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51431644 No.51431644 [Reply] [Original]

>what are the anons here going to do if they strike it big?
I'll start. Buy a live aboard sailboat to sail around the world and day trade through Starlink.

>> No.51431747

Checked and based dream. The world is vast and one lifetime isn't enough to explore it and experience it. The "dude, just wageslave for 50 years" meme is real.

>> No.51431805

I want to play video games and watch anime all day, and I do. Keep it real

>> No.51431971
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>"dude, just wageslave for 50 years"
Its funny you say that. I'm mid-twenties now and just switched to my new job where I've begun the fabled six-figure CS job. I went to a state school mostly on scholarship and Sleepy Joe just got rid of my last remaining debt. I've got an old car that'll need to be replaced within the year but I've got around a year of liquid savings, my 401k/Roth IRA/HSA and index funds all opened and being contributed to, and finally I've got my crypto portfolio that could see a boom in the next five years but even if it doesn't I should still be good financially. I should mention I'm living at home with my mom to save on expenses. Also based off my career track I'll be making 150k a year by 30 alongside yearly performance bonuses and a handful of other benefits.
What I'm getting at is I'm a very strong position to rule over the rest of my life but suddenly everybody is in my face about buying a house, trying to set me up on dates to find a future wife (I'm "Catholic") and kids, buy a expensive truck, waste money on frivolous things to impress people and so on. My job isn't even horrible I enjoy 50% of it which is the minimum you need to work a job till retirement. If I keep at my current pace I'll be as free as one can be by 30 in this country. Yet everyone seems to want me to put the chains on, its a very "crabs in a bucket" mentality from people. I had a poor upbringing and a disastrous family unit but I worked hard, was smart, and made the practical decisions. People know that and know they can't criticize me like a trust fund baby so in their jealously they just want me to make stupid decisions like they do.
This was a bit of a rant because I need to let off some stress but what I'm getting at is everyone dreams for plush, luxury chains and I'm the only dreaming of wind, water, and freedom in my face. I don't know. Hope you anons have good gains and don't let your dreams be memes!

>> No.51432015

I've been pressuring all my friends into having kids for the past few years and they've all got 1 or 2 now. Needless to say I did it for the lulz, they're all struggling for money now

>> No.51432026

I don't need a child but I do feel the need for an heir when I get older. Will probably just befriend a nephew or cousin like Bilbo Baggins. Julius Caesar is marriage/heir goals.

>> No.51432045

You should have your own kids being a creepy uncle is no good. Trust me you can't be a happy adult if you don't have kids

>> No.51432049

I just want a boat and the ability to go diving every day

>> No.51432054
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>I've been pressuring all my friends into having kids
>You should have your own kids

>> No.51432517

Nice blog, fag. That said, it's natural for people to look for reassurance in numbers, there's always safety in numbers. Probably you have a friend who hates his girlfriend, but both are afraid to remain alone and not fulfilling societal expectations when they are over 30, so they rather marry instead of following the "road not taken". And when they do and hate their new reality, they'll bully people who remained single to cope. It works on religion, too, people believing in an anthomorphic deity is not enough, they need to know other people also share that belief so they feel less silly and stupid, especially if people they know share the same belief. In a way, you're doing the same, probably looking for some sort of validation at some unconscious level that your doing things right, that you must follow whatever you find worthwhile to pursue. I hope you make it