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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 692x102, begging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51384314 No.51384314 [Reply] [Original]

>spends hours and hours every single day fudding
>gets ignored as a best case scenario, otherwise gets laughed at, called a fag, and inadvertently generates more interest in link
>he does all this while screeching about how link posters shit up biz when the fud made by him and his colleagues accounts for 90% of the link threads
I love this token.
We have the power to make third-worlders seethe, possibly even commit suicide, just by buying link at this point.

>> No.51384930
File: 202 KB, 1190x837, ohnonono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAGMI (except them and tripfags)

>> No.51384981

>how many times do we have to tell you this
oh boy he's mental

>> No.51385787

they constantly slip up
they're so stupid and obvious

>> No.51385815
File: 65 KB, 1441x778, at best.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not exactly bearish on LINK but how does anything more bullish than something like this actually look on the chart? I don't see it. Sometimes I think the universe is talking to me. You go make something substantially more bullish that you'd actually bet on happening, and looks reasonable.

>> No.51385862

>random squiggle tier TA on a product which will be seeing even more attention / adoption before eoy
3/10 attempt

>> No.51385863

How many more days until I can stank my LINK tokens on the network? I have bought Chainlink token awaiting stanking update. For anyone that does not know, LINK token is a very useful token on the Ethereums token network which has many good useful tokens. Many can be stanked like Chainlink token and do many more useful things as well. I am excited to stank my LINK tokens on the Chainlink Laboratories Incorporated token network for a yield

>> No.51385871

Reminds me of avax

>> No.51385918

Please put link as your subject so my spam filter can catch it. I don't want your baggie cope to be visible. Thank you.

>> No.51386054

This is a LINK board. You should try Reddit.

>> No.51386057

>he says, before going back to the catalog to make 20 more fud posts about an asset he doesn't hold like the cuck that he is

>> No.51386176

I take that as you cannot draw something that realises your retarded dreams and doesn't look ridiculous.
I think you and I will interpret that differently.

>> No.51386195

Yeah, sure, everyone who doesn't buy this scam is just completely seething, red in the face and about to have a heart attack at any second because they are paid by Bulgarian Jews to fud an obscure rank 24 coin on a Malaysian underwater basket weaving forum. That must be it, there's no way that LINKies are just schizos who are smug about being schizo.

>> No.51386876

imagine drawing that retarded line and trying to defend it as realistic
you're so dumb you don't even know you're dumb
>w-well no one cares linkies are just schizos for pointing out that my esl colleagues and i make hundreds of fud posts a week
lol pathetic

>> No.51386938

>Finds a way to turn $70k into only $2M.
oh no how will you ever recover?

>> No.51387014

>le bulgarians!
>le fud is so unbelievably bullish!
>imagine not buying LINK 2 weeks before SmartCon and falling for fud, stay poor newfags!!!
not buying your bags, to paraphrase someone, if your shitcoin was hot shit, it would speak for itself and it wouldn't require (You) desperately defending it through "100s of fud posts per week"

>> No.51387043

>n-not buying your bags
you're begging me not to buy linkies in the same way that a cuck would beg someone not to fuck his wife, but also secretly get off to it
is that why you spend so much time on here begging people to sell? why do you "people" make so many posts a week about a token you allegedly don't hold?

>> No.51387064

>immediately triggered
who said anything about you or anyone else selling? I'm simply not buying, does that make you angry?

>> No.51387110

yes, i could tell you were triggered
i'm fine with you not buying - why do you obviously spend so much time begging people to sell otherwise?

>> No.51387137

why do you obviously care so much about people buying your bags?

>> No.51387150

>w-why do you care so much?
i'm happy to keep buying, it doesn't matter if anyone else does
why can't you answer the question?
here, i'll paste it again since you keep trying to avoid it since you're obviously triggered at being caught out as one of the regulars that spams biz with fud for an allegedly useless token:
why do you obviously spend so much time begging people to sell otherwise?

>> No.51387185

Reddit which has outperformed link by miles ?

>> No.51388531

Seems like a decent enough way to put a context yardstick to all the sorts of price revivals you see posted around here. When you try to plot them you quickly get a picture of what's some burned anon's wet dream and what is a more realistic path.

>> No.51388547

Please come back and write me at least a paragraph explaining what it is you were attempting to say here you third world retard.

>> No.51388556
File: 49 KB, 630x472, 89fsnr06n8761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51388564

Literal 80 IQ.
The fact niggers like you are currently holding LINK is all I need to know it's going further down.
Please sell so that we can finally stabilize and perhaps even moon.

>> No.51388589

Is this a Chainlink fud thread?