invest, you are a Canadian citizen and can bring your family over to work in your gas stations and Subway franchises. The end result: at the bottom there's increased competition for low paying jobs (you're competing against half the planet) and at the top theres swarms of goyim to buy your goyslop and paper houses for top dollar. The average income is like $100,000 but the average wage is like $22/hr - you're either a multi millionaire or you're gonna be eating the bugs and living in the pod. Anyone who isn't a wealthy immigrant is sleeping 2 to a room and shopping at dollarama, living paycheck to paycheck a few thousand bucks in debt with maxed out credit cards, owning nothing and being happy.

The Indians themselves arent the bad guys, they're just trying to make a few bucks and move out of the disease infested shithole they're from. A lot of times they're kinder, more genuine and more down to earth than the whites. But fuck... You just have no idea how many there are here right now. The census results are going to be released in October and I honestly predict 30-40% Indian and whites around the same.

Trust me you don't want to live here anon

>> No.51436935

>bottom is in because of a tweet of some retarded socialist leaf
Really? So you think things aren't going to get much worse? Things are going to get much, much worse

>> No.51436982

Can’t wait to see the Canadian Trump this faggot is fueling

>> No.51437108
File: 56 KB, 536x1024, WTF was that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Opposing the pandemic supports that saved jobs and helped families is not responsible leadership
wtf did i just read?

>> No.51437284

Last time I checked I still wasn't allowed to board an airplane leaving to the USA from anywhere in the world.

>> No.51438310

justin is under fire?

>> No.51438331
File: 670 KB, 562x842, trudeau is casto's son 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literal son of castro

>> No.51438346

here is a good archived thread on trudeau being castro's son for anyone interested

>> No.51438367

The blood of two subhuman psychopaths flows through his veins, and he was raised by a third subhuman psychopath.

>> No.51438468
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>you may NOT protect your wealth from inflation!
lmao what a fucking faggot this guy is

>> No.51439342

Man you really hit the nail on the head, well put. I’m in London/Southern Ontario and that describes everything here exactly

>> No.51439419

god, imagine getting the greenlight to KO Treudau. what a dream

>> No.51439469

they think if they keep lying people will eventually believe it.

>> No.51439520

how is this dumb nigger's optics so bad?

>> No.51439676

why is he pushing away his zoomer support-base by shitting on crypto?

>> No.51439787
File: 1.41 MB, 1360x898, 1638419335335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the bottom?

>> No.51439856

Trudy is Schwab's bottom

>> No.51440837
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Checked and based. I hate turdeau so much its unreal

>> No.51440961

God I hate this tryhard Castro reject

>> No.51440979

you post this every 5 minutes.
crypto is going down the shitter, reverse psychology won't help.

>> No.51442555

>opt out of inflation
dafuq does that even mean?

>> No.51442697

>crypto is going down the shitter,
U come here just to discuss areoponics and garloid farming then?

>> No.51443356
File: 25 KB, 756x457, 1609825374404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Telling people they can opt out of inflation is not responsible
I agree

>> No.51443430

>Opt out of inflation
You can actually opt out of any government suggestion with a little violence.

>> No.51444143


>> No.51445637

>opt out of inflation
what is this retard on about?

>> No.51445684
File: 335 KB, 802x800, 1634137784940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand this tweet at all. Any high IQ reading this, however delusional and left, will see that Trudeau is saying 'YOU CAN OPT OUT OF INFLATION AND NOT LOSE PURCHASING POWER IF YOU BUY CRYPTO BUT PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS, PLEASE, WE NEED YOUR WEALTH'.

He's posted a tweet that actually legitimises investment in BTC, and this undermines his power, mind boggling.

>> No.51445689

As if that disgusting faggot has any place in leadership.

>> No.51445695

Fuck off Justin