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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 5 KB, 250x196, 1660953305470654s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51419754 No.51419754 [Reply] [Original]

The ETH merge is turning out to be a huge fucking disaster.

>> No.51419792
File: 53 KB, 667x978, bobo-standing-in-tuxedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So funny to me they actually bought into that shit narrative

>> No.51419796
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It's even worse that so many people are still holding.

>> No.51419826

why is it a huge disaster bobo?

>> No.51419829

imagine if the ETH merge actually fails. setting aside the obvious sell the news dump, on the 1% chance it fails...GIGA DUMP

>> No.51419843
File: 9 KB, 200x158, bobo-clint-eastwood-western-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't fix stupid

>> No.51419876

If it wont fail, it is huge bullcock for you, if it fails then yes.

>> No.51419891
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Amen brother

>> No.51420123

>turning out to be
Ah yes because Ethereum Incorporated has always made excellent choices thus far

>> No.51420143

>global markets collapsing
>this is Ethereum's fault
Post your short you 70 IQ clown

>> No.51420168

I need eth maxis to livestream it pls
don't let your deaths go to waste, give us some entertainment

>> No.51420201

what are you even talking about?
open Etherscan and see how much whales have been buying recently
Bitdao alone buys like 380 ETH daily

>> No.51420896
File: 576 KB, 1000x1000, CB1587B8-CA1E-45E3-A4D1-B41B6835C8B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merge? What is it, a video game?

>> No.51420933

>mETH founders perfectly dumping on top
next dump when?

>> No.51420962


This. Nothing will happen. ETH won't flip BTC. BTC won't pump in the current state of the market. So the merge will probably be a nothing-burger short term.

>> No.51420964
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really? passsss the hash

>> No.51420967

Stop anon, my shorts can only get so hard

>> No.51421002
File: 88 KB, 585x560, meth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't like your tone but here it is

>> No.51421033


that's from January, and they don't always time the top

>> No.51421044
File: 452 KB, 1170x2532, 2307AC88-77C5-4D55-93D1-6D50C622DC92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eth might flip btc for a small period of time
Amerifat btc holders are going to have a rude awakening tomorrow morning you’ve been warned

>> No.51421104

>talk about the merge on bloomberg a month ago
>eth dumps a month later just before PoS kicks in
like a clockwerk

>> No.51421143

wronged and longed

>> No.51421465

I've got 35 bucks of BATbux I put into ETH to see if I can milk 50 bucks out of a pump the next few days let's fucking goooooooooooo!!!!

>> No.51421506

How? It hasn't even started.

>> No.51421606
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Dear Bobo's,

Try as you may but theres no escaping the long and angry cock of the golden bull, not this year. It'll be a great honor for you to be touched so deeply, and I have first row seating. I want to watch your face when you're inevitably mounted. Don't forget to bring a towel.

Best of Luck

>> No.51421697
File: 219 KB, 1140x1957, 1659843255743008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they can't unstake because it isn't coded yet.

>> No.51421707

you're a juif

>> No.51421720

>Eth holders an heroing
If they don't sell that reduces supply which is bullish for eth, right?

>> No.51421725

they can't even withdraw right away. There's a "withdrawal queue" for "stability" I'm not making this up, this is part of the protocol

>> No.51421772

If it’s in cold storage yes, if it’s in any sort of exchange then no.

>> No.51421817
File: 19 KB, 500x500, 1662489494685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh great, an anthropomorphic bear is eating my vinu bags again.
it's time to start from scratch, again.

>> No.51421831

The BBC are reporting on it front page.
That's how I know its a scam.

>> No.51421914
File: 145 KB, 251x288, 1656630327606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should we be bullish on ERGO since it seems the most likely to overtake mining sphere of Eth?

>> No.51421945

It's actually working just as planned