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51423959 No.51423959 [Reply] [Original]

he's right

>> No.51424044

Warren Buffet said this though kek

>> No.51424057

But you can get a baby per month by impregnating 9 women

>> No.51424081

>Sleep only 4 hours a week
>That way you kill yourself and get to finally end this misery

>> No.51424235

So affirmative action is not a short cut? Okay.

>> No.51424270
File: 2.69 MB, 640x376, 895121456620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no shortcuts
>does steroids

>> No.51424682

How many Jews have fucked him in the ass?

>> No.51424927

Wasn’t there a hollywoodanon thread in /b/ where they claimed the rock gave his ass to go up the ladder?

>> No.51424995

Hasn’t this guy let Jewish producers pound his sphincter for parts in all those crummy movies???

>> No.51425315

apparently not enough

>> No.51425941

The rock working harder not smarter

>> No.51426029

It's true for literally 100% of the attractive (goyim) male actors. Actually, even some of the non attractive goyim are getting ass fucked, especially the niggers. It's a domination ritual. Jewish producers are the most deviant pieces of satanic kike shit you can imagine.

And ofc it's also true for the music industry. What was the name of the famous black rapper who said literally every nigger who got a contract with Universal/EMI/any jewish label.. had to get anally fucked by the BMC (big mutilated cock) first?
And sometimes perform much more humiliating things. That's probably why they have to act so though in their rap vids afterward (beside propagating the thug culture the jews want to brainwash young blacks with), to overcompensate for being the cumrag house negroes.

>> No.51427451

He's fill of roids. Literally made his name with that shortcut.

>> No.51427465

Okay how about getting paid peopled 10 yearly salary for 100 days work mr rock? Is that a shortcut?
I know the rock works hard on his body and wwe wasn't easy but most people are looking at nobody 9 to 5 jobs for shit pay.

>> No.51427474


>> No.51427483
File: 194 KB, 1080x1350, 1656342238144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't take shortcuts
>His entire career is his physique
>Physique unachievable without steroids, literally a shortcut

Yeah okay bud. Been grinding my ass off every day. So many sacrifices to DCA into ETH and MATIC consistently. Don't need this over-grown ape to teach me about hard work. I'm going to make it and buy the rock himself.

>> No.51427498

Crypto fiends explain to me how watching a graph and at best reading a few news articles a day is hard work?

>> No.51427517

roids aren't shortcuts, skelly-faggot. you can roid all you want but without hard work you're still going to look like the bloated weak ass faggot that you are, capiche?

>> No.51427524

I've always thought this guy is one of the ugliest, fakest, least charismatic people I've ever seen

I hate the fact they're trying to push him EVERYWHERE

He's so stupid and fake

>> No.51427536

Schizophrenic cope

>> No.51427668

how can a circumcised old crusty small kike cock fit his ass? Won't his huge ass cheeks prevent them from sticking it in?

>> No.51427737

>Just work 100hr weeks for Mr Shekelstein and your hard work will surely be rewarded! No shortcuts!


>> No.51427816

No, he's not. Retard alert
LMFAO roids are literally cheating, you stupid fuck

>> No.51427829

this is a roid cope, you better be above 5'11 my bro

>> No.51427872

This is true but anyone who hasn't read up on it wouldn't get that roids just turbocharge recovery and that you still have to lift the weight yourself.

>> No.51427889

Who is this "NINE woman"?

>> No.51427894

Roids are for pussies that don't believe in themselves. It's weak.

>> No.51428030

Don't look for shortcuts. Be the shortcut.

>> No.51428233

try lifting for a year without any juicing then faggot i double dare you. you'll run back crying to ur roid posion after 2 months.

>> No.51428358

natty lifters cant even get close to enhanced lifters.

>> No.51428808

It's the loser's path

>> No.51428927

except that studies show you build muscle while not working out on roids

>> No.51428962

They tried that with Terry crews. Some exec came up to him and grabbed his dick and he called him out publicly. Kinda makes you winder why he went from being a huge star in one of the biggest TV shows of the last 10 years fo starring in unwatchable walking dead spin offs...

>> No.51430657

>don't take shortcuts
>used roids to get his physique

>> No.51430693

>I put in SOME work so ignore the fact that I'm cheating
Subhuman roid

>> No.51430707

lol somebody's been reading The Mythical Man Month.

>> No.51430984

triggered the roider, good job anon

>> No.51431047

Monica would DCA into BTC only.

>> No.51431353

he was probably referring to his actual daily job dummy

>> No.51433536

Yeah, you roidheads work really hard doing 40lbs preacher curls for 30 mins a day.