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51406979 No.51406979 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books that will turn you from a no knowledge scrub to a money savvy wealthy individual?
Required reading before you undertake financial steps to success perhaps.

>> No.51406990
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Not that one ..
Try pic related instead

>> No.51407156

That was a nice book. Any recommendations after that? I was thinking of reading Tainter's collapse of complex societies to understand about geopolitics and power or to read more about economics like Human Action or maybe something from Sowell

>> No.51407275

Buy Low
Sell High

thanks for coming @ economics 101.

>> No.51407811


This book is pure garbage.

>> No.51407864

It seems enlightening to me. What's wrong with it? I think it's for completely money illiterate people.

>> No.51407956

Robert Kiysaki is a twice-broke "entrepeneur" who only made money after marrying a rich japanese-american woman controlling her real estate business
>In 2006 and 2007, Kiyosaki's Rich Dad seminars continued to promote real estate as a sound investment, just before their prices came crashing down.
He is a cult leader for imbeciles

>> No.51409081

Broke but not poor! I'd need to look into his history but is the advice not sound then?

>> No.51411207

So he built a lot of wealth from nothing multiple times?

>> No.51411252

I thought Millionaire Fast Lane was interesting. It's a little scattered in it's message though.

>> No.51411285
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>> No.51411300

ignore this idiot this book has very strong principles you must learn if youre completely illiterate in finances. its baby's first investing book and is important if you are surrounded by people who are constantly broke. it enlightens you to whats possible
I quit my job for an opportunity that paid less but opened my schedule more for my side gig and now im doing very well. i would have played it safe if i didnt read this book a few times on audiobook

>> No.51411338

Also its important to ignore anons like that. you will never meet a self-made wealthy person who is pessimistic. he literally bulldozed the entire book over his envy over the author having better opportunity than him. look for the enthusiastic people and listen to them only.

>> No.51411645

Rich Dad was the first financial book I read and it is very good for showing the way to noobs. It unironically changed my life. After that Id go for Richest Man in Babylon, Think and Grow Rich, Millionaire Next Door and then you need to focus your reading on your specific niche.

>> No.51411671

Rich dad poor dad got me out of a speeding ticket one time, I had it sitting in my passenger seat and the cop was reading it at the same time. Never finished the book kek

>> No.51411769

capital in the 21st century thomas piketty, titan (rockefeller) by ron chernow, house of morgan (carnegie), a renegade history of the us by thaddeus russel (for us people only), freakonomics

>> No.51411768

Enthusiastic people and listen to them only

There is a lot of positivity in pessimism anon.

>> No.51411843


i just want to add if you want to think and grow rich you need to read shit that doesn't have 'how to be a millionaire' in the title. that's the most mouth breather shit i've ever seen. this thread is hilarious. rich dad poor dad, millionaire next door, etc. these are all 'books about being rich' when you could read about people and things that are rich, that have a rich history, that will expand your understanding of the world. fuck some bullshit book talking about how eating beans or buying a house will make you rich. that's not how life works and you're gonna learn jack shit from these books you couldn't learn from some fucking common sense

>> No.51411901

I would say for starters read this and also Dave Ramsey's "Total Money Makover".
Both books are very introductory and teach very different money strategies. I have incorporated a little from both men's teachings and I'm not a millionaire but I've made much more than I've lost.

>> No.51411933

Rich dad poor dad goes on and on about how houses are a liability. I don't know anything about money yet but baby steps for now

>> No.51411959

This book is fine but very vague and each of his books after this encourage you to buy his next book. Don’t expect exact answers from Kiyosaki but don’t buy the books. Get them free at z-lib

>> No.51411980


ive read rich dad poor dad a long time ago, it's a shit book written by a guy that hates taxes in the most unbased way possible. read something of some real substance. even something like common sense investing by bogle

>> No.51412019
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Read this one first and reread from time to time to stay focused.

>> No.51412077

rich gook poor gook is such a meme

>> No.51412443

You need something like The Creature From Jekel Island, if you want the forbidden knowledge. RDPD is just super surface level advice that teaches one to recognize a money earning Asset from a money losing Liability. Then it says to get into the property flipping game. The problem is if you don't know that Jews run the central banks of the world or what a central bank really does, you will always be playing blind against experienced gamers.

>> No.51412490

>pay yourself first
>invest in good stable ventures
>work harder than the other slaves (unironically)
There saved you all 100 pages

>> No.51412494

>hates the fed
>recommends leveraging debt
>recommends commodities (silver/gold)
>teaches how to avoid taxes
hes pretty based even though his book is obviously full of lies

>> No.51412516

you forgot
>dont ask the fisherman for real estate advice

>> No.51412523

This guy is hated now because he was recorded fondly remembering and laughing about evicting a poor father on Christmas eve or around then.

>> No.51412770

How? The entire book is a cohesive allegory with your financial life being a highway. You either take the sidewalk, the slow lane or the fast lane. It's clear, concise, and a truly perspective changing read.

>> No.51412912

People meme that human action is hard to read, but I would highly recommend it if you are not a brainlet. Mises has some nice whoppers in there and I distinctly remember enjoying the slog. And I still recommend it even though I have subsequently rejected liberalism and market maximalism.

>> No.51412932

>just marry a ritch bitch bro

>> No.51413015

reddit take

>> No.51413044
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This is the only book you will need to read anon.

>> No.51413061

slavery was abolished tho

>> No.51413062

That book literally tells you to stay poor, and even if by some miracle you get rich to give everything away.

>> No.51413071

Pessimism is the complete opposition of positivity

>> No.51413077

>we need to make the dumbest meme picture with conspiracy theories so dumb to make the flat earth theory look smart
>say no more

>> No.51413106

flat earth theory = dumb is the most normie opinion possible. At least say retarded, but you can't because your masters want to put literal retards in charge of you and can't have you using the r word.

>> No.51413111

this guy literally lives from selling their books and seminars to retard people who wants to become "entrepreneur" and need tips

>> No.51413114
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>I think it's for completely money illiterate people.
The good parts are all stolen from "The Richest Man in Babylon", which is a much shorter and much better book and is ACTUALLY recommended for financially illiterates. Kiyosaki's books are nothing but bullshit he made up and stuff he stole from better authors. Skip the fluff, read the original.

>> No.51413118

Read this. I remember only to save for yourself 1 tenth of everything you earn and to use other gold in investments to earn more but doesn't teach how.
The only economics book I finished so far and it was okay I guess or mediocre.

>> No.51413152

T. Flat earther

>> No.51413242

T. I have no argument or defense.

>> No.51413258
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don't take advice from people who profit from giving you advice

>> No.51413272

>I have no argument or defense
No, you don't.

>> No.51413273

>but doesn't teach how
None of these books teach how. Rich Dad Poor Dad doesn't teach how either, it just gives vague real estate ideas and has definitely caused more harm than good by making a bunch of boomers in the 90s think they could make millions flipping houses, because every single story in it is 100% made up.

>> No.51413301

>None of these books teach how
So no book exists that teaches how to invest?

>> No.51413369

To expand on this, these books are supposed to be about financial literacy, ie how to not be a dumb idiot moron with your money, not how to MAKE money. You make money by learning trade or business skills, and there are other books for that.
>So no book exists that teaches how to invest?
Investing well is complicated, and it's much easier to make money off of normies with feel-good self-help fluff rather than explaining complicated systems and financial markets. I'm sure there are good books on investing our there but they're not going to be popular.

>> No.51413389

this is good advice, how do I pay you?

>> No.51413603

Great book for financially illiterate. The See Spot Run of finances.
Rich Dad Poor Dad: Cashflow Quadrant has more tangible advice after you've read the first one.
Dave Ramsey: Total Money Makeover is the antithesis of Kiyosaki's book, but good to round out your perspective if financially illiterate.
Richest Man In Babylon, Think and Grow Rich, 80-20 Principle, 4 Hour Work Week, Wealth of Nations, Dao of Capital, Tax Free Wealth are all books that can help as well.

Probably best you read Covid-19 The Great Reset and Stakeholder Capitalism if you want to know how your future masters think.

>> No.51413962

You can't learn what you need to learn in a book. The barrier of entry is ridiculously low, everyone would do it, then the value is lost. If every carmaker could make a Lambo then everyone would be going around with one.

>> No.51414029

So how do you learn to invest? Just do it, or finance classes at university?

>> No.51414038


Based and true, "success" is about personality and based on the individual.

>> No.51414147
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Y'all need the red pill.

>> No.51414160

Is this book about how to luck out like him?

>> No.51414229

just do it in a way where even if people knew how you were doing it they can't imitate you. You can do this in various ways, insider info, hard work, unique perspective or creativity, literally causing the stock to move, etc.

>> No.51414231

Permabulls really shooting for the stars these days

>> No.51414251

Karl marx died in misery just like anyone else who is dumb enough to follow him.

>> No.51414277

The book should be called how to starve by a shabbos goy.

>> No.51414287
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>> No.51414305

> What are the best books that will turn you from a no knowledge scrub to a money savvy wealthy individual?
You want to post the opposite then start your own thread.

>> No.51414363

This doesn't really work. Any woke book will cause you to go broke, inverting it will not really help you as much.

>> No.51414555

ironically, if you want to pay AFTER you've been given the advice, it is probably good advice and worth paying for. If they want to be paid BEFORE giving the advice (like buying a book...), it is probably shit.

>> No.51416717

Those are called pigs. Being bullish is not the same as being greedy you fucking, sucking Chuck. A person being Bullish basically means they like the way the market is.

>> No.51416925
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Almost done with pic-related and he goes into extreme detail about investing strategies. Take it with a grain of sand, however, as it was written just a few years before 2008. It's great if you want some historical perspective about how the markets were operating before The Crash.

>> No.51417187

>rejected liberalism and market maximalism
I am neither of those either, but I think most of the classical liberal reasoning on economics makes much more sense than the keyensian/neo-liberal stuff.

I am not a brainlet but english is my second language so it might be pretty rough at the beginning if it's rich in vocabulary. But i'll try. First I'll reread Economics in one lesson, then read a book on geopolitics (probably the Tainter's one I mentioned) and then Mises. Godspeed

>> No.51417228

I am reading richest man in babylon and it's written very pretentiously

>> No.51417409

I can't believe people consume Jim Cramer unironically.

>> No.51418251

Present an argument or fuck off. If you can't explain your position, then you have no position and are just trying to farm (you)s.

>> No.51419377


he's part of the system and the system is designed to part you with your money.

>> No.51419509

he said it, it's semi-fiction.

>> No.51419526
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this plus 1(1) word

>> No.51419562

Any book about how to become wealthy is a scam, only the authors are getting wealthy from those. Building wealth is actually quite simple, as other have said, buy low, sell high, take advantage of compound interest, don’t spend money on things you don’t need. Save and invest as often as possible. That’s literally it.

>> No.51419632
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Pic related, Elon Musk's favorite book growing up

>> No.51419984

I want to write one now. Any tips?

>> No.51420192


Wrong, it’s a great book for people with zero financial and investing experience, which is 95% of the goys.

I learned a tremendous amount from it and can say the principles work

>> No.51420220


This is also good. Combine the lessons from this with rich dad poor dad and Dave Ramsey and you got a solid game plan.

>> No.51420241


The goal is to grow wealth not destroy it you fucking communist moron,

>> No.51420262

that should be the name of the board.

>> No.51420265
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Really???! Nobody mentioned the Bible of all investment books? Praised by the oracle of Omaha himself?


>> No.51420277

boomer advice that was obsolete when it came out.

>> No.51420761

I'll knock you offline with my IoT smart fridge botnet skid.

>> No.51421188

What’s the QRD on richest man in Babylon?

>> No.51421241
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also, The Birth of Plenty

>t. Actual Millionaire

>> No.51421468

Not for money savviness in and of itself, but here's my general "how do i into investment?" rec list:

>The Intelligent Investor
>When Genius Failed
>The Making of an American Capitalist
>Value Investing: From Graham to Buffet and Beyond
>One Up On Wall Street
>How to Be Rich
>The Little Book That Still Beats The Market
>You Can Be a Stock Market Genius

And last but certainly not least
>Berkshire Hathaway Annual Letters, 1977 - 2021


>> No.51421575

show us your wealth with time stamp

>> No.51421650


>> No.51421793
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Unironically very good for big picture thinking.
Large number of investors are blinded by their ideology, they imagine the world how they want it to be and ignore how it actually is.

>> No.51422250


>> No.51422610

Investing is more about 20%math, 30% psychology and 50% luck in a one vs everyone game

>> No.51422775

this is funny, what exactly do you expect a million dollars to look like?

>> No.51422912
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picrel, reminiscences of a stock trader and market wizards. And technical analysis of the financial markets by Murphy

>> No.51423005
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Are there any legitimate books that will put an end to my wage slaving life?