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File: 509 KB, 1536x2048, 20220914_101305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51426998 No.51426998 [Reply] [Original]

Have we found the bottom?

>> No.51427033

the bottom is at 8k with a possible shadow down to 2k

>> No.51427040
File: 49 KB, 728x618, 1586158072745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad these men are able to vote.

>> No.51427063

dont listen to these doom gloomers op. btc is oversold at the moment. the eth merge news might squeeze some mini rally today but probably dump afterwards again

>> No.51427080

Do these disgusting men really think doing this kind of retarded poses make them more attractive? Because it's nothing but repulsing. They deserve the iranian treatment for being ugly degenerate men.

>> No.51427129

Literally and unironically and quintessentially male.

>> No.51427150

This. Only racist incel NEETs who spend their time watching anime and playing 'vidya' and jerking off to gore should be allowed to do so. FUCK WOMEMES

>> No.51427151 [DELETED] 

god why do fags do this.

>> No.51427208

It's probably worth giving that a try given the dire state of western societies after 100 years of letting everyone vote.

>> No.51427215

Why is it when women do this people say they're hot, but when men do this they're called "gay" it's not fair bros

>> No.51427248

They're both fat
>bottom was 17.5k

>> No.51427307
File: 353 KB, 1080x622, Screenshot_2022-09-14-10-47-52-45_e4424258c8b8649f6e67d283a50a2cbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51427314


>> No.51427326

everyone gets weirded out when girls do that shit like op are in public, idk why they think its hot/cool/funny/cute. its weird AF.

>> No.51427431

10/10 in bongland

>> No.51427457

It really is fucking gross. I’ll never understand it either. The fact that these people will more than likely raise children some day is concerning.

>> No.51427580
File: 2.92 MB, 960x960, 1662840414864525.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait until you realize these people have been raising children for more than 10 000 years.

>> No.51427640

I think it's more significant coming from someone who isn't a complete beta with frail bones and no muscle. Real life chads don't actually talk like this and if more real life chads existed, there would be no issue. It's faggots like you who are the problem. Women see some omega male and think to themselves "is this the thing that's suppose to lead me and protect me?" So the rebel. So shut

>> No.51427654

Low t faggot detected.

>> No.51427658

Left girl plz

>> No.51427662


>> No.51427669

>Those rolls on the left one.

>> No.51427673

>t. coomer
>whaaat you guys are not animals and can control your urges to evaluate females as more than walking vagina?? o.O

>> No.51427681

ultra chad refusing to have the thots take up his peripheral vision. He knows his worth

>> No.51427688

and if they were as stupid as OP pic they’d end up dead/enslaved/starve to death because there wasn’t an army of incels paying taxes for subhumans

>> No.51427754


the virgin averter vs the chad gawker

>> No.51427762

Low testosterone skeleton fucker

>> No.51427958
File: 2.01 MB, 1080x1470, Screen_Recording_20220912_142937_Snapchat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51428188

Wait til you realize that they have only been voting for 100

>> No.51428217

lmao these women aren't even hot. one of the left looks like a stuffed chorizo and one of the right looks like she exclusively fucks nigger drug dealers.

>> No.51428229

Imagine spending 15 minutes trying to get this whore suit on just to impress a bunch of fat coomers. The absolute state of women.

>> No.51428230
File: 317 KB, 452x720, mexican spanking.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51428258

Bottom is around 16k after pump to near 25k. I've shown this in many other threads and every metric shows it to be the case. But that's without the variable of the merge and everything. So could be better or worse.

>> No.51428267

Duality of man

>> No.51428271

only desperate and low self worth men (fat guy in the picture, niggers, etc.) find them attractive. any other man questions why they resort to this sort of behavior, and are immediately repulsed by the most likely answer: molested as a child, self esteem realized through gross indecency, literally nothing else to offer the world, etc.

>> No.51428273

yes i am the bottom

>> No.51428295

the fuck

>> No.51428420

yes which means thot posting faggots will get shot to death

>> No.51428447

gtfo simp ass cuck plebbitor liberalspook lesbian dyke

>> No.51428477

that's an AI image

>> No.51428486

because they're posing for a dick to be inserted in. Try not to overthink it.

>> No.51428493

it's a 100% certainty that non liberal faggoty men are 1000000000000000 times more intelligent than the picrel niggers in the OP
go clean your pisshole ugly bitch

>> No.51428549

probably made more money in those 15 miinutes then you do in a month too

>> No.51428564

>wasting your life with boring shit instead of fucking around and getting everything paid for you
>non liberal faggoty men are 1000000000000000 times more intelligent than the picrel
yeah, boy, you sure know how to live well

>> No.51428568
File: 1.26 MB, 921x1023, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes heiling hitler with her foot
god shes so sexy
im so in love

>> No.51428901

dat gunt doe

>> No.51429479

>lead me and protect me
>le stronk and indepundant femoid, le better than any man femoid, le modern femoid, le deserving of everything while giving nothing femoid, le teehee femoid
Get a load of this retard. Bitchtits ,why won't you go tell that someone who might care. For example your simp boyfriend you bitch and cry and moan and complain to every time someone said something mean on the internet.