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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51425501 No.51425501 [Reply] [Original]

Why do rich kids dress like shit?

>> No.51425537

Because they think $$$ = style

>> No.51425547

Hip Hop culture is OUT!

>> No.51425570

Built for BBC ugh I know

>> No.51425573

is this what qualifies as black now?
and why can't I say s-n-owbunny without "Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat..."

>> No.51425578

I have never spent over $100 on a single clothing item except shoes and a winter jacket/coat.

I don't get it. A $10 basic color tshirt looks fine and feels comfy

>> No.51425594


Enjoy not being taken seriously by anyone important.

>> No.51425600

It has been ordained.

>> No.51425614

They realized homeless people were doing the based Diogenes flex.

>> No.51425659

No one important gives a fuck about your brands you dumb nigger.

>> No.51425699

Why white women fuck the lowest males on the planet while asian, pajeet, etc women only go for succesful males?

>> No.51425716

People only take you seriously because of your clothes?

>> No.51425726

That’s pretty sad desu

>> No.51425733

They're all mentally ill and high on SSRI's and propaganda.

>> No.51425752

Correct. only the newly rich/faux rich care to pander over brands. if you have even been truly rich for a long time you will do anything to blend in, not stick out.

t. silver spoon kid to $$$m's father. he wears socks and sandals and occasionally toe shoes. when he's out with his childhood friends he looks closer to homeless than they do kek.

none of his other very wealthy friends stick out in public either. sneakers and shorts and graphic tshirt. Most expensive thing I've seen one wear was a north face puffer and my dad and his mates ripped on him hahahahahah

>> No.51425786
File: 283 KB, 1200x1600, 1637900168843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those people are better dressed than 95% of americans

>> No.51425798

Unironically I think the shoes I've seen the most rich people wear are vibrams. I think they're hideous but maybe it's a rich person thing

>> No.51425953

>t shirt: $5
>t shirt plus screenprinted "G U C C I": $500
It's almost like if you have the financial sense to get rich you also have the financial sense not to pay 900% markups

>> No.51425954

The same reason you dress like shit: they've got no taste.

>> No.51426160

Why are mutts so disgusting jesus christ even in third world countries people are healthy and dress good.

>> No.51426205


I'm not talking about brands you absolute retards. I never buy branded clothes nor do I buy anything with logos, but what I do wear is high-quality fabric and tailoring and it is very obvious that a piece of clothing is high-quality versus some made-in-china piece of shit.

Fucking Americans with zero fashion sense as usual. Go to any old money part of Europe and I can guarantee you no one is wearing Walmart T-shirts (and if they do wear T-shirts it's probably Cucinelli or Loro).

>> No.51426216
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See pic related for what I'm talking about. If you think "dressing well" is about wearing GUCCI all over your body then you're no better than a nigger.

>> No.51426219

There's just more important things than clothes in this world. the less time you spend thinking about how you dress or if this material is even high quality the more time you can enjoy your short time on this earth. End of the day nobody pays you a second look man, truly we are all self absorbed beings

>> No.51426227

he looks like a tool man, classic all beige faux rich person. if it makes u happy dressing like that do it thought each to their own

>> No.51426233

Where I’m from, people that dress like this are single gay guys in their 40s and 50s trying to fuck younger guys.

>> No.51426243

I'd beat myself up if I caught myself wearing that.

>> No.51426250


You have a point, obsessing over clothes and the way you look is unhealthy and there are more important things to think about. However, I was raised to strongly believe that your presentation towards others matters and that first-impressions count. There is obviously a balance but if I buy clothes I don't spend more than a couple of minutes deciding what I want because at some point it becomes second-nature and intuitive.

>> No.51426262
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x720, 101F3FEC-E872-46EB-AF5D-A675A0D4F101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aww yress luk how shittie awmerikan dawg address a himmshelf

>> No.51426267
File: 2.73 MB, 1672x2186, Screenshot 2022-09-14 at 09.40.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Obviously that fit is quite leisurely and metrosexual, but even here there is a spectrum. See pic related for something more muted.

>> No.51426291

Right looks like a bum left looks like a gay bum.
Just wear a t-shirt and jeans FFS.

>> No.51426301

Wait left is bum and right gay.

>> No.51426335

he is unironically disabled

>> No.51426351
File: 68 KB, 770x430, whatsapp_image_2022-09-13_at_12.34.06_pm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the third world we dress as npcs

>> No.51426397

everybody has different interests man. For every one person who turns you down for poor clothing there's another who turns you down for looking like a tool. end of the day, first impressions are made in the brain 3 seconds after seeing a person's face. This determines whether someone likes you or not as far as first impressions go, it's instinctive.

while you're describing outfits and materials as muted or leisurely metrosexual, im out understanding the human experience to the best of my ability

>> No.51426406
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>> No.51426665

Can't believe /biz/ dwellers has any say in fashion and clothing styles.

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.51426669

White bitch needs to be shot

>> No.51426671

Why? Looks comfy

>> No.51426694

Why are the guynon the left and the baby dressed on the same suit?

>> No.51426751
File: 8 KB, 222x216, e03f00184e02d73f66e9ceab3a9f17de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you are talking about is inside your own head. It's 2022 and nobody gives a fuck what anyone is wearing anymore. Go back to /fa/ you raging queer.

>> No.51426789

Because they don't care. They have no need to dress well, so they just use what's comfy. That black T might cost like 1000 dollarinos or whatever but it's basically pennies to them so it's not like they're purposefully showing off.

>> No.51427076
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>> No.51427112

lmao. burgerfat trying to larp as sophisticated is so sad
as an actual frog, and that's a tip btw, real "europeans" never call themselves "europeans" or talk about "europe" because EUROPE IS NOT ONE SINGULAR COUNTRY YOU UNEDUCATED BABOON, i can tell you nobody takes someone who dresses like your pic seriously save for tryhard urbanites like parisians

>> No.51427186
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>> No.51427191

It's an American thing. Rich Europeans dress appropriately.

>> No.51427213

Not really

>> No.51429412

You fucking nugget

>> No.51429509

If I saw someone dressed like this I would automatically assume they are a homosexual.

>> No.51429523
