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51390788 No.51390788 [Reply] [Original]

Why people FUD?

>> No.51393064

So paper hands sell so we can buy dips. Simple.

>> No.51393088

I fud LINK out of boredom

>> No.51393110

Don't ask, just do it, retard

>> No.51393147

There's many reasons
>you're salty about people spamming threads about it
>you want a dump to buy in for a better position
>you missed the opportunity to buy and want it to dump
>you sold too early and want it to dump
>you're paid by someone to do it
>the coin you hold is a direct competitor
>you're a no coiner
>just for shits and giggles

>> No.51395563

Because it's funny.
Alternatively if you own an asset that serves as competition to something popular you can fud said popular asset in favor of yours to make people seethe and buy your stuff.

I sometimes go into Shib threads to redpill them on Vinu and it's very entertaining every time.

>> No.51395569
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>because its funny

>> No.51395580

Half of these are retarded though nobody is going to sell because some anonymous loser is seethng at something.

>> No.51395594

Pure unadulterated entertainment.

However if you are in a position of power, FUD becomes a great tool to manipulate mongoloids into selling something if it benefits you somehow.

>> No.51395612
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>> No.51395627

I'm pretty sure these people actually hold a lot of shitcoins they just unite to pump a specific one to keep things organized.