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51426732 No.51426732 [Reply] [Original]

Just, how?

>> No.51426780

They aren't wrong.

>> No.51426803

Invest in growth when you're young because you have more time to recover. Pretty good advice

>> No.51426815

give money to jewish banks to become rich

>> No.51426820
File: 35 KB, 640x360, sons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are literal facts anon don't seethe. bitDAO will make you rich. All you have to do is grow a pair anon.

>> No.51426887

you mean we shouldnt use money to make more money then OP ?
I dont have any debt, college degree in CompSci, and im ready to buy a house in cash in a month or two. I just turned 24.
This would not be possible unless I invested my money and saved and lived within my means. My parents spent over 20 years paying off their house.

Its not an empire, but at least im not a debt slave

>> No.51426899

>& 30s
You just know he's like 37 and just started DCA'ing $200 a month into crypto. As others have said he's not wrong but he's also coping and poor.

Imagine if you'd bought LINK in 2016.

>> No.51426929

>you might like
Why don't you tell us OP since this kind of trash is right up your alley

>> No.51426996

yeah imagine if i bought link before the token was even made lol

>> No.51427001

He is actually right. He doesn't warn you about the risks, though.

>> No.51427010

Whoops sorry I'm a BTCfag didn't realize LINK was so new.

>> No.51427031
File: 105 KB, 559x438, 1637749204583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They aren't wrong.

Don't listen to the pretentious fuck. You're not going to 'build a massive empire'. You'll just be having less fun in your 20's and 30's as you wageslave a dead end job, house sharing with terrible room mates, and declining social activities, all so you can invest an extra $50 into SP500 every month... and then you'll lose it all in the Greatest Financial Crash Ever that happens on your 40th birthday.

>> No.51427046

they are absolutely wrong
name a single person that built an empire from investing aggressively in their 20s and 30s. answer, you can't

>warren buffett
dude was hustling and lying to sell vending machines as a teenager, then built his fortune based on insider trading
not to mention despite all his money he doesn't have an empire. he just has money

>bill gates
in his 20s and 30s he worked on microsoft

>jeff bezos
in his 20s he worked (!= invested) as an analyst, in his 30s he worked on amazon

>> No.51427052

Worked for me fag: spent my 20s grinding and now I'm retired at 32, currently traveling the world. Just buy bitcoin (or xmr). It's literally that easy.

>> No.51427228

>1 retweet
>shitty opinion
Hi "jeremy"

>> No.51427278

Are you a retard?