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51397227 No.51397227 [Reply] [Original]

Im scared to buy in and lose money but im nervous everything is going to pump

>> No.51397243

why are you so beta

>> No.51397248

Oh no no no rally is over now it's dumping

>> No.51397264


maybe he's a christian?
>Why are Christians Beta Males?

not dumping quite yet

>> No.51397352

Stfu . Christians are sigmas

>> No.51397372
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>t. JlDF

>> No.51397468

the fed will smash it back down tomorrow when they release CPI inflation. theyll make sure it looks bad. set your short positions

>> No.51397514

I think it's just a temporary relief pump, but I don't care enough to unload my bags that are still pretty drained

>> No.51397560

christ is king

>> No.51397781

Jesus you amateurs are so emotional. Get a grip. This is a textbook relief rally and it's currently at resistance. We will be back at all time lows by mid next week. Set your buy orders and chill the fuck out and stop acting like women or you're ngmi

>> No.51397860

christians are some of the biggest brainwashed cuck slaves on earth. you gotta be seriously mentally ill to follow a manmade religion created to enslave you

>> No.51398771

Imagine being scared to buy the bottom.

>> No.51398796

Yeah fucking right. They have an election to win for their democrat friends this november.

>> No.51398825

No it's just a bear market really just like 36k-48k which also made every retard believe the bull market is back

That said we will probably still pump to 25-30k

>> No.51398928
File: 182 KB, 463x450, 1608036398464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen this ratio of perfectly divisive opinions on /biz/ before. It's like 50 / 50 split bullish & bearish just balancing on a see-saw. Drifting day by day whichever way the wind blows. I tend to feel bearish in these situations. When everyone holds their breath and you can hear a pin drop, that's considered more like a bad thing.

>> No.51399086

go hard or go home, as for me would be buy in more Eth before the merge and also more Sylo before their incentive nodes go live.

>> No.51399166

been bearish since around christmas. plan was always to wait until either btc hit 14k or november 2022, but with the way the weekly chart has been flipping bullish i'm really beginning to doubt my plan. sucks if i missed the absolute bottom, but this is still not a bad price to jump back in and ride btc before rotating into alts next year

>> No.51400145


Don't buy anon. Its going to dump soon. End of September another big crash is coming. Scary crash.

>> No.51400156


Just buys alts anon. They are on discount like crazy compare to BTC and ETH.

>> No.51400167

Pseudo atheist retard

>> No.51400180

Such as?

>> No.51400191

pretty sure JIDF made your meme

>> No.51400903


>> No.51401144

We've been in the 20k range since June, it has to be going up soon

>> No.51401310
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>Christians are sigmas
christians are taught to absolve themselves of personal responsibility in the judgement and punishment of evil, to beg forgiveness for their enemies. theyre taught to rally against their primal european instinct to seek justice, theyre taught that even the thought of retribution is itself a sinful act.
there was once a time when the most venerated heros of europe were not just those who made sacrifices in defence of their family but to go much further to outright seek revenge against object evil.
christians are slaves