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51405551 No.51405551 [Reply] [Original]

How can I short marriage

>> No.51405560

no clue what this is about

seems to me this is /pol/bait or /r9k/incel talk

either way fuck off and have sex

>> No.51405568

seething cracker

>> No.51405572

Mods, fucking get this shit off my board. Lord knows fucking Jannies won't do it.

>> No.51405576

Low quality demoralization/raceseethe post. Do your fucking job jannies

>> No.51405581

Fuck off back to /pol/ cancerous faggot

>> No.51405585

lmfao crackas getting antsy

>> No.51405590


>> No.51405591

Malding nigger kek

>> No.51405592

i dont get it

>> No.51405593

Not bad looking for a black baby

>> No.51405606

Jews pay whores to propagandate about white women giving birth to mixxed kids , the eternal nigger thinks this is true and boasts about his negative iq

>> No.51405607

/pol/tards get all grumpy, but really, you think 13% of the population is going to negatively impact the population of majority? when 13% mix with the >50% of the population , Who is getting diluted here? Black are getting bleached by white women. not the other way around.

>> No.51405612

taking out a life insurance policy on the person you expect to get murdered first in the marriage

>> No.51405625

nice id color

>> No.51405658

I dont get it. Wtf is this?

>> No.51405663

You’ll lose every time Islam is the fastest growing religion by reversion and the only way to consummate is through marriage. I advice you to read the Quran humbly and submissively.

>> No.51405695
File: 416 KB, 1080x1120, 0110100101101101011001110110000101111001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only people seething about /pol are kikes and brown subhuman

>> No.51405709
File: 213 KB, 645x973, D81D2EDC-437F-4832-A21C-A44CFD5C4D86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you mix 13% shit with some milk you are gonna end up with something good

>> No.51405730

no seriously what is going on in that post

>> No.51405760
File: 23 KB, 506x366, batteries.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51405763
File: 1.74 MB, 1499x1500, 1645019589835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that white women who brag about being "blacked", are 99% of the time mentally ill leftists who see it as "revenge" towards white men.

Healthy stable white women are repulsed by negroes, pic rel.

>> No.51405766

i got banned for posting my daily trade log here yet the fucking nigger jannie troons leave this shit up

>> No.51405784

didn't say it was good, but your not erasing 60% of the population by breeding it with 13%, your slowly eradicating the 13% and creating hybrids, which will then breed again with the majority, and so on and so on..

>> No.51405841
File: 67 KB, 703x269, Screen Shot 2022-09-13 at 2.12.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-hispanic white+two race+ white, versus blacks staying flat.

>> No.51405858

Removing all the meme shit this just comes off as incredibly trashy

>> No.51405871

Nice Reddit spacing. You have to go back.

>> No.51405898

Not a /pol/cel or anything, but my observations in Ireland is;
Native women are by far the most racist when it comes to dating. I'm 30 and I can count in one hand, the amount of times I heard of native women dating outside of native men.
>Some girl I knew married a multimillionaire lebonese guy who was christian. She basically doesn't work anymore and spends her time do rich person shit.
>Some 420, vegan hippie was seeing some Ratsaparian. The chick ended up leaving him after she realised blacks are retarded.
>Ugly fat coworker was dating a Nigerian
>Coworker slept with the 9/10 gigachad polish coworker who was basically German. Blonde, blue eyed, jacked, jawline.
>Couple of sluts sleeping with frenchmen
>Girls going out with Anglosphere men, (English, American, Australian, Canadian) which doesn't even count.

The native men will sleep with absolutely anything.

>> No.51405915

This is on the same level of trashy as that juggalo funeral for a dead child where they used a coors light beer case as a fucking casket lmao

>> No.51405927

nooooo not le heckin cuckoldarino bob!

>> No.51405941

They killed more than hitler, fuckin ape race idk why nobody is putting them in their right place (a cage with lead)

>> No.51405949

Hey faggot, don't disrespect Juggalo culture

>> No.51406337

>Tel aviv shnozzle
Its a jew woman larping as a white woman having just given birth to a nigger.

>> No.51406351

All the "hotwifes" in cuck relationships look like jewesses and yhe hubby is s regular white

Makes the noggin joggin

>> No.51406399

>dont marry
>long steam library
>life is dope

>> No.51406482

anon shes jewish