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51407800 No.51407800 [Reply] [Original]

I’m about $10,000 in credit card debt and I haven’t paid any of it back they have all gone to collections my credit is ruined and I have no means to pay it back but they keep calling everyday. This has caused me to be very suicidal and I can’t get past this anxiety that I feel everyday thinking about it. What are the consequences of not paying it back? Is suicide really the answer to this question? Is my life completely over?

>> No.51407819

It's ok anon. The entire global financial system is collapsing. Just stop worrying about it. It's literally just numbers on a screen.

>> No.51407840

if you can't pay it back then stop delaying the inevitable and consult a bankruptcy attorney. and, as a matter of personal policy, don't ever touch another credit card again because you're clearly too fucking stupid to use them responsibly.

>> No.51407841

Just think of how insignificant 10k is on its own. Not worth your life for sure. You can probably pay it off in two months if you wage and live with a friend.

>> No.51407855

If you have income you can start paying it back gradually. I had about 10 grand credit card debt when I was younger but I was so dumb that I only paid the bare minimum interest for years.

>> No.51407887

If you're in the US, most states have laws that allow you to walk away from debt in collections if you don't pay it for 10 years

>> No.51407919

I owe about 50k to numerous creditors, all been passed to collections. I'm not even a citizen of this country, I just ignore them and they haven't contacted me for months. Stop worrying, just wait out the statue of limitations but they'll write it off before that if they can't find you.

>> No.51407921

They will give up eventually. Change phone numbers. Move. It will end at some point. Trust me.

>> No.51407929

If you can't pay, you can't pay. It's not like they're going to put you in jail. Don't kys anon.

>> No.51407934

I already moved to the EU from the USA and they still keep trying to call my American number. I don’t even have a US address anymore but they still send bills and forward letters to my parents residence.

>> No.51408021

lmao being in debt rn is epic, inflation will melt that 10k away bro. The consequences of not paying it back are... NOTHING!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH DEBTORS JAIL DOESNT EXIST ANYMORE ALL THEY CAN DO IS TAKE YOU TO SMALL CLAIMS COURT AND THEN YOU JUST NEED TO ACT LIKE YOU CAN MAKE SOME MONTHLY PAYMENT OF LIKE 50 BUCKS

>> No.51408041

extremely based

>> No.51408110
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i defaulted on all those cards, on purpose
literally just ignore them

>> No.51408150

What do you mean on purpose? I got into a car wreck that’s why I can’t pay mine because my bills for Medicals was put on my credit cards.

>> No.51408190
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i literally applied for all those cards with intention in mind to default on them
i turn the credit limit into cash and transfer to overseas brokerages and offshore accounts and a little to some crypto exchanges as well

>> No.51408215

are you the anon that had a sheboon crash into his car?

>> No.51408235

Hey op, I advise to kill yourself

>> No.51408298

did you buy anything cool at least?

>> No.51408331

Hey man this is something that bothers me too my credit is in the 500s and I feel like I'm never gonna be able to own my own home now. As far as consequences well it's just ruined credit I've had so many different debts and never had any consequences besides my credit taking a hit.

>> No.51408362

Same, but $35k.
Sister had the same issue, but married some shmuck who paid it off. Might do the same, I could be Chad if I dropped 30 pounds.

>> No.51408401

It was a Sheboon that crashed into me, she was on Xanax and loads of other drugs she ran off and they caught her but they cited and released her because they couldn’t prove she was the one driving despite 10+ witnesses saying it was her. Now her insurance company is trying to sue me even though It was her fault and I was injured now I have a cracked vertabrae and torn ligaments and a traumatic brain injury. One of the reasons why I left the US is because her kids found out where I lived and they would drive around the block and smashed my parents cars windows and tried to confront my dad once while he was in the front lawn claiming that I was intentionally trying to ruin their lives by going after their mom. The Police didn’t do shit either and said they can’t do anything because it’s not a crime to drive around a public block even though we have video of them smashing my parents cars with hammers.

>> No.51408458
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you know they wiped your credit history after 7 years right?
why 7 years? it's jewish system, debt must be cleared every 7 years
>the human body replaced all it's cells every 7 years

>> No.51408570

get guns and unironically kill them, but plan your escape to the airport and subsequent flight back to europe. that will also serve as a great alibi since even if they subpoena you from across the ocean, you can say that you were at the airport and have flight times to back it up

>> No.51408579

you’re literally retarded, every credit union in my city has been running debt consolidation loan specials with the lowest rate I’ve seen at 5.99%. literally google credit unions in your area and find ones with a small asset size. From there, call every single credit union and tell the loan officer about your situation and ask what they can do for you

>> No.51408584

go back, shitskin spic

>> No.51408841


oh dude my leg dude i am on these pills

>> No.51408932

>implying I'm in your shit country
>implying I'm not whiter than you

>> No.51409033

Just imagine champagne pepe

>> No.51410305

>I haven’t paid any of it back they have all gone to collections my credit is ruined and I have no means to pay it back but they keep calling everyday
If this is actually the case just let the phone ring. There's no debtors prison in the US if that's where you live
Think of it as having gotten a free 10k

>> No.51410368

Jesus how did u get the loan in the first place?

>> No.51410507

My credit score is completely ruined after I took out massive loans before closing my business due to the pandemic. Don't stress over it. If the loan is unsecured and you don't have any assets they can't do shit other than declare you bankrupt. Just block their numbers and don't answer any calls from unknown callers. Don't answer the door and return any letter you receive as if you moved on to a different address. 10k is fucking peanuts for these kikes and they will give up on you after a year or so. Worst thing you can do is give them any attention because then they will have an obligation to keep contacting you until you offer a payment plan. Learn to live without a credit score it's perfectly doable if you have a solid source of income. Get a credit card from a different lender and keep that as an emergency only. Seriously the mental distress is part of their game don't fall for it. They will send you gay letters with scary words in it, I received one saying they had done a "forensic analysis of my business accounts bla bla bla" it's all gay Jewish tricks. Remember there's no debtor prisons and being a debtor is not a crime it's a strictly civil matter no different from starting a dispute with a seller on eBay lol.

>> No.51410571

Change number. Text your friends the new number. Tell your folks to put a garbage can by the front door and just throw collections mail in there without a second thought (you didn't get your parents to co-sign did you? Or were you living at home when you got into this deep shit?). Anyway just stop caring.

>> No.51410660

Best post of the month LMAO

>> No.51411619

$10k isn't worth destroying your life over. Get a prepaid phone under a fake name and move in with a friend. Don't put your name on anything.

That said - $10k isn't enough to have to go into hiding over. Just pay it back.

>> No.51411789

Unironically RWDS them all.

>> No.51411847

This is what you do OP

Collection agencies buy all this debt as one lump sum, then try to collect on it. They more than likely got all of this as a spreadsheet but no actual contract. Ask them to show you proof that you owe the original debt. They more than likely cant and will have to take you to court over it. Let them. At court ask them to show you evidence and ask the court for it to be removed from your credit history.

>> No.51411850
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Do it for God and Country.

>> No.51411983

Just don't pay them. Debt doesn't matter anymore. The student debt forgiveness proves that. Writing is on the wall. Just demand debt forgiveness and throw a fit.

>> No.51411994

Awe jeeeze dude. My leg bro

>> No.51412034

Stop answering. If it's gone to collections then it's over. You gain nothing by paying it back, just accept the credit hit and realize you got your 10Gs at that cost. Now stop answering the calls like a midwit. Hope the 10 grand was well spent

>> No.51412049
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>> No.51412054


This, just declare bankruptcy you dummy. Nobody will loan you money for at least the next decade, but you're apparently too shit with credit to be trusted with it so maybe that's the way it should be. But you'll get all the creditors off your back.

>> No.51412057

Begging thread.

>> No.51412059

Lol your parents can keep shredding those bills and the collectors can eat a dick. Literally cannot touch you. Sounds like you made it out. Remember that debt was money the banks created out of thin air and did not exist until it was spent. Fractional reserve banking is a huge scam.

>> No.51412139

This is the based post of the thread. Any financial advisor will tell you similar if theyre honest. You pay the collections agency now you gain NOTHING. Your credit will still be shit and you'll be right where you are now minus the spam from collections. Just change your info and go full no contact they literally cant do shit. I had something similar happen, the company fucked up and made a bunch of errors, I tried to sort it out but they were such cock suckers about it I just ghosted them and moved. They couldn't do jack shit to me anmd gave up after like a year

>> No.51412163

>I’m about $10,000 in credit card debt and I haven’t paid any of it back
fuck them

>> No.51412320

can someone give me the QRD on this meme I see it all the time in these credit card debt threads

>> No.51412448

You will make it back in a few shitcoin trades. Buy and jeet a bunch of microcaps

>> No.51412487


Thank me later

>> No.51412518

done! thanks, anon :)

>> No.51412536

Just get another credit card to pay that credit card off :)

>> No.51412562

Get a doctors note for depression anon and tell them the debts are causing you stress and hardship that is contributing to it, causing suicidal thoughts. Send the debt collectors the doctors note. Make em wipe it.

Fuck em. Dont pay them back a penny.

>> No.51412570

Just declare bankruptcy and accept you can't get a loan for the next 7 years. It's worth it for the peace of mind. Also you will have a hard time renting or financing a car so get that squared away first.

>> No.51412685
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Boys my friend works in finance and apparently this works but you need a relatively good credit score to do it:

>credit/loan monitors only update every 30 days
>use this to advantage and take out as many unsecured loans from as many different companies as you can within 30 days
>spread the loans between a few accounts to stop your account being frozen
>dont ever pay any back
>loan companies see 30 days later that you have fucked them in the ass
>cant do anything about it
>have 300-400k in your bank account
>(optional) flee country and buy house abroad. Come back to home-country whenever as you have no fixed address there.
>being in debt and not paying it back is not illegal. Its just a breach of loan agreement.

Apparently its not fraud. It is technically the loan companies' fault for being irresponsible and giving you the loan. What is the worst they can actually do? Especially if you hide the money away in crypto or something. Any holes in this?

>> No.51412692

Fucking niggers

>> No.51414284

Offer to pay them back $2 a week, say it's all you can afford right now. Don't fret, they're not going to put you in debtors' prison.

>> No.51415106

unironically this. get a balance transfer card, most come with12-18 month 0% apr. will give you some breathing room. then don't be a retard, actually pay it off in that time.

>> No.51415499

you'd be surprised to know that executives & directors do this exact thing.

>> No.51416382

One of the best Sam Hyde vids
Checked and dude its literally 10k. Its almost nothing just make more and pay it back. Dont commit suicide over an amount that small thats ridiculous.

>> No.51416449

>they keep calling everyday
have you tried turning it off?