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File: 84 KB, 637x430, heappears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51417444 No.51417444 [Reply] [Original]

Must be important if this guy is peeking his head out for the first time ever, someone post the dancing webm

Also, hi Rory

>> No.51417478


>> No.51417485

okay that is actually interesting
he spoke once in like 2018?

>> No.51417522

the woz of smartcontract

>> No.51417542

who cares? Remember that the price is $7.

>> No.51417556
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>> No.51417558

Here we go with the crazy digits. Im so excited for you kids

>> No.51417638
File: 118 KB, 1080x2043, 1627951358896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck its going to happen this year. Holy fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!

>> No.51417698
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>> No.51417712
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>> No.51417774

2017 buyer
Havent been bullish since 2020
This makes me bullish


>> No.51418711


>> No.51418758

When are we gonna become rich?

>> No.51419089

This is where Steve will reveal that he has been satoshi nakamoto all along

>> No.51419241
File: 530 KB, 876x413, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked big deal

>> No.51419347

Pretty sure he meant to say wiz*

>> No.51419364


>> No.51419421

When POS is out and CCIP and Steaking are working, what's so hard to understand small mind?

>> No.51419459

it's not a matter of understanding, it's a matter of those things being perpetually delayed

>> No.51419533

So then they are, what can you do about it, either shut the fuck up, or sell all your holdings. Really, shut the fuck up. You must realize, kikes can dump bitcoin, kikes can dump the whole market, because right now trust is over truth.

>> No.51419569

>perpetually delayed
which part of 'this year' do you struggle with? The rest of us realise what it means. Strange that you don't. Almost as if you'd rather not discuss it. Really quite odd.

>> No.51419587
File: 769 KB, 640x1136, steve dancing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. He's a shoe-in to win the dance category this year.

>> No.51419600

holy damn. his talk is unironically more important than Sergey's

also checked

>> No.51419605

Either retards or children

>> No.51420138


>> No.51420153

Checked, digits everywhere

>> No.51420176

it's "this coming year" and the video was released january first. he gave himself two years plausible deniability

>> No.51420314
File: 92 KB, 1242x882, C703A4C6-5233-4F3E-AAC7-96ADF0F8D853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn’t resist >:)

>> No.51420454

>2 years plausible deniability
Well why don't you shut the fuck up for the next 15 months, then? We're only 9 months in

>> No.51421178

impossible not to groove to this webbum

>> No.51421290

what subject is his talk?

>> No.51421405


>> No.51421410
File: 321 KB, 492x340, 5B3DF284-F9FD-4473-AF9C-EB70449F6680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t see it posted yet

>> No.51421511

Sergeys body width is equal to two of the people on the right. These past few years have not be kind to him

>> No.51421546

Well, he IS a big boy. Back in the day, when LINK used to pump, they would call him "Money Belly". No one's saying that these days though...

>> No.51422701
File: 125 KB, 1000x1000, wtfwt_20201009082843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Steve is going to announce some grade A big news.

>> No.51422744

you sound frustrated

>> No.51422842
File: 13 KB, 68x65, 1634885596092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hi Rory



>> No.51422862

Why is this guy so elusive? He’s barely even talked about. And why did they put the fat man in charge?

>> No.51423050

wake me up when the only co-founder that matters is announced, Chupernoy

>> No.51423065

One handles the business end, the other handles actually building the actual system. Though it is weird he never ever ever shows up to any event.

>> No.51423077

actually excited about smartcon now

>> No.51423094

I hate linkmarines, there I said it.

>> No.51423211


>> No.51423320

He's been a ghost since day 1. Quite a pivot to appear at an event of this magnitude


>> No.51423344

What will he talk about? I don’t see him on the agenda?

>> No.51423350

Steves going to walk on stage and announce everything and show us the real price of LINK is $81,000 a LINK. Eric Shmidt will be welcoming everyone in the crowd to the Billionaires Club and admitting all LINK holders needed to be ready for the wealth and creation of the new world.

>> No.51423677

Nothing ever happens, but especially not that.

>> No.51423804

Honestly, fuck Steve. He’s literally been MIA since the ICO and realistically he’s probably just been dumping on us just like Sergey for the last 5 years. He better have a good reason to show his fucking face at this point. I don’t even know why I’m expecting anything from SmartCon to be honest. Part of it is a morbid curiosity on how these guys are willing to show themselves in person after their biggest supporters have been brutally raped over the last 12 months. Can’t tell if they’re retarded or extremely arrogant, probably a bit of both. Wonder if Serg is gonna be wearing a bullet proof vest under his dumb fucking shirt.

>> No.51424147

is he bringing the big macs?

>> No.51424227

What are you talking about? Brutally raped?? All his supporters are in profit and those with the balls to swing a bit even got the chance to more than 5x their stacks…there is nothing left to fud. The token is needed. The price action is great. Sergey is not even that fat. It’s over for Bulgaria.

>> No.51424289

At this point we might even get a talk from Mr Municipal Marmalade himself

>> No.51424626

Link holders part of the cult are the absolute worst. Any criticism of the project by rational investors is met with such seethe it's ridiculous. Being concerned with various decisions made by the team is not FUD as you like to scream. Everyone on biz, especially in this thread is already bagholding Link. Go spread your love for Link elsewhere if you want to rope in more investors, but it should be obvious that they are not needed for the price action to go up. Congratulations on discovering the Bulgarian boogeyman last year, what has it gotten you? Absolutely nothing but brutal price action. Stop being so emotional with your investments and maybe actually listen to your god Sergey and try to move on with your life.

>> No.51424999

>The price action is great
kek gr8 b8 m8

>> No.51425039

nexo is insolvent

>> No.51425044

then who is paying for all this fud?

>> No.51425089

sophie ellis bextor

>> No.51425125

>estimated net worth: $100 million
it's over

>> No.51425383

They do it for free. They think its 'the bants' or some shit. Chainlink lives rent free in their heads (shitty neighborhood).

>> No.51425481

who is "they"? it's not bulgarians anymore?

>> No.51425511

Is it true that Steve Ellis is one of the elite sons of (((them))) being setup to rule the world? He's the one actually running everything at Chainlink from behind the scenes and Sergey is just his puppet

>> No.51425584
File: 94 KB, 992x520, 1645145093749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, commonly known as BNY Mellon, is an American investment banking services holding company headquartered in New York City. BNY Mellon was formed from the merger of The Bank of New York and the Mellon Financial Corporation in 2007. It is the world's largest custodian bank and securities services company,[2][3][4] with $2.4 trillion in assets under management and $46.7 trillion in assets under custody as of the second quarter of 2021.[5][1] It is considered a systemically important bank by the Financial Stability Board.


>> No.51425630
File: 83 KB, 828x667, 1634502613628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He’s literally been MIA since the ICO
check the pivotal, steve coded staking contract all by himself, took him five years but it's almost done, yeah rory's doing the audit

>> No.51425698

It's not only bulgarians, and it never was.

>> No.51425754

What’s Rory’s dad up to these days?

>> No.51426132

so, who are "they"?

>> No.51426340
File: 230 KB, 734x1110, 1618504569075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kikes can dump the whole market, because right now trust is over truth
But anon, nobody trusts kikes.

>> No.51426363

shills in the service of the animal coin scammer Mark Cuban

>> No.51426380

people who are somewhat in the know about the tech and its applications yet fervently angry about the circumstances. only logical explanation i can find is that its
1. poor/unemployed/neet early buyers who swung in 2019 and missed the google/coinbase pump and are forever salty
2. post mainnet newfags who bought high and want to buy lower
3. degenerates who lost their golden ticket in defi ponzi schemes

>> No.51426392

Low life scum working for discord groups paid by crypto whales to fud assets they want to accumulate. Are you not aware of these things? Even stockies understand when their assets are being fudded, it’s market manipulation 101 and it works especially well on people like you who doubt it is occurring to any significant degree.

>> No.51426437

so many conflicting answers kek
so, would you all agree that
>the FUD is bullish

>> No.51426489

>posts exceedingly butthurt tirade
>"Stop being so emotional"

Take your own advice.

>> No.51427833

>there is nothing left to fud. The token is needed. The price action is great.
>Sergey is not even that fat.
eh you flew too close to sun here. good bait before though.

>> No.51427970

Cope. Youre down 90% faggot, and wont break $10 for years while everything else will rebound. No one will use link staking anytime soon because it wont be released.

>> No.51427977

/thread. Good post, very accurate portrayal.

>> No.51428576

on the contrary, i am up 2000%. sucks to miss out, but its not too late to buy back

>> No.51429018

CCIP is already confirmed (head of R&D at CL will present architecture, Synthetix will do a demo)
FSS is already confirmed (Ari will do a demo)

I think if SE came out of his cave he must be talking about technicalities of staking for ETH/USD feed