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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 168 KB, 411x411, Screenshot_1353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51412492 No.51412492 [Reply] [Original]

How do I spot opportunities in the market like that?

>> No.51412513

don't be a goyim

>> No.51412538

That's not true tho.
Be boght it almost a year before 9/11, 6 weeks prior to 9/11 he got that anti terror insurance.

>> No.51412552

why would someone ever buy insurance?

this changes everything

>> No.51412567

Pure coincidence, goyim

>> No.51412584

Yes the twin towers cost 14 million dollars of course

>> No.51412585

doesn't fucking matter, wouldn't buy car insurance unless you plan to crash your car on purpose. Stupid goyim

>> No.51412588

It wasnt 14 million, wasnt it something like 14 million cheaper than the highest (non jewish) bidder?

>> No.51412604

The most shocking fact is that in 2001 you could buy two skyscrapers for 14M, today that gets you a two bedroom cuckshed

>> No.51412630


>> No.51412660

Just be lucky, bro

>> No.51412689

Looked it up, silverstein didnt even bought jt, they had a rent contract for 3.2 billion over 99 years, how convienent it never lasted that long huh

>> No.51412701

"Silverstein has said in interviews that he usually spent his mornings in breakfast meetings at Windows on the World on top of the World Trade Center North Tower, and with new tenants in the building. However, the morning of September 11, 2001, his wife insisted he attend a medical appointment, inadvertently saving him from almost certain death"

was never one to push conspiracy theories but after reading that, holy shit, how was this fucking kike not federally investigated

>> No.51412724

Isn’t it amazing you’ll immediately assume truth just because someone put 30 seconds of effort into compiling an image?
“Nobody who is going to put effort in photoshop would ever risk lying on it”
This is our current generational issue, you will believe anything.

>> No.51412755

He’s not the only Jew that “got the call” that day. There’s plenty more suspicious and coincidental happenings surrounding that event. The government is lying. Bin Laden was a scapegoat in which we could eliminate a former ally who became too powerful in the region, while representing terror.

>> No.51412778
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shit thats even crazier.

>> No.51412783

this is correct. the transaction amount was actually $3.2 billion

>> No.51412789
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funny how we look back at it now and realize that 9/11 was right

>> No.51412807

The most shocking fact is that the pilot episode of Chris Carter's television show "The Lone Gunmen" first aired in March 2001 and "predicted" a suicide attack with a remote controlled passenger airliner into the world trade center buildings.

>> No.51412833
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Just a coincidence goy

Just like World Trade Center 7 falling on itself without being hit by a plane, it's all a coincidence don't think about that too much.

>> No.51412838
File: 64 KB, 477x335, 84378997-4C64-48E1-BF81-28085BB58CF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> how was this fucking kike not federally investigated
By whom? By the people like picrelated

>> No.51412884

He also paid 3.2 billion. The 14 million was just his own cash he paid because he didn't have enough cash in his company (Silverstein properties). Also, he didn't buy the prop. He got a 99 year lease on it because the port authority didn't want to outright sell it.

>> No.51412921

stay mad anti semitist incel virgin chud. jews are based.

>> No.51412924


>> No.51412963

You have to be retarded to believe this

>> No.51412965

Well that explains it. Of course a jew would be in that position to cover for them

>> No.51412973



>> No.51412994

Disinformation campaign you really think someone would purposefully lie about 9/11 when the facts are all bone chilling?
Easy pepper the truth with lies and let the bugs fight it out.

>> No.51413011
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>6 weeks prior to 9/11 he got that anti terror insurance.
I never used to believe it, but now I'm 110% on the "the government knew about 9/11 and did nothing to stop it because they wanted an excuse to invade the Middle East again" train.
It's not even this place that converted me, it's seeing all the shit the feds have been up to and seeing the lies unfold in real-time for the past decade or so, starting with Obama, then with Trump (yes, he's in on it too), and now with Biden.
I'm scared of how this is all gonna end, bros.

>> No.51413034

Do you think that's the point of the meme? "Yeah he bought and insured it like a month before. Crazy huh?" "You fucking Goyim CATTLE he leased the buildings for almost a year and then bought the terrorism insurance 2 weeks x3 before, there is nothing suspicious about that!"

>> No.51413105


>> No.51413116

You don’t spot them, you create them.

>> No.51413463

His company paid $3.5 Billion, and he personally put up $14 Million.
To answer your question, it helps to be a multi-millionaire to start.

>> No.51413468

Check it out, goys

>> No.51413525

>Investigating your masters

>> No.51413535

You should read the declassified documents on the dancing israelis. The schizos were right — they were right all along. God help us all.

>> No.51413560


I was going to say, nobody bought the twin towers for $14M lmao. That's like a small shitty apartment building in NYC.

>> No.51413711
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>> No.51413735

Whats with Jews and number 6

>> No.51413813


>> No.51413869

All those Israeli "art students" is one thing. The entire damn jewish race was in on it it seems.

>> No.51413895

You guys want the real kicker? The SEC publicly stated that there was insider trading prior to 9/11. There were no prosecutions due to the "insider traders not being linked with al quaeda."

Digest that one for a second. 3k+ people died, insider traders caught (illegal regardless of terrorist links) and they choose to make exceptions for that case? Fuck me silly idk why retards keep talking about steel beams.

>> No.51414333

Way to go Larry!!

>> No.51414787

Hate to break it to you but lots of Jewish people died that day. If “all the Jews were in on it” then there’s no way they would’ve sacrificed their own people: https://www.clevelandjewishnews.com/archives/the-jewish-victims-of-sept-11/article_6271d354-13ab-5051-9a80-4ea156b4ad48.html

>> No.51414822

if they told all jews to stay home it would be too obvious. they are clever rats

>> No.51414843

All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others.

>> No.51414880

They expect one of us in the wreckage brother, but don't fret. You're kids will get a handsome survivors check.

>> No.51414933

Inflation has only been 2% though kek

>> No.51415034

Jetfrey fuelstein can’t commelt steelicide

>> No.51415075

>3000 dead
>18 jews on that list


>> No.51415323

They only had religious information on about 1,700 victims, and the investigators could only find information on prominent Jews.
Seems normal to me.

>> No.51415440
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hahahhahahahahahahahahaha you really think they wouldn’t sell their own? oh wait you are just a JIDF shill faggot. goddamn bros i want a great reset so bad, but not the one they have planned.

>> No.51415705

baby's waking up. read the merchant bankers, next.

>> No.51415901

he bought for 3.2 billion, sought to collect 7 billion but got 4.5 billion from the insurance

1 billion is still a good profit though


>> No.51416376

There were jew victims in “king david hotel” bombing done by the zionists

>> No.51416490
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>> No.51416521

>6 weeks prior to 9/11 he got that anti terror insurance.
He followed biz's advice and made it.

>> No.51416820

he didn't JUST buy anti terror insurance, he filed with 30+ fucking different companies to buy anti terror insurance. he had so much fucking insurance you have no idea.
he got $2b from the first tower, was such a jew he went and got another $2b for the second tower basically.
also, don't forget, Larry Silverstein didn't show up that day, and he also told his daughter not to come. Even though he eats breakfast there every morning. Both of them had excuses not to come magically.

>> No.51416877

Why would the perpetrators investigate one of their own?

>> No.51416901

It was full of asbestos too he was going to have to start an expensive procedure to have it removed from the buildings

>> No.51416902

they kill and sacrifice own people all the time.

>> No.51418819
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>Be with your buddies taking photos holding up lighters with the world trade center in the background
>Go back to the same location the next day with a camera with your buddies, see 9/11 happen
>Your celebration is so bizarre you get reported to police
>Police show up, you tell them "Give us 20 years and we will take over your media and your country"
>Your van gets searched but luckily all you have is $5,000 in cash and tickets to fly you out of israel in only a couple of days (you know the typical thing to have in a van like that)
>Your moving company is investigated for fraudulent operations and little to no evidence of legitimate business was ever found. 16 computers were found though for your business of 5 guys and taken by the FBI.
We know mossad was tracking the guys and did literally nothing, and that they exhibited extreme foreknowledge of the event and still did literally nothing. They were totally willing to sacrifice people to create pro-israeli sentiment, they said it themselves in pic related.

>> No.51418847
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More docs

>> No.51418855

>she was 17 years 11 months 29 days 23 hours and 52 minutes old, you SICK FUCK

>> No.51418982

Metatron cube.

>> No.51419048

He definitely didn’t buy two sky scrapers in NYC prime real estate for 14 million. I’m sure what you are saying is closer to the truth.

>> No.51419106
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It wasn't even a schizo thing it was public knowledge even right after.

>> No.51419707
File: 599 KB, 1284x854, 21B98E16-86CC-4A37-AF8E-8212E6BF709B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”nothing personnel, goyim”

>> No.51419723

look up daniel llewin
if dancing israelis are the level 1 under the water iceberg, daniel is like level 7 of the depths . use yandex. google shoah’d all info on him

>> No.51419745

Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.

>> No.51419747

if dancing yids activates ur almonds look into daniel llewin aka daniel levine former idf special forces trained in hijackings, owner of akamai technologies, supposed hero of flight 11 . look at the model watch he wore in his last corporate photograph.

>> No.51419764

He was both the first and last person to ever demand that "terrorist attack" was a specific clause in the insurance policy.

>> No.51419785
File: 39 KB, 252x199, 8168A5A9-4ABD-4786-82FD-5C8BEBEB4978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the salwatch irony edition hijacker watch
worn by first “victim” of 9/11 aka the idf special forces hardcore zionist who gassed the plane over stewart airbase and parachuted out or landed it and swapped it for a drone

>> No.51419808


>> No.51419865

Its hard to lock down the exact price, but NYC paid him a MASSIVE subsidy to take it. The whole thing was jewed for years prior - the buildings were long overdue for various sorts of absurdly expensive maintenance. Getting it in Larry's name looked like an ulterior motive from the get-go. The fact that he capitalized on the opportunity to the degree he did was a separate event I think.
>I deserve two payouts because two planes mean my buildings were the victims of TWO terrorist attacks! Oye vey, two in a day!

>> No.51419868

It did get hit by a terror attack before.
makes sense to insure it.

>> No.51419968

They expect one of us in the crash

>> No.51420296

Imagine if after all those decades of scheming israel got nuked by ira- I mean by unaffiliated terrorists
what a laugh that would be

>> No.51420451

The WTC was previously bombed in 1993 and terrorism insurance is available for a lot of policies
>t. insurfag

>> No.51420581

>how was this fucking kike not federally investigated
Feds are kike masons. Idiot.

>> No.51420654

you don't need to spot anything, MATIC is in plain sight that has the second highest growth among the top 20 in the last 3 months, and a 400% growth in dapps this year, powering over 37k dapps

>> No.51420681

You forgot to mention matic is a buggy mess and barely functions. Its only attraction is lower fees, but the lack of liqudity in matic ecosystem means slippage will rape you more than the already ludicrous eth fees. Not to mention the eth merge will lower fees dramatically. Matic fags btfo.

>> No.51420781

This entire thread is filled with conspiracy retards who think of themselves as "autistic geniuses" who see beyond the veil, by never posting proof or supporting documentation, but just believe other anons because it gets repeated enough. 4chan is midwit heaven.

>> No.51420816

>E-Team message windows were in summer 2001
>Lucky Larry did all those things previously mentioned

Guys it was totally Osama Bin Laden. We must immediately invade all countries near Israel.

>> No.51420872

> say “not the only Jew to get the call”
> infer I said “ALL Jews got the call that day”
You’re retarded or a typical Rabbi-poster.

>> No.51421083

> declassified documents on Dancing Israelis and their suspicious moving company
> moving van depicts plane hitting WTC
> moving van had explosive residue in it
> conspiracy theory
Spare me your intentional naïveté.

>> No.51421130

They would routinely ritually sacrifice their own to baal and Moloch wtf are you on about?

>> No.51421513

37,000 curry flavored poo apps you say?

>> No.51421570

>Uhm no sweaty
>Snopes determined that was false. He actually knew about it 6 weeks in advance, not 4

>> No.51422793
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To my personal FBI agent,
If you asked me to, I'd gladly walk into Tel Aviv with a suitcase nuke. A snuke, if you will. I only ask that you organize a reason for all jews to return to Israel prior to snukageddon.

>> No.51422901

9/11 did nothing wrong

>> No.51422958

>I only ask that you organize a reason for all jews to return to Israel prior
If all jews returned to Israel I'd be concerned about what they're planning for the rest of the world.

>> No.51423066
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Everyone hates insurance until they need it. These comments make most of you sound like white trash.

>> No.51423135

Oh okay ^_^ sorry anon for a second there I thought Mr. GoldBurgNosenStein actually knew about the terrorist attack in advance and did what long nose rats do best. My mistake, I could’ve sworn the oven dodger knew about it but seems like I must be mistaken ^-^ thanks for clearing that up anon.

>> No.51423277
File: 51 KB, 1714x265, kek1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up
>Urban Moving Systems
and you'll see a rabbit hole that goes so deep you'll never make it back to this thread. Best part? Jews just can't help themselves with "Muh (insert ridiculously high number here) memes". Pic related

>> No.51423290
File: 26 KB, 418x426, kek2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look at the sources, it's all fucking lies. Mossad did 9/11, jews were warned. Americans died. Then they went in to do the Jews dirty work in the middle east and died some more.

>> No.51423368

Touch grass schizo. A few screenshots means fuck all. Numbers get mixed up all the time.

>> No.51423433
File: 55 KB, 587x534, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok newfag kike. Literally all of it is public information. One day I will personally gas at least one of your relatives.

>> No.51423484

yea and he also didn't go to work that day crazy eh haha such a huge coincidence

>> No.51423490
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>Trump was in on it too
shut the FUCK up leftist tranny he is OUR billionaire you have to go back

>> No.51423589

don't worry, the reset they have planned will not affect you, if you accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for your sins. unironically.

>> No.51423644

>three for free

>> No.51424556

every midwit conspiratard is capable of, and regularly does, string together sequences of stupid bullshit to support their pet theory about whatever so they can say
Every single dumbfuck conspiracy has shit like this.

>> No.51424595

>14 mil for the largest acreage in NYC

>> No.51424739
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my fucking sides

>> No.51424792
File: 1.40 MB, 860x2021, 37-374837_brendan-fraser-meme-cowboy-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We operate on a metaphysical level that supercedes the need for trivial things like "facts" or "hard evidence". Neurotypicals will never understand. We wage an eternal spiritual war against the true manifestations of evil in this reality, and the only reward we ask for is fulfillment of duty.

>> No.51424901

A terrorist organization bombed the world trade centre eight years before 9/11. It makes sense that he would take out insurance on the towers since they were a major target.

Also why are 9/11 conspiracy theories regaining popularity? Hasn't this topic been done to death? Even on sep 11th of previous years noone was really talking about this.

>> No.51425048


>> No.51425049
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Maybe the twin towers is a metaphor for something else?

>> No.51425374

fucking THIS

i'll bet the average population of the twin towers was atleast 70% jewish

>> No.51425405

No regrets
It was a great happening and made excellent tv when I was a kid

>> No.51425582

it wasn't completely out of the blue. in 1980 he built WTC7. Osama had previously attempted to take the towers down with a bus full of explosives. Larry didn't even finalize the purchase for WTC until April 2001. He had just bought it, so it wasn't a rare coincidence that he was insuring it.
The insurance wasn't paid in a lump sum, he was still being paid for it in 2007 while he was rebuilding
and also the purchase price was 3.2 billion, not 14 million. good filter for idiots though
he's still paying $100 million per year, the rent doesn't go away, since its on the land, not the buildings.

Overall it was a shitty deal for larry in terms of money. if he was involved there were other motives.

schizos have to drastically censor the full story for their claims to make any sense.

>> No.51425713

>I never used to believe it, but now I'm 110% on the "the government knew about 9/11 and did nothing to stop it because they wanted an excuse to invade the Middle East again" train.
probably just the correct take

>> No.51425847

A one page summary of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Place our agents and helpers everywhere
Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans
Start fights between different races, classes and religions
Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way
Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials
Appeal to successful people’s egos
Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail
Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism
Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us
>Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary
Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism
Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect
Rewrite history to our benefit
Create entertaining distractions
Corrupt minds with filth and perversion
Encourage people to spy on one another
Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor
Take possession of all wealth, property and (especially) gold
Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.
Introduce a progressive tax on wealth
Replace sound investment with speculation
Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments
Give bad advice to governments and everyone else

>> No.51425850

that makes it more sus. getting insurances on smt u just bought would have been a lot more normal.

>> No.51426021

Another issue with the story is if renovation costs for the towers was the issue, were these issues present in 1993?
They were only 20 years old and still expected to live another 20 years at least
Was Osama in on it since 1993 or did they recruit him in 2001?
> The 1,336 lb bomb
in 1993, the bomb Osama used was pitifully small.

for comparison the energy output of only the force impact of the 747 is 2 tons of TNT. The jet fuel is worth 500 tons of TNT.
A nitrate bomb like they used is only equivalent to 0.25 tons of TNT
So the only primary motive could have been war for greater israel. Meaning, why did Jews tip larry on the plan? clearly getting the insurance policy after the purchase date is the reason for suspicion? Why would you want to invest 4 billion into something just to

was he coerced? Wouldn't you just want to avoid paying for it at all? the economics of larry purchasing the tower just to get a small trickle of money back in return for decades doesn't make any sense.

the plotters tipping off larry is a bit risky, what if he didn't support the plan?

>> No.51426475

>what if he didn't support the plan?
Then the pictures of him on Epstein's island are mysteriously leaked.

>> No.51426495

His entire family was “late” to the towers that day retard. Larry silverstein who never failed to eat his breakfast on the executive floor every single morning, claims he was late that day because he had an “spontaneous emergency dermatologist appointment”

>> No.51426507
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Lucky Larry is such a lucky guy

>> No.51426516

His son and daughter who were both suppose to be at a meeting in the building, both happened to be late that day because they both, despite being in different parts of the city, “got stuck in traffic”.

>> No.51426527
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>> No.51426557

There were terror attacks on the twin towers before 911 occurred. There were also a fuckton of terror attacks in general after the formation of Israel.

>> No.51426602 [DELETED] 

>Another issue with the story is if renovation costs for the towers was the issue, were these issues present in 1993?
They were only 20 years old and still expected to live another 20 years at least
Larry bought the buildings and found out they were filled with asbestos and he was going to be forced to completely renovate maybe every tear them down, costing him hundred of millions in losses. Luckily, instead of losing money due to the inevitable renovation he would now be forced to do, he made a fortune from the buildings being torn down for free by terrorists, and got paid for it, twice. Once for each building. Larry was on the verge of becoming dead broke, and came out one of the richest men in NYC, only weeks after dining with Netanyahu! They must’ve had a good chat. Luckily, because these buildings were blown up, Lucky Larry’s home country Israel would also now have an entire army of goys signing up to die killing Larry’s enemies in the desert for him, so his people would have to do it themselves! What luck! Instead of becoming dirt broke, he now became one of the wealthiest men in the country AND saved his entire country from having to fight their own wars. What luck! Even luckier, is Israel sent Mossad agents to film the towers being blown up! What luck! Those Mossad agents just happened to be in perfect view, at the right hour, with the right cameras, to film the most notorious terror attack in history. When arrested by the US government, they admitted they came to film the event. That’s right, Mossad agents admitted to the US government they came to film 9/11! What luck! How lucky must they have been to know they had to film 9/11, before even knowing 9/11 would happen! What luck!

>> No.51426621

>Another issue with the story is if renovation costs for the towers was the issue, were these issues present in 1993?
>They were only 20 years old and still expected to live another 20 years at least
Larry bought the buildings and found out they were filled with asbestos and he was going to be forced to completely renovate maybe every tear them down, costing him hundred of millions in losses. Luckily, instead of losing money due to the unavoidable renovations he would now be forced to complete, he made a fortune from the buildings being torn down by terrorists free of charge, heck he even got PAID for it, twice. Once for each building. What luck! Larry was on the verge of becoming dead broke, and instead came out one of the richest men in NYC, only weeks after dining with Netanyahu! They must’ve had a good chat. Luckily, because these buildings were blown up, Lucky Larry’s home country Israel would also now have an entire army of goys signing up to die killing Larry’s enemies in the desert for him, so his people wouldnt have to fight their own battles and die themselves! What luck! Instead of becoming dirt broke, he now became one of the wealthiest men in the country AND saved his entire country from having to fight their own wars. What luck! Even luckier, is Israel sent Mossad agents to film the towers being blown up! What luck! Those Mossad agents just happened to be in perfect view, at the right hour, with the right cameras, to film the most notorious terror attack in history. When arrested by the US government, they admitted they came to film the event. That’s right, Mossad agents admitted to the US government they came to film 9/11! What luck! How lucky must they have been to know they had to film 9/11, before even knowing 9/11 would happen! What luck!

>> No.51426634

Your (((article))) is literally fake news trying to inflate numbers. Only 3 kikes died in the towers. Said towers who were the peak talmudic center of Jew York. In a normal day, 2K kikes would have died in the north tower alone. Because it was full of jews.

But they were magically all missing that day (dentist appointement, delayed flight, chewing gum under the shoe, taxi stuck in traffic...). And it has nothing to do with the instant messaging company ODIGO, a shell company for the mossad, who warned hours in advance 500 jews to not show up in the WTC complex on 9/11...


>> No.51426690

Be Jewish

>> No.51426783

What nobody knows is they fucked up the policy and almost got their claim declined kek

>> No.51426875

Lucky Larry, that's what we used to call him.