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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51384723 No.51384723 [Reply] [Original]

The coming release is upon us. It is no longer weeks, but days. Wednesday is the merge and the staking news will be released on Chainlinks youtube livestream "Chainlink-Ethereum Merge Party." I am not suppose to be the one to release this information, but I've been forced too. My good friend on the marketing team let me know that wednesday is the day and it will be glorious.

>> No.51384950
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so my real life begins in 3 days?

>> No.51385080

obvious larp but it is weird they're having a party for it... not sure exactly what they're going to say.... "well done eth team"??

>> No.51385100

somehow highly doubt that theyre gonna release staking or CCIP on this livestream but who am i to say?

chainlink has only ever brought me disappointment and regret

>> No.51385111

ccip definitely isn't coming soon, just testing this year
staking looks like it's soon though

>> No.51385120
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>> No.51385121
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It's crazy to think that my entire life is in their hands.

>> No.51385132

You do not deserve those digits anon

>> No.51385175

>“What about Synth Teleporters”, you might be asking. They are still coming, but it was decided that waiting for Chainlink’s CCIP was worth it given that designing a low trust bridge, even between L1 and Optimism, was architecturally challenging if not impossible. We have come too far to risk the protocol to a novel bridge design, even with the many safeguards we had planned to implement. That said V3 will support teleportation it will just do so via the optimism bridge initially and later will be expanded to more networks via CCIP. We’re working closely with Chainlink and hope to be testing CCIP later this year.

>> No.51385347

not just yours anon
all of our lives are in their hands now

>> No.51385644

nothing ever happens

>> No.51385943

The fuck did I miss about a party?

>t. 41k ico stinky

>> No.51386067

>Marketing roastie knows the date of staking

Ah you almost got me, I should know better. Nice larp OP

>> No.51386075

is that actually young Sergei? what the fuck happened to him?

>> No.51386104

Source: My ass

LINKsissies NEVER surrender. LINKsissies NEVER sell.

>> No.51386111

Big Mac's a hellavu drug

>> No.51386136

Fake and OP is gay

>> No.51386155

Hope you aren't American or eurotrash. Here is what happens if you gained wealth in an ico. You get audited and they ask this question:
>what is the source of your wealth
And you say "ico for chaining token"
6 months later you get a letter explaining that ico is illegal for citizens of (wherever you live) and your accounts will be closed and the case will be sent for closer scrutiny.

I lost over 100k usd worth of tokens thanks to an audit that started in 2019 where I was forced to give up ico assets after a court order. I was going to play some minecraft but my eth and btc held me back.

>> No.51386260


>> No.51386322
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I wish I cared. I have no expectations after the past 2 years. If I'm honest with myself, I'm basically just waiting for a pump I can sell into, which is exactly what I should've done in August 2020. I waited 4 years for that bullrun and got nothing for it. It's kind of hilarious. I really can't get excited about v0.1 staking - it's there in the title, closer to version zero than version 1. I hope I'm wrong but I see meandering price for years and years. I don't know how you guys do it anymore.

>> No.51386327

kek you're a retard. Uhh yeah I bought after the ico. Case closed

Only a retard fag tells the truth in gaymerica