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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5142663 No.5142663 [Reply] [Original]

I'm cashing out a majority of my cryptos. This market is scaring the shit out of me. Every day a top 10 coin is going up 100%, BTC is at 20k and still never corrected. Alts like Req and Tron are up insane amounts. Tether is printing 100mil a day now and using it to pump any altcoin with a USDT pairing. I just don't see how we don't have some kind of huge correction coming and I'm not going to lose my ass when it happens. To those of you riding this out, good luck.

>> No.5142677
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if you can't stomach the ride, it's okay to get off. well done.

>> No.5142687

You're selling right before global adoption phase in 2018. Have fun fomoing back in

>> No.5142707
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Thanks, anon. I think I'll try to see how far the bubble can go before popping.

>> No.5142739

seeya you are gonna regret it guarenteed

>> No.5142743

i'm riding this wave with no survivors. it's do or die at this point. get the fuck in or go home

>> No.5142751
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Damn near close to doing the same. The amount of rabid delusion on this board has reached critical mass. Only thing keeping me from selling is greedily hoping that I can pull one last 100% gain.

>> No.5142769

It's good to take some profits but NEVER cash out 100%. Crypto is here to stay. It's the future. It's like selling your amazon stock in 1999 before the bubble burst and after it burst, look at where it's now.

>> No.5142786

Niggy that took 3 years to recover. Selling was the right move, not looking back wasnt.

>> No.5142798

At the very least just cash out 50 percent. Don't be such a faggot.

>> No.5142814

Good luck timing the bursting of the bubble. The point is, patience pays off.

>> No.5142822

i cashed out 3 month ago because i thought the same thing then. guess how fucking wrong i was?

>> No.5142828

I cashed out... a month later I bought back in. Remember why you bought in the first place. You wanted normies to flood the market and pump all the coins, and now your afraid. Fear is the most dangerous thing for ones success. If this thing crashes, it's certain to go back up as fast as it goes down... Billions of dollars are invested into this. It won't go down ever long term

>> No.5142835

That's the trick to winning this game, don't get greedy and think of "what could of been". Congrats man, I'm pulling out once I hit my goal, then I will invest long term.

>> No.5142840

No, I mean selling POST pop was still a correct move. It would keep going down for a long time before it would decide to start going up.

>> No.5142857
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I don't blame you for being worried.

My advice would be to withdraw a very sizable chunk but to still keep invested at least a bit in case it turns into a $5 trillion market in the next few years. I think we can all agree that everything is possible at this point.

>> No.5142869

People do realize that bubbles don't pop until the normies actually enter.
No, /pol/ aren't the normies you dumb faggots. You're just in your little NEET bubbles that you don't understand the normie world.

>> No.5142886


you are no better than everyone else. Retard

>> No.5142898

this is a big issue, bubbles
and not the economic kind, the kind that most of us mentally live inside of
it's healthy to take a break from this whole crypto market stuff sometimes and just take a look at how little people care about it. everyone here is hypersensitive to any mention of it in the real world because we're invested.

>> No.5142912
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I know

>> No.5142918

Tether scares me the most out of everything. I really think there is massive amounts of manipulation going on with tether and im not sure how much of the mooning lately has been because of legit normie money.

>> No.5142966
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I hopped out the morning btc rode to 20k. My sister telling me I'm wrong and that btc can only go up. Convinced my brother to sell. Now he's upset he missed out on the rise to 20k. I'm worried it's going to 100k without me meanwhile I know it's gonna crash to 10k at least. In the coming months. This shit is the definition of a bubble and the release of futures signal the end is near.

>> No.5142978

I cashed out of btc too. Still hodling eth. Partly just a gut feeling it will dive, partly that futures are lower than current price, and partly that lightning network is fucked.

>> No.5142986

>This market is scaring the shit out of me.

Being rich isn't for everyone

>> No.5143003

>Still hodling eth
Why is that anon-kun? ETH is looking pretty tied to BTC.

>> No.5143077

i think it's all about tether and how much they can pump, the more they can pump the more leverage there is and a higher chance of a black swan event (the can't cash out meme becomes true).

dumb money's known about them since april and bitfinex is in hong kong so no one's going to investigate it.

regulations won't be written until such a black swan event happens. until then i'm going to enjoy dee ride

>> No.5143188

What is tether doing exactly? Does anyone even know? Where are they getting their money from?

>> No.5143199

I like eth a lot. They're solving scaling issue without centralized hubs. Doesn't cost much to use.

>> No.5143222

dude you’re an asshole for “convincing” other people to sell. i’m being serious

>> No.5143228


Wolf of wall street calls bitcoin a bubble

>> No.5143231


>> No.5143244 [DELETED] 


>> No.5143318

Your and idiot

>> No.5143319

Why is that? Tried convincing my sister to buy when it was 5k but she didn't. My brother convinced me to buy when it was 2k.

>> No.5143346

And you convinced him to sell? You've thoroughly fucked him over.

>> No.5143350

>still trying to get my bank account hooked up to GDAX

>feel that when I am able to buy bitcoin at market price it will already be too late and the whole thing will crash to the ground.

>> No.5143359

>You're selling right before global adoption phase in 2018.

You do realize that the fools using crypto as a currency (rather than a ponzi gamble) are maybe 0.001% of all people who spend money, right? And the rest of you are ponzi gamblers thinking that arbitrarily pairing fiat with fake money somehow makes you rich.

>> No.5143369
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Learn to spell first before calling people names.

>> No.5143380

>Being rich isn't for everyone

If you own crypto, it's not for you either.

>> No.5143409
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Where was that proof that we're not in a bubble anon?

>> No.5143425

I went into 2017 holding 4 coins. I am going tinto 2018 holding dozens, hundreds and thousands this time.

If this shit is a bubble I am going down with it. Bitcoin is OBVIOUSLY a bubble though. I got out of BTC when I started seeing the transaction fees in the 20s.

This shit is the future, and all of my income from jobs is going to be enhanced by crypto investments.

>> No.5143461

Let people make their own decisions. You better hope to fucking god that it doesn’t break 20k. Your brother will fucking hate you. It’s off the the races from there if it hits a milestone like that.

>> No.5143538

>make money on the way up
>make money on the way down
who else here /insideronwallstreet/ desu?????

>> No.5143542

Fuck you

>> No.5143548

I never forced him to sell. Merely told him why I'm selling my stack and that I think it's a bubble.

>> No.5143574

why not just cash out your initial investment and leave the rest?

>> No.5143601
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Crypto 'currency' is a failed venture. There's entire volumes that'llbe published of the shortcomings of crypto as an alternative to fiat currency.

>> No.5143609

I agree with this. I cashed out 2/5 of my stack but I also want to get my shit ready for 2018 burger taxes. They are saying "no concealment" and might enforce a FIFO accounting method. I want crypto to be the new standard currency, but anyone with a brain should realize we're still far away from anything like that and that there will be huge market changes and swings before this can happen if at all - hence why i will be reporting gains for now.

>> No.5143613
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>> No.5143648

I dont see the problem why you still cant make money off it.

>> No.5143665
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bim cone

>> No.5143670

tell your cunt sister and brother that they're "taking profits." they should be happy they made any money at all.

>> No.5143671

>hence why i will be reporting gains for now.

Reporting your gains will put a target on your head. The ones who stay quiet and are not making too much will be the ones who silently pass by.

Reporting your gains is just as risky as not reporting them right now.

>> No.5143673

I have a similar feeling. Therefore I hopped into xrp in time. It is probably the only coin which will survive the tethocalypse

>> No.5143687

dude that's just one exemple, look at gold and see what happened after futures opened

>> No.5143714

imagine holding bags that have a half-life
literally worse than owning dgb

>> No.5143754

true, but I don't have the current technical know-how or real desire to cover my tracks. I'll consider it more depending on how things play out. It's not like I started with amazon cards anyway. If/when i feel the need to, I'll work on throwing off the target. I'm not so big where it's going to be an issue, and if i am that big, then it will be fun.

>> No.5143759

Gold is good at what gold does though.
Bitcoin is bad at what crypto is supposed to do.

The nature of the bubble is that Bitcoin is not a very good coin. Otherwise the tech itself and the concept is perfectly sound.

>> No.5143776
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It's not a problem.
You absolutely should if you're up for while you still can tax free.
I'm pointing out that there are/were different conceptions of the 'global adoption' of cryptocurrency that we're on the cusp of 5, 4, and 3 years ago.
The ideal of a decentralized currency replacing fiat money is basically gone because it's not an ideal system. The only inevitable is that market volatility stands to skyrocket concurrent with the splintering density of altcoins. We're essentially involved in an economic game of music chairs; you have to be smart about where you're going to find yourself when the music stops.
TL; DR: there's a window and time is running out. Don't be greedy.

>> No.5143809

I feel this is wise. I will watch my step

>> No.5143812

>true, but I don't have the current technical know-how or real desire to cover my tracks.

Nah don't even do that. If they see you covering your tracks your fucked. If they bother you about it then play stupid. I think we still have a couple years where playing stupid might work.

>> No.5143828
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>> No.5143871

What are your top 3 failings in cryptos vs Fiat?

>> No.5143883

>gold is good at what gold does
it's good at being a rock?

We're going to replace it with nanotubes and nano structures soon enough. in the near future, there's no reason for gold to continue holding value other than some people saying so.

true, i'll consider this advice.

>> No.5143904

Look at the market caps of tokens compared to stocks. We are not even near of where we are going.

>> No.5143924
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Do u have a nano tube benis?

>> No.5143954

do you see crypto alt markets more or less looking like the historical development of currency?

>some autists start minting rocks
>everyone starts minting their own rocks
early altcoins
>we find different ways to use these rocks
smart contracts, etc
>we keep the useful rocks but start using a reserve currency for these rocks
next step

yea, my dick is better than gold

>> No.5143984

>it's good at being a rock?
>We're going to replace it with nanotubes and nano structures soon enough. in the near future, there's no reason for gold to continue holding value other than some people saying so.

I say its pretty good at being a rock. Yeah.
But now that you mentioned it, shit maybe gold is a bubble too lol

>> No.5144090

>The ideal of a decentralized currency replacing fiat money is basically gone because it's not an ideal system

Why not?

>> No.5144343

long ass fucking bubble

>> No.5144355
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see you at 10 trillion

>> No.5144379

Unlike housing which is a real representation of value, obviously has nothing to do with how cheap mortgages are.

>> No.5144390
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Wew lad. I'll do my best.
1) It's more of the same, but more abstract.
The exchange of fiat is the preeminent determinant in the marketplace for cryptocurrency. You might not notice it because the ebb and flow is along a more predictable, long-form curve than crypto markets, but it's there.
This wouldn't be a problem save for the issue that fiat currency has no inherent value.
2) Blockchain infrastructure is susceptible to widespread infiltration.
Pretty self-explanatory. If you've been around long enough to remember when mining BTC was a reasonable alternative to buying coins, you know what I'm talking about.
3) Bureaucratic containment initiatives.
Remember this ugly motherfucker? The implosion of The Foundation is a multi-faceted clusterfuck in and of itself, but the imminent threat of government to manipulate volatile marketplaces poses a constant threat antithetical to whatever would stand to replace cryptocurrency as we understand it.
Remember one thing; the current engineering blueprint is obsolete. There a bubble ripe for financial catastrophe for the disruption of whatever takes its place.
Essentially, yeah. The susceptibility for hegemonic supersedure will just become more advanced concurrent with the technology to resist the infiltration thereof.

>> No.5144456

>Every day a top 10 coin is going up 100%, BTC is at 20k and still never corrected. Alts like Req and Tron are up insane amounts.

This happened months ago with ETH, NEO, etc... And it'll continue to happen with other coins months later.

>> No.5144567
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thats it lad. call it balls/delusion//visionary/blind hope/whatever you like
i too will live or die by keks hand

>> No.5144594

>waaaahhh 3 years!
lifespan is like 80 years idiot

>> No.5144613


We live on the internet, the internet keeps thinking about bubbles

Normies aren't even remotely capable of enterring this market yet. You can't even buy BTC through stock exchanges and retards are talking about bubbles? Top fucking kek

Maybe once we get BTC ETFs then you can maybe call it a bubble once it 100x's

>> No.5144632

Good points, seems being a physical gold bug is the correct course for the concerned. I'll have to ponder your post for a while - very interesting.

Honestly, if it all implodes now and /biz/ gets the credit for causing this crypto meme and trolling everyone out of money.. that's just fucking hilarious, either way we win!

These digishekels have caused more salt and drama than the election, what a year 4 chinz!

>> No.5144639

Oh man
This hit me right in the sides

>> No.5144665

1: Subject to changing, consequence of this markets youth
2: Are you talking about a 51% attack?
3: Same could be said about many other markets. Governments cannot contain shit.

You talk in riddles to hide the lack of arguments like Marxists do or are you really this pompous irl?

>> No.5144693
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They'll include it in the GDP figures at that point, then we're too big to fail. Maybe we are the Jews now.

>> No.5144725
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you are stupid if you think crypto would take that long to recover.
the crypto phenomenon is worldwide, driven by powerful ideology, about to affect lives (in 2018) in ways the internet didn't do until for years, and occurring during a time in which technology is evolving so much faster than previous bubbles.
It'll be a multi-multi-trillion industry by 2019, I would and have bet my life on it

>> No.5144763

>Normies aren't even remotely capable of enterring this market yet

bullshit, it is very fucking easy for the normie to enter their credit card number and press buy, and they are fucking doing it, I have seen them

>> No.5144765
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The capital C Crash will result in mass death either way, I'm sure.
1: Also subject to cataclysmic breakdown.
2: Not directly, but sure.
3: For now.
Riddles? I'm on mobile and typing is a pain in the ass. What makes me sound pompous? lol

>> No.5144913

This is whats happening

>tether is a token that is tied to the dollar so $1 = 1 tether
>each token is backed by a real dollar that the company holds
>buy btc at $1000
>sell at $1200
>feed it back into the system as newly minted tethers with an extra 200 now in the system

People think that they're using the tethers to drive up the price in a neverending cycle of making money

>> No.5145176

You mean the current Orwell state thing that lefties refer to as Capitalism? It's not a representation of free market, it's a cronys delight with winners and losers predetermined.

People won't die unless gubberments kill them, pol pot couldn't have happened without Fiat money, Vietnam too. I'm just gonna throw all wars in and blame all of them on Fiat currency.

And Africa's problems are ultimately traced back to fiat and credit markets. If one is objectively objectifying the factoids. We're currently in a central planners dream (means of production is controlled, money = production) so I just can't see what else can happen next because currency resets.

No Western country is serious about paying their national (((debts))) and we're all aimlessly following GDP figures as an reference for quality of gov management.

They import new people to put on welfare, this is basically as bad as it gets and my beer is still cold. Who says we can't just peacefully transition on to a new currency?

It's either that or we all get to take credit for basically pulling the biggest Ponzi scheme ever. If you're still depressed you should go and get drunk Debbie, this is awesome.

>> No.5145212

I think we still have billions to go before cryptos become really mainstream. If there's a large crash shitcoins might never recover though, that's my fear.

>> No.5145759

Which coins will retain a lot of their value despite the pop?

>> No.5145812

I'm biased since I'm invested, but XLM. Literally a better bitcoin, real-world uses, real-world partnerships, ETH competitor.

>> No.5145918

utility tokensthat have companies behind them.
(req maybe)?

>> No.5145937
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I give it at least until the end of winter or early summer, people will want to cash out for their vacations and shit

people are bored and can just spend money on their smartphone
everyone loves gambling, but it feels like you're a trader instead