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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51399261 No.51399261 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate this guy

>> No.51399291

Cope and seethe he is an alpha boomer and tells things how they are, no bullshit, straight up FACTS

>> No.51399317


>> No.51399346

he literally costs normies hundreds/thousands per year in credit card cash back
and if the only way someone can manage their finances is by paying for everything with cash/debit, they're beyond hope anyways

>> No.51399405

Better than I deserve

>> No.51399413

Ok debt slave. Don't forget to tip mr noseburg on your next payment.

>> No.51400013
File: 24 KB, 721x720, 152afe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N-no you can't use a credit card like you would a debit card while not paying any interest by making fully monthly payments because... you just can't okay!
>N-no you can't take a 30 year mortgage and pay it back in 15 if you can (but have the opinion of paying less if you need to), you've just got to get a 15 year one, okay?!?!

>> No.51400040
File: 149 KB, 768x960, 166225903468039724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? This is good advice for most people bad with money

>> No.51400041

kek you know you still pay the 5% credit card markup even if you pay cash stupid wagie

>> No.51400055

He was a relatives neighbor in Franklin, TN before they moved. I should've gone and shit on his doorstop when I had a chance.

>> No.51400072

>The Land Of The Fee

>> No.51400085

Wash your penis

>> No.51400100
File: 646 KB, 768x960, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is step 8?

>> No.51400102

>implying people have discipline let alone intelligence

>> No.51400187

I used to listen to his podcast every single day. The biggest problems with his content is that 1) It's the most boomeriest boomerly boomer advice possible. A huge chunk just isn't applicable or realistic in 2022 and 2) You outgrow his content very quickly if you have above room temperature IQ.

If you're the kind of person who has enough self control and foresight to not finance three cars, vacations, and spinning rims, on a $60k salary, then you won't get much out of his baby steps. His first two baby steps and his snowball method are good advice for anyone, but you're going to live a miserable life and retire broke following his investing and saving advice.

>> No.51400271

>save 1k
If you are in debt sure this a staring point
>pay off all debt
Only the retarded have debt outside of a mortgage
>save 3-6 of monthly expenses
I would have 3 months of expenses saved up and the rest invested
>invest 15%
Not joking... I invest about 50% ~ 40% of what I currently make
>Save for college
No just no. My kids are going to trade school or nothing
>Pay off the house
Seeing that inflation is going through the roof. Paying down the mortgage is a waste of time when inflation will eat away at my payment for me.
>Build Wealth & Give
Fuck giving. I'm going to build wealth.

>> No.51400291

>, but you're going to live a miserable life and retire broke following his investing and saving advice.
This... If your mortgage is 3%. don't pay a penny more a month.

>> No.51400555

You won the game. Also checked

His target audience is people bad with money and/or with lots of retarded debt. Obviously his advice isn’t useful to anyone on this board

>> No.51402088

If you were smart youd be charging him rent

>> No.51402123

his suggestions are pretty shitty if your IQ is 3 digits
however majority of people is absolutely retarded and need very simple instructions on how to not fuck up their life with stupid decisions
he is not targeting smart audience for sure

>> No.51402132

did he badmouth your shitty rocks?

>> No.51402139

> not giving
It'll be different for you once you've made it. Money is not a means unto itself, you use it to shape the world to be as you want it. To that end, things like creating scholarships or buying land for conservation or creating public works gives people meaning.

>> No.51402160

if you hate debt you are either irresponsible or retarded

>> No.51402178

>paying for college
>buying a house you're not renting out

>> No.51402388
File: 966 KB, 500x281, TIMESAND___StolenSemen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too fucking hate this guy. Indeed, I think it's likely that words cannot express my hatred for this particular individual and it will never be known how much I have hated him until I pour out my vengeance on him.

>> No.51402459
File: 54 KB, 1086x392, rhsrthasrhtsrhahasharhah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51402941

>Fuck giving. I'm going to build wealth.
the irony is you will never build wealth because this attitude means you live with a scarcity mindset instead of one of abundance. you get back from the world what you put out, don't be a Gollum you tool

>> No.51402948

true if you want good advice for the new era you should follow andrew henderson

>> No.51403010

Pick one, faggot

>> No.51403108


I save 55% of what I currently make

>> No.51403166

His advice is shit tier basic crap that you should know unless you are a shitskin or a woman.

>> No.51403420


You're basically paying for two houses if you don't pay a 30 year mortgage off early, over the life of the loan you're paying almost as much in interest alone as the principal of the loan was.

I'm convinced that Dave just hates kikes, probably because they murdered Christ. His personal financial advice seems to be centered around giving usurers as little money as possible.

>> No.51403484

Same here, it really is a based way to live.

>> No.51403564

>credit card cash back
I have never had cash back work to my advantage, it's almost always for some stupid shit where I'd rather just save money by not purchasing the thing instead of buying something I don't need for (((points)))

>> No.51403743
File: 111 KB, 500x497, 1654809441678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is just pushing books and courses for poor retards in red states.

The advice is simple enough for them to understand and him to make a profit.

>> No.51403948
File: 16 KB, 454x303, Coffeejak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers grew up in a different reality. Dave is the embodiment of the midwit and his advice is solid if you can't figure out how to use Metamask or what a 51% attack is.

>> No.51405103


>> No.51405556

>Only the retarded have debt outside of a mortgage
true nigger cattle opinion