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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51377640 No.51377640 [Reply] [Original]

Fellow europoors, do you prepare for the winter in any way? I've never been a doomer but I do expect a very shitty winter with everything being the way it is right now.

I started prepping food in my basement but there is a long way to go and I'm not sure how deep I want to dive into this. I mean do you just prepare by stocking canned beans or do you set up a backpack to leave everything behind within minutes if needed? How bad is it gonna be and what do you guys do financially? I obviously hold crypto and I do have cash in three currencies (euro, usd and swiss franc) but I'm not sure what else to do. No complete shizoids please.

>> No.51377655

WTF fellow preptards I've just realized my white rice says it only lasts a year. I was led to believe it can last 2-3 years easily. Is this just health regulation bullshit?

>> No.51377725

think about ways to heat your food, keep yourself warm, and purify water if shtf. also some good flashlights and candles.

>> No.51377754

its still good. i eat rice i bought 3 years ago. no special preparation done for storage. large bags have only the harvest date , no best before date.

also i noticed same they reduced best before date so people dont start to hord to much food.

>> No.51377827

IMO if you have a detached house or townhome, given the situation you're prepping for (one where you'll need food eg supply chain collapse) you'll be better off staying put and "bugging in" for the first few weeks of a collapse rather than "bugging out".

There are pros and cons to each, but if the situation you are prepping for comes to pass, there won't be a complete breakdown of order but food items might become hard to get temporarily. In which case the larger markets would be restocked first.

If you think the situation might be deeper or longer than stocking a couple weeks of food might remedy, then you should reconsider the entire prep and stock guns and ammo or be ready to bug out.

I fell for the food stocking meme too - a minor problem with supply or economy, a few cases of tinned chicken and tuna will help stretch things when they're tight. But anything more than that and you want to have a way to get out and a place to get to, or otherwise if you have to bug in, defense items, medical supplies, water filtration, and food a very distant 4th.

>> No.51377839

No, population density is to high in my area. I only have some hidden hardtack, I will loot and plunder what I need.

>> No.51377864

It's still nice to stock up on shit you use because you're at least beating the inflation. It's not much but it's a safe bet and it's comfy

>> No.51377869

As an American, I will take cold showers in solidarity of you europoors.
Right after I finish my sauna and heated jacuzzi.

>> No.51377958

>not stocking up when CPI is 9%
Literally the easiest way to make 9%

>> No.51378017

Thanks, anon.

>> No.51378022

I suggest making pemmican. The stuff sold commercially as "pemmican" generally is not the real thing and will spoil rapidly. Any real pemmican sold commercially will be too expensive to be a practical food stash. It isn't hard to make. I buy the grass-fed tallow commercially (but you still need to fully render it) and low fat cuts of grass fed beef. I made a dehydrator, but you can buy one cheap. Then you are in business. I suggest getting a vacuum sealer also. Properly made, vacuum sealed, stored away from excessive heat and moisture, that stuff will last many years, perhaps decades, and is extremely nutrient dense. There are reasons why it was the food of choice for American fur trappers and arctic explorers.

>> No.51378031

>defense items, medical supplies, water filtration, and food a very distant 4th.
you didn't have any of that prior to stocking food?

>> No.51378046

interesting I never noticed that but will look out for it. Yes, rice can be stored for many years (in sealed dry conditions).

>> No.51378175

i have them stored just in the 36 - 50pounds bags. no extra done.

currently stored 300 pounds. i eat rice daily.

>> No.51378186

the bags the rice is sold

>> No.51378208

>jars with seals but no lids…


>> No.51378227

retard, das einzige was passieren wird ist, dass heizkosten steigen. warum sollte es kein essen mehr geben?

>> No.51378243
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Rice weevils will fuck your shit up. Their eggs are inside the rice grains. Rice also acts as an insulator, so they can withstand freezing.

>you will eat ze bugz unt you vill zlike zit.

>> No.51378391


>> No.51378429

bugout bag doesnt work in europe there is high population density literally everywhere that isnt bare mountain tops, if you wanna bugout you need a bugout sail ship at minimum

in anyways if you live in west europe it isnt the apocalypse just yet our reserves will last us the winter, its just come spring there will not be an economy left to do anything with at that point its get abroad fast
if you live in eastern europe get the fuck out right now while there still is freedom of movement

>> No.51378434

Anyone has an idea on how to store wheat long term? I cannot use dry ice (to fumigate) or vacuum.

>> No.51378438

nice to know canada isn't the worst first world country to live in, could be worse, i could be in europe

>> No.51378451

i dunno though europe has only been worse lately and canada could still catch up and win the shittiest first world country price (a free demotion to second world status). honestly i just came to this thread for an excuse to say fuck canada

>> No.51378524

This. The fear mongers want you to not freak out because you lose a lot of money. They want you to feel happy you made it through hunger rage winter. It's the same #stronger_together lockstep scheme they pulled out of their asses during the refugee crisis, corona and now the shitflation. Instead of buying 4 megatons of canned tuna you should buy kneepads and bitcoin.

>> No.51378541

> convert to pizza
> convert pizza to body fat (can last a life long)
> use tactical fat reserves during winter
it's really that easy.

>> No.51378554

samefag putinbot

>> No.51378644

>everyone is a putinbot
nice fantasy, you can deflect any discontent on to your fantasy bots and pretend the west isn't going to shit. must be nice to live in delusion. russia is a shithole, and soon our countries will be as well at this pace.

>> No.51378675

>lets wreck our economies with over-reactive covid measures
>before we can recover from that lets print more money and drive up inflation
>before we can recover from that lets go to economic war over east ukraine
>with all that on our plate lets mandate a reduction on fertilizer use for dat global warming
>lets send hundreds of millions of funds to "lgbtqiaa2+" when we can't afford it
>we need to increase our immigration to drive up housing
whatever our dear leaders can think of to fuck us over next, they'll do it. its clearly sabotage at this point.

>> No.51378705

cant take their foots off our necks for even one moment to give the economy a chance to recover, because they're trying to wreck it so they can force a wef cbdc agenda down our throats so they can satisfy their lust for power with a social credit system. won't be long now before russia is actually somehow less of a shithole then our countries. our leaders seem desperate to reduce our status to poorer and shittier even then russia.

>> No.51378728

>No complete shizoids please.
This is why you won’t make it, you are willing to take the complete schizo advice from 10 years ago but not now, you are fomoing into schizophrenia, the buy high sell low of schizoism

>> No.51378729
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Everything was full the last time I was in the supermarket (yesterday). Stop posting this low iq schizo /pol/ tier threads you fucking kevin. No you will not starve, no you will not freeze, no you will not instantly die if you got the vax. Threads like this belong only on /pol/ because for them the world will end every 2 weeks.
>Covid was a nothingburger
>Ukraine is still standing
>Taiwan is still independent
>China still exists
>Trump is not the us president
>The vaxxed are not dead
>5g does not give you cancer
>There is no mass starving in the world
>The economy of the western nations is still intact

>> No.51378742

Vaxxie vaxxie pay the taxxie

>> No.51378786
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I am unvaxxed you low iq schizo larping zoomer.

>> No.51378844

Vaccines do increase the chance of myocarditis
Ukraine is the new Afghanistan
the economy of western nations is collapsing because of the lack of russian gas
and your baby Pelosi is workin real hard on inflaming that Taiwan issue

>> No.51378922

What do you mean? You're not supposed to leave the rings on after they're sealed.
Also, don't stack the jars. It could break the seals.

>> No.51378951
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>Vaccines do increase the chance of myocarditis
Well every untested vacine has increased side effects, this is why I am unvaxed, no need to get this shit for a cough. Meanwhile /pol/tards told us in 2019 and early 2020 that coroan would kill us all.
>Ukraine is the new Afghanistan
No, and it is fucking funny how /pol/tards have bashed the usa (rightfully) for afghanistan but praise the ex young global leader member putin for his invasion of white country.
>the economy of western nations is collapsing because of the lack of russian gas
2 more weeks imarite?
>and your baby Pelosi is workin real hard on inflaming that Taiwan issue
2 M O R E W E E K S.

>> No.51379013
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>Covid was a nothingburger
I knew it was bullshit in March of 2020, when I saw that pic of (((Fauci))) chumming around with Communist revolutionaries and Jewish bankers.
>Ukraine is still standing
If you consider a literal war-torn hellhole that won't recover for decades to come 'still standing', then sure. The corpse of the Ukraine is being propped up Weekend-at-Bernie's-style with Western taxdollars.
>Taiwan is still independent
For now. I hope it remains so, but I'm not holding my breath.
>China still exists
I seem to have missed this one. I don't know what it means.
>Trump is not the us president
Yes he is. The election was 100% fraudulent.
>The vaxxed are not dead
See pic related.
>5g does not give you cancer
Yes it does. All emf radiation does, even non-ionizing radiation.
>There is no mass starving in the world
Now you're just fucking with us. We are in the opening acts of a worldwide famine.
>The economy of the western nations is still intact
Again, you're being disingenuous. Their slow-motion collapse is quite visible.

>> No.51379093

Thankfully I already did. Me and my family won't starve or freeze this winter since I have enough food in stock for 2 whole months or so and my wood stock is full.

This, I'm not far from Switzerland but I wonder how good the situation will be there after winter.

>> No.51379141

i can't prep power

>> No.51379150

All you do is prep the bull for your wife

>> No.51379169

>lamp oil
>all-weather matches
>portable generator
>solar panels
>stacks of wood
Yes you can, fren.

>> No.51379257

>bro just get a portable generator and gas heater for your commieblock flat!
even if i lived in a terrace that wouldn't be tenable
would take decades to even pay for themselves
i'm worried about being warm not charging my shit
if i was reduced to batteries i'd be fucked anyway since most of my appliances and devices need more power than a battery is going to put out
even a ups would only last a few hours

>> No.51380463

This. It is a guaranteed winning trade.

>> No.51380610

>Everything was full the last time I was in the supermarket
Of course it was. People can't afford to buy food anymore, bro.

>> No.51380702

depends on how hard you want to go and where you live
if you live in southern europe youre not going to freeze, its mostly food and electricity thats a concern
if you live in western/central europe you might have problem with your power grid and it could get very tight by the end of the winter with regards to gas heating, also risk of civil unrest since youre so tightly crammed together
in eastern europe power is going to get too expensive to live, baltics seem to be fugged already
northern europe is fine as long as the power grid is stable, if not, you better have a way to warm yourself
in any case try to figure out how you will continue your activities without electricity, move in with your family and pool resources/heat, stack enough food to not suffer from shortages, get money outside of the bank (cash, crypto, pms) in case of a "credit event", get hunting rifles+ammo, lighting with lamp oils, blankets/warm clothes and ways to cook without electricity and most importantly water supplies

>> No.51380785

do not come here. seriously. DO NOT COME

>> No.51380881

I came. What now?

>> No.51380894

termostat bros... its over

>> No.51381179

kek polniggers will cry and piss themselves over this but thse are facts. cant wait for biden to put these subhumans in camps

>> No.51381297

>voting is real, it has to be real since I believe everything the TV tells me is real
Aren't you overdue for a booster baka-chan?

>> No.51381785

Moonman called the energy crisis, supply chain shortages, food shortages half year ago, he told us to stock up on food and he predicts worldwide food shortage around 2023 because Russia will stop exporting Food and Energy to G7 countries.

Hey moonman if you are reading this, I'm not leaking the full email, just giving you credit and trying to help out /biz/.

He told us to stock up on antibiotics, diseases kill faster than malnutrition.
immodium,Rocephin,Doxycycline,Oxytetracycline, potassium iodine. Vitamins, especially vitamin D. Quality mylar bags with oxygen absorders, Fishing gear, fish traps. Solar stills etc.

>> No.51381976
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>Moonman larper
LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL I hope you bought icp at $50 you fucking midwit faggot.

>> No.51381994

Why would there be a shortage of food?

>> No.51382096

What is Dollar Cost Averaging? The midwit meme is real, midwits call it a scam, geniusses and retards are steadily accumulating. You will KYS in the next cycle.

>> No.51382137

Literally nothing close to a collapse will happen you idiot, Russia is losing hard in Ukraine and Putin will be forced to supply gas to Europe when everything is said and done

>> No.51382138
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Daily reminder the indian moonman larper told (You) that btc will pump to 200k, eth to $10k and covalent to $30. We all know this never happend you are just a low iq baggie, coping with his loss like every single baggie on /biz/ right now.

>> No.51382156

nigger the harvest was 1 month before

>> No.51382180

Mylar bag it. It will last 20 years

>> No.51382258

Just because Moonman was wrong on price, doesn't mean the projects he shilled are vaporware. You will have fun staying poor. BTC-ICP integration was planned for Q4-2021 if Dfinity didn't delay it, price wouldn't have dropped so low.

>> No.51382450
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>J-just w-wait 2 more weeks y-you will see my shitcoin will pump
Said every single baggie ever. Sorry to break it to you but icp a vc p&d shitcoin and moonman is a larping jeet or chink.

>> No.51382670

When did Moonman say 2 more weeks?
Every shitcoin you hold was funded by a group of VC's, you're fucking newfag if you think otherwise. If you weren't poor and retarded, you could have started your own little VC fund.

>> No.51382795
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Yep. Been buying a solarbattery + 200w panel, water desalination device since I live by the ocean, hand flour grinder etc. Im on a semi tight budget but Im doing what I can, got a lot of mylar bags last week so now I will start ordering grains in 25kg bags. Im not prepping for the winter in general, but for the great reset where maslow's staircase of needs will be what matters. Also starting my hunter education in November, so I suppose things could be worse. Good luck fellow anons, its not the end of the world thats waiting but Im expecting major power outages combined with bank hacks and there will be a period of unrest for sure.

>> No.51382840

>There is no mass starving in the world

Low effort bait

>> No.51382860

Some people claim grains have to breathe and also has to be moved around every week or so. Other people say its perfectly fine to store in a mylar bag with a oxygen scavengers. Honestly I have no idea, but Im going with the last option and hope for the best.

>> No.51382969

Wait wuh I was told freezing for a month would kill them! So many bags of rice with immortal bugs.

>> No.51383434
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Bumping for important thread

>> No.51383514

I don't prep but I know where preppers live.

>> No.51383857

You will be tortured to death on my front lawn to set an example for others

>> No.51384011

Kek, pretty soon bitcoin infrastructure will be taken out by Cyber Polygon. They will leave standing only their own CBDCs.

>> No.51384050

underated post

>> No.51384097

all the coins on that pic are shit

>> No.51384146
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The batteries are for stuff like LED lights, and maybe a small radio.

>> No.51384156

>do you set up a backpack to leave everything behind within minutes if needed?
no, this is kinda retarded. but stocking food and be ready for temporary electricity/heat cuts is not. if you live in an appartment you'll still likely have running water and electricity most of the time.

>> No.51384219

are you telling me that my rice comes with a durable protein source?

>> No.51384240

Not this winter, next year. Crops this year did very poorly throughout the world. Netherlands government is trying to shutdown a ton of their farmers. In burgerland, loads of farms and food processing facilities went up in flames. Russia isn't exporting fertilizer. And that's just the start.

>> No.51384265
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My dads in euro land rn.
>food prices out of control
>retired people getting checks cut
>moms sending big ass box of food
>kicked in a bucket of long term food
I hope he and my aunt make it

>> No.51384400

>do you prepare for the winter in any way
I learned a lot in 2020 between the theory and reality of food prepping, early 2020 before the lockdowns I started hoarding rice, beans and a bunch of other shit you see people recommend online, including all the stuff you'd need to prep that food for eating without power.
the reality of day to day living off that stuff when I tried it for a while (more as an experiment rather than a necessity) was that canned food was all I went for every time I was hungry, canned hot dogs, canned meatballs, canned chicken etc. any canned meat, just eaten cold, no point fucking about with anything else.
that and dark chocolate, went over 2 weeks and was good.
screw the rice and beans- canned meats are cheap, taste good cold, nutritionally better and can be stored somewhere dry easily, literally the only other thing I'd say is get some dark chocolate, lasts for a long time, is delicious and is dirt cheap thanks to based modern slavery.
if you're in an apartment it might be worth getting some water, again it's a cost that's virtually zero.

>> No.51384491

as for winter/cold prep, I did the bulk of that last year, I have a storage thing under my bed full of winter outdoor clothing, blankets and lots of insulated thermal stuff to wear inside too. I put the heating on about 4 nights last winter and that was only because other people were here, I didn't need it for myself at all.

>> No.51384689

We know about the bunkers.

>> No.51385503

Good post

>> No.51385543

Did you stock up on firewood or coal? What's the plan on how you'll heat your home and cook your food this winter?

>> No.51385569

>white rice says it only lasts a year
a vacuum packed rice stored in a dry, dark place can last a century

>> No.51385737

>dark chocolate,
so just like rimworld?

>"I started hoarding rice, beans and a bunch of other shit you see people recommend online"...
>"screw the rice and beans- canned meats are cheap, taste good cold, nutritionally better and can be stored somewhere dry easily"

In my Opinion if anyone is going to be prepping food I genuinely think that you should store food that you eat regularly and culturally significant if it can be preserved. as a Brown person ( not the scam kind ) my diet is mostly beans, rice, and bread, Supplemented with mostly beef / pork as the meat of choice.

>> No.51385751

Is canned beef/pork any good?

>> No.51385879

Imo i think of it as ok, i would prefer it to be fresh but Im ok with eating anything desu, my favorite canned meat tho is spam or chicken. i like spam because its very dence and has a ok flavor when i cook with it. (granted im not a cullinary mastermind but whatever).

canned chicken on the other hand IMO is pretty great when you cook with it in specific dishes, like steamed rice with carrots, cellery, abit of a nice tomato sauce. it adds alot of favor and its very healthy if your into that.

I would sugest for any people that prep is that flavoring is always a good think to have, buy alot of canned seasonings. cant forget buying some salt, it has alot of uses.

if you want to get into growing your own food /OUT/ always has a nice general where people are really helpfull about plants and can pont you in the right direction for what would be a good idea to grow in your reigon for food.

>> No.51387549

Typical loser mindset. when the shit hits the fan you panic and run around like headless chicken, probably get shot and bleed to death in a ditch somewhere

>> No.51387902

Asking a bunch of basement dweller neets how to survive the winter is a poor choice. They get their ideas from other basement dwellers and TV shows and schizo youtubers who are trying to sell them their products and courses. First of all, there is no impending collapse. There may be in the future but you should be planning far in the future not "this season". If SHTF this season you are probably fucked anyways.

IMO The single best way to 'prep' is to befriend your neighbors. This is not something larpers tell you because they want to play like a lone wolf american pioneer (without understanding that these pioneers mostly lived in massive settlements and also died a lot). All the prepping for your own house is worth 0 in an actual collapse. Humans do not survive alone.

The other things to do have been talked about already. Get long-lasting foods. Canned goods, grains, dried foods. These all last long term.

As someone focusing a lot on growing more and more of my own food, it is currently a good time to buy seeds now if you have space to garden or place pots. Even a few edible plants, medicinal, or cooking herbs go a long way to improving your resilience and your quality of life even if there is no SHTF event. Seeds are all on sale at your local garden center or home improvement center. Most places will sell them for <20% of full price this time of year. In a cool dark place they will mostly last far past next planting season. In ideal conditions multiple years.

Depending on your climate it is probably not too late to plant many vegetables. Salad greens, snap peas, and late season carrots are viable now even in northern places. In a mild, maritime climate you may still be able to grow summer squash, pole beans, late season corn, cucumbers, and others. Plant garlic next month for harvest in the next summer. It is easy to grow a year's worth in a small patch and that patch can still be used for other above-ground crops as well.

>> No.51387903

Europeans don’t do this anymore because they aren’t white. Only whites prepare for times of scarcity

>> No.51387924

This. I learned from Minecraft anarchy servers that it doesn’t matter how much you prep and build up resources, I’m going to travel 10k blocks from spawn to your rural area and grief/steal your shit.

I would just give up on prepping because I’m going to come by with a bucket of lava and encase your home in cobblestone

>> No.51387947

And this is why you ignore basement dwelling neets on real life issues. They think life is like a minecraft server because they have not actually spoken to another person or lived through anything.

>> No.51388299

Without a weapon you arent going to get anything.
Without a weapon you will not even be able to trade.
And with a weapon you can only go so far as one of the attempts at pillage will get you killed.
Perhaps not the first or second or 10th you will maybe live for a few years of banditry, but no bandit lives a long life.

Thats how many communist partisans in Yugoslavia died. And was only lasted from 1941 to 1945 there.

>> No.51388401

He's right you know

>> No.51388526

Good luck I'm behind 7 nether portals.

>> No.51388901

Can someone Poast Bosnian SHTF story thank you ser

>> No.51388980

You can google it but tl;dr is get stuff that you can trade easily with others like lighters, medicine, toilet paper and soap, etc.

Having a crew > having lots of supplies but being alone

Also women start fucking for a can of tuna real fast when shit hits the fan

>> No.51389240

that story turned out to be fake, however that might not invalidate the advice given
easiest actionable advice is get out of cities and start cooperating with your neighbors

>> No.51389531

if you go to that level of societal collapse it doesnt matter how much you prepped there is no fixing that
nobody here wants to live the uncle ted cabin lifestyle and even he went back into society occasional to the library or to get some supplies

>> No.51389875

Put it in mylar with oxygen asorbers, then seal it with a hair curling iron. Itll last 20 to 30 years that way.

>> No.51389937

Nobody can store enough food to last a lifetime. Storing extra food is designed to give you some breathing room until things calm down or you figure something else out.

Guns and ammo are never a bad investment

>> No.51389957 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51389985
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>> No.51389999

should have unironically bought a lot of long shelf life food during the pandemic when it was cheap

i expect russia to fail within a year but idk how fast prices will recover

>> No.51390014

All the prepping in the world won't mean a thing unless you have a firearm and ammunition to protect your hoard.

>> No.51390107

check inside for the little bugs. I once had a bag for 2 years and noticed it had these tiny little rice bugs in it

>> No.51390745

Russia isn't going to fail, because they don't need us as much as we need them. It's really just that simple.

>> No.51390930
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>he’s right you know

Russia and china form a perfect
Symbiosis. China has all the people and money. Russia has the military hardware and tech. Together, they form mazanga z with wings.

>> No.51393673

The only thing that russia has is abudant energy, cheap labor, and a dictator president who can arrange anything you need if you go through him. Not hating on Vlad, that's just how things go. Russia and China go well together, and India is there to soak up their cheap stuff as well.

>> No.51393745

Canned beans are Ok but I prefer raw beans to cook. Assuming electricity isn't at £1,000/kwh you can still boil beans, or at the very least cold soak them in water overnight. I know meat is best but if you don't have massive freezers it won't last long. Just avoid soi beans and you won't grow tits.

>> No.51394080

just put it in plastic containers.

>> No.51394174

Dont really do THAT much. Bought 20kg of rice, have some instant coffee, like ~20 cans of fish...maybe 3kg of canned beans. Small package bread with long shelf life. Huge amount of tomato paste andd canned humus (wtf, but its good prep guess). Random assorted pasta. some small cans of corn, peas and carrots. Some random glasses of fruit/veggie stuff and 2 packs of space potato stuff.
Some extra utility stuff like soap and plastic bags. Also multi vitamins for good measure. Should be good enough to not starve for some time, even if we get nothing for some months, but will get murdered by starving mobs.

Oh and have a small solar charger powerbank for phone (basically camping equipment).
Also a 10litre foldable water canteen and a water filter thing (basically camping equipment). Thinking about getting a campinggaz propane grill with like 12 bottles to cook in case of absolute shit hitting the fan (basically camping equipment). If everything works out fine, I can just pick up camping as a hobby and cook some chili.

Something I really want is a big fresnel lense to do the solar cooking meme where i could also boil water

>> No.51394585

Stock up on freeze dried, dried, and canned goods. that's in order from longest to shortest in terms of shelf life, but the even canned goods can last for a few years is stored properly. Outside of that, I recommend keeping a (secret) garden for production of fresh produce and also farm animals if you can for butchering later. If you're really serious, acquire a rifle for hunting and practice hunting. Additionally, look into trapping techniques. Know where the rivers are for both water and fish. Learn how to make a fire using primitive methods for when lighters and lighter fluid becomes scarce (might want to stock up on those too), both by hand drill and bow drill. Hand drill is horribly painful, but the most primitive method, and if you learn it, that technique could very well save your life. It's brutal on the hands though. Not saying it's going to be easy. If you do all of this, you're way more likely to survive this apocalypse than your average boomer.