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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51392392 No.51392392 [Reply] [Original]

I don't care what fud you have to offer.

I am genuinely excited for Smartcon 2022.

2 more weeks.

>> No.51392437

>please, keep on talking about my heavy ass bags, positive comments, fudding, idc PLEASE keep posting about my dead shitcoin, it makes it seem like it's still relevant!
all fields
kys kike

>> No.51392453

kvetch example #1

>> No.51392483

>yes! yes! that's what I need! the more people post the more I cope by thinking my bags aren't worthless!

>> No.51392523

kvetch example #2

Sir, this is a positivity thread, please exit and go find your seat in the nearest Terra Luna thread.

>> No.51392569

>aaaaaaaaahhhh more than 2pbtid? AND posting more than a simple TNN?? he *must* be a paid fudder!!!
>hooray, simeon is STILL paying a horde of bulgarians to fud my golden ticket!!
>wagmi marines, 2 moar weeks until our real lives can finally begin!!

>> No.51392669
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kvetch example #3

I am quite excited, good sir. None of your fudding attempts are working... It appears.. I am energized by them... curious.