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File: 167 KB, 1407x855, cchain2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51395210 No.51395210 [Reply] [Original]

Emin Gün Sirer:
>Cornell CS Prof has been in crypto since BEFORE BTC (Karma2003)
>exCo Director of IC3 which is 180+ researchers & 6 Unis
>close partnership with the Chainlink team
>Vitalik endorses EGS & acknowledged Avalanche is a Breakthrough on par with BTC
>is for decentralization and Censorship resistance
>oldschool haxxor

Avalanche protocol:
>third consensus protocol after Nakamotos PoW & Classical
>basically consensus is reached by probabilistic sampling thousands of independent nodes over multiple rounds
>This is not repackaged shit with minimal tinkering here and there its a completely new type of Consensus Protocol
>4500+ REAL TPS (no bullshit tricks, batching, or centralized L2)
>can scale to MILLIONS of Validators while maintaining high tps & sub second finality
>highest Nakamoto coefficient
>running a Node is easy & hardware requirements are low
>Resists 51% attacks (would need 80%)

Tokenomics & Profit:
>AVAX needed for staking on nodes & delegating to nodes
>needed to participate in governance of the network
>fees are burned (also when Subnets, Blockchains & other assets are created)
>9% APY + delegator reward% + Subnet Rewards
>only requirement to receive the rewards is 90% node uptime

>sub networks can be launched on Avalanche with near infinite customization
>"Blockchain as a Service" to tokenize all the Assets in the World
>Chainlink Subnet is in the works but also 900 other subnets from gaming to finance to CBDCs to payment providers everything is possible on Avalanche
>AVAX node may be a member of many subnets & earn additional rewards from them all!

Full EVM support:
>All ETH infrastructure can work on AVAX out of the box
>C-Chain (EVM) Subnet is constantly developed further and made more efficient
>C-Chain mirrored the best parts of the entire ETH ecosystem and improved on many ideas giving it all the TPS, scalability, speed and interoperability that it needs for the next stage

right now it trades for $21.13

>> No.51395227
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>most recent Emin Livestream:

>Quick rundown how Avalanche works:
>Long Autismal Version:
>comfy Emin and Sergey/AVAX and LINK friendship video
>John Wu (President of Ava Labs) presents at Harvard and Emin beams in as a Hologram

>> No.51395230

lol I like that picture, may I save it?

>> No.51395259
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>> No.51395363
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AVAX Explorers and Node infos:


>> No.51395553
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some interesting Ava Labs Twitter accounts to follow:

>Emin of course
>Ted Yin (Chief Protocol Architect )
>John Wu (President of Ava Labs)
>Patrick o grady (System Engineer)
>Stephen Buttolph (the other Chief Protocol Architect)
>Michael Kaplan (Senior Software Engineer who makes the Bridges)

>> No.51395623
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Waiting for a comfy $18 to buy more

>> No.51395677
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Whitepapers and Docs:


>> No.51397000
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Gentlemen, I have SECURED bags of Platypus and JOE, I repeat, the bags are secured and are going in the long term storage box.

Still waiting to deploy the phat stax.

Gonna buy maybe $250K of AVAX pretty soon. I see Pentoshi posted about it recently, briddy good trader.

>> No.51397047

Oh great another L1 just what the world needed

Let me guess

Special consensus algorithm
Faster than ethereum (and that’s a good thing)
Slower than some competitors (and that’s a good thing)
Massive vc bags (and that’s a good thing)
Dynamic roadmap (and that’s a good thing)

>> No.51397787

unironically its the only l1 you need

>> No.51399690

I will front run you

>> No.51400282
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I'm contemplating whether to add another ecosystem project to my stack. Got a good bunch of JOE, GMX, YAK, PTP.
Not sure what else to look into, any low market cap gems out there?
Also what liquid staking solution would you recommend: sAVAX from benqi or yyAVAX from yield yak? sAVAX seems way more utilized in DeFi but yyAVAX offers instant exits which is also nice

>> No.51400913

Emin was supposed to announce something last week, but nothing happened. What gives?

>> No.51400941
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see >>51395227
at around 30:45

>> No.51402686


>> No.51403072
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hello AVAX cucks
How is the Turkish Lira doing? is the $200/month that Emin is paying still enough to cover living expenses?

my personal advise for you is to sell your AVAX and buy some MATIC instead. Polygon has the superior technology, the funding and building teams that AVAX lacks so badly

Also move out of Turkey while you still can or else you'll end up having to serve overpriced Shawarma and Sujuk sandwiches to tourists who you hate

>> No.51403317

Your stomach hurts
You need to poo
But I won't let you near the loo
Away from here now! Young Sandeep
Back into the shitting street!!!

>> No.51404153
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there are 7 niggers on the c-chain