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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51388033 No.51388033 [Reply] [Original]

>had 4 days off last week plus the weekend
>spent then in blissful state of walking in parks, playing video games, laughing with my internet buddies (aka you guys and the rest of 4chan) online, watching anime
>back to the work grind today
>an hour until work starts

I was feeling sad about work late yesterday. Nothing is going wrong, it's just the grind combined with me not fitting in with normies that's keeping me down. I was going to post about one of the below topics but I couldn't be bothered.

>All Leadership training is total bullshit
>How I'm expected to care about stupid process in order to be promoted
>How the high number of females in the company signals it's dying
>How having a job confere no dignity
>How making more than most people in Britain is still shit

And there are more specific worries below.

>I don't fit in with my coworkers ar all socially and I think my manager hinted I should socialise with them . They're all total normies who I don't fit in with at all.
>My manager says I should create a "strategy" for a certain area and I don't think a strategy is necessary at all because the topic is so limited and simple.
>My own job should not exist and is a bullshit but puffed up paperwork job.

>> No.51388051

>internet buddies
I'm not your buddy, pal

>> No.51388055

>>My own job should not exist and is a bullshit but puffed up paperwork job.
like most jobs.

>> No.51388075

Also, normies are fine especially if they're not toxic or hostile. Just a bit bland but otherwise decent.
Being able to shoot the shit goes a long way if you can swing it

>> No.51388163

>laughing with my internet buddies

>> No.51388191

>coworkers talking about gays and trannies again
>coworker ranting about "Trump voters" again
I don't even live in the same hemisphere as USA

>> No.51388512

>I was going to post about one of the below topics
>one of the below topics
Sorry to hear that you arrived in the corporate machine, Pajeet. Yes, it really is all just old rich fucks throwing money at problems they think make them money and incompetent project managers not understanding how they need people actually working for something to be built