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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51374959 No.51374959 [Reply] [Original]

did this board help you become rich in any way?

>> No.51374965

nobody is rich here

people might make 100 bucks here and there but 99.9999% is larping

do you think millionaires would go to fucking 4chan of all places?

they would be too busy fucking models on their fucking yacht

stop falling for obvious larps and fake portfolio screenshots

>> No.51374966

Bought link at 50 cents, still holding.
I'm rekt but massively in profit at the same time.

>> No.51374969

yes i became rich in friends :)

>> No.51374980


>> No.51374994

no just more attuned to my poverty

>> No.51375006

jeet here, i went from 2 figures to 5 figures with meme scam coins last year
nothing since

>> No.51375009

whoever turned me on on Polkastarter at like $0.2 (sold at like $3) helped me a lot. not because of the ~$10k in trading profits, but probably made like $100k just from IDOs alone

>> No.51375019

Bought link at 30 cents. Was here at the right time, had a few other gems told to me here but only like 4 of them did super well.

>> No.51375218

started with 5k
peak of 900k
cashed out 150k
have 200k still in crypto
took a year off work
thanks to this board with calls on link and lpl
know we like to be negative here and particularly after last year and missing the bull but am very thankful

>> No.51375335

I became rich in my pepe folder and I just need to find a way to profit with this and I'm a billionaire!

>> No.51375372

got me into Ethereum early, up 250k so far on a 5k initial, still believe I'll probably retire on it
also employed in blockchain now, so I owe all my financial success to this godforsaken board

>> No.51375420

>surf finance
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm in the tide poooool

>> No.51375721
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I wrote a number of books based on my time browsing /biz/. It has been not only enlightening but a transformative experience. The money wasn't the motivation but it's been quite lucrative as well.

>> No.51375954
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yes plently of anons helping each other out here.
good lunc calls couple months back during and before and also post crash when it bottomed out at .4-.6 lows with explanation that i noticed.
last night another anon made a thread about that reddit coin moon that jumped up many anons missed the boat on that one since 1.it was a reddit coin and 2.most crypto noobs don’t like using swap platforms or dexs.
right now there’s like 1 hour and something left for people to purchase (up) SPIRAL before it also moons since some anons who were here back when polaris was launched told us how that thing did a 100x in less then a week before crashing.
me personally i’m hedging my bets as a 2x alone would be good enough for me as a poorfag.

>> No.51375988

Sort of. I bought into Fantom in 2019 because of all the posts here about it. Price was less than a penny. Sold in January at 2.08. I know I waited too long. Still made enough to buy a really nice house.

>> No.51375991

No, but /g/ could have if I would have taken buttcoins seriously back in 2009. I don’t lose any sleep on it.

>> No.51376340
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fuck no
its all paid fud from AVAX and LUNA cucks
they used to shit on MATIC when it was actually the only coin that made me any sort of profit, and a lot of it by the way (pic related)

>> No.51376390

sorry anon but i think your delusional and crazy perhaps.
luna shills?
sure they exist but it’s still made many people alot of money.
I myself was one of the lucky ones to actually read the posts early on and purchase some.
have no idea what your beef with avax is desu and don’t really care.
at the end of the day never get commited to any project we are in here to make money.
otherwise you’ll end up like chainlink baggies who never sold at the top and kept their bags for 2+ years as it depreciated.
desu speaking of shills.
matic might have some of the most delusional pajeety shills.
i always keep seeing a random matic post in every thread unrelated to it.

>> No.51376465

Quite the opposite

>> No.51377416

Yes, I've been culturally enriched many times.

>> No.51377548

Thanks to biz I bought Shib when 1 billion was only $60. I sold way too early but still made 15 ETH

>> No.51377665

Surf finance (OP pic related) will have a comeback so strong you anons won't believe it.

>> No.51377672

I made 100k off dog bat back in Oct-Nov lmao, otherwise I'm a poor

>> No.51378223


Some obscure non-shill thread started a discussion about ALGO at .28 before it went to 2.50 - that's a solid 10x. Of course I didn't sell. Other than it's pretty much useless.

I get some info about ICP, but it's a shitcoin, so that doesn't help.

>> No.51378253

Not rich yet, but I finally overcame my autism to understand market psychology because of this board. Also I got a good tip on a job and am now making more money than I ever have before.

>> No.51378382

Not rich but i did make about 6k off dog bat which helped me buy a decent condo last year. So that was nice.

>> No.51378426

No, but I got doge at 2/3 zeros and that have me the resources to play around in crypto. Have some wins, have some losses, have some fuck ups. I have a habit of not taking profits. Hodlr at heart I guess, even though for a while I aspired to be a trader.

I learned that money is both very important and not important at all. I understand trading better than before. I am doing better with my finances and managing my "wagie" income far more responsibly. Lo and behold things started improving markedly.

I still hold a diverse portfolio, and hold out hope. But if it never goes, then I'm still better off than I was before.

>> No.51378437
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I helped myself and others by telling them to pomp shib

>> No.51378684

Yeah, they got the cockiest way of telling one the kinda of tokens to look into and it's on the board I got to know about Monero, Sylo and that LINK got die hard marines, got to meet mean ass mfs who knows their onions in the biz asides those fudders of course.

>> No.51378781

Learmed enough crypto buzzwords to land me a 200k year job at a crypto company

>> No.51378933

I read the first book as "surrounded by betacucks" and actually believed you for a second.

>> No.51379612

Sombody on /biz/ talked me into buying a TON of MATIC when it was nothing.

>> No.51380098

Yes. I found about Shib in here in Feb 2021.

>> No.51380750

>they would be too busy fucking models on their fucking yacht
who fucks 24/7 though?

>> No.51381084
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I found QANX and that has been going fine for me. I hope that by next year, it is as rewarding as a gem should.

>> No.51381114 [DELETED] 

>I been able to date outside the family, I got a double wide, and I rode a plane—rode a plane—rode a plane

>> No.51381135

Nope I lost a lot of btc by coming here. Should have stayed as a btc maxi like I was before coming here.

>> No.51381186

Yes and then I fucked it all up and haven't recovered

>> No.51381219
File: 86 KB, 800x534, 2056641388_5a0bf0de2d_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This board
This board isn't worth jack shit anon. You want to get rich kid? Listen to me. Polygon.

>> No.51381222

>DCA 200k since 2016
>now have 60k
I did withdraw about 100k since then, still..

>> No.51381229

Link at $2 and FTM at 2c when I was at the end of my rope in 2019
Not rich but it helped me cover rent through the end of school and instead of graduating completely broke and in debt I graduated with a stake in the game and engagement ring + wedding + attorney fees for some bullshit fully paid for. So compared to what my life might have looked like, much better because of /biz/. I'm grateful to this board and try to give back when I can
>t. donate a few hours of patient midwitposting in Link spoonfeed threads once per month or so

>> No.51382627

Do you know where I can find info on SPIRAL?

>> No.51382742

Made like 3-4k off of AMC and scooped a fat Link stack between 1-4 dollars as well as stacked a nice bit of BTC and ETH. Cashed out 66k and am still up 6 figures in profit. So yea biz has def helped me out.

>> No.51383386

Not them but twitter.com/ImSpiraETH
And the mediums which I think are linked from the website

>> No.51385370

thats how you know youre gonna make it

>> No.51385410 [DELETED] 
File: 501 KB, 544x653, 5563452433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did this board help you become rich in any way?
short answer is yes.

>> No.51385418

Yes benchod. I got wind of Cake here before the pump and make a fortune. Right now, I have expectations for Sylo which enables data security in Defi

>> No.51385485

Unironically made 30000 USD from shib because of this board

...then lost it all because of this board

>> No.51385507
File: 164 KB, 386x572, spidergirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this will be one of the easiest pumps of this week.
last week was lunc week this ones spiralv2.
there was like only 2 threads posted so far in the last 24 hours and one got deleted for god knows what reason.
unironically sometimes i feel like the mods are actively deleting any actual good threads of underkept gems whenever they pop up and keeping the info for themselves or their friends.
granted the OP for the deleted thread was a confirmed telegram shill lead for their team.
I dyor'd myself and none of the points brought against the spiral shill actually mattered.
infact i was beginning to think maybe they didn't want anybody else in on spirals merge too.
from what i can understand the price is likely to do multiple x's jump during the first week much like how the devs previous coin polaris had done in the past due to the limited supply of tokens creating a supply shellshock + locked out tokens and burn for the v2 spiral.
perhaps i'm deluded and delusional but all evidence points to this going huge.

>> No.51385528


>> No.51385554
File: 208 KB, 329x572, spider in clothes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well there'll be only 1 day left before merge is completed after tonight so if anybody is interested this will be your last and only chance to join in presale before it hits public.

>> No.51385555

can it be the same book but different covers? if not, how can the author fucking spit out that amount of pages and such a similar topic over and over again?

>> No.51385794

yes but literally only because of chainlink and the linkpool ico - never got a drop of anything else valuable from this place

>> No.51385924

If I had listened to this Board from its inception and just HELD I’d had been wealthy long ago

The early plays shilled on here
> BTC at double and triple digits
> DogeCoin just months after it was created
> Early ChainLink
> SHIB long before it mooned
> Double fucking digit ETH
> NFTs in early January 2021 just months before the Casino
> Oil
> Steel

There’s plenty more of you just fucking filter out the retarded shit and listen
Made actual returns on JasmyCoin dumped it at 24 cents from 8cents / buying Steel Companies in 2021 & currently 400% up on Lunc

If only I’d held would’ve made it now.

>> No.51385973

Yes. ETH and 10k marine. I was so close to my "make it" target May 2021, but no cigar. It's gonna be another cold winter now.

>> No.51386002

Not rich but I have ~250k more than I would have without browsing. Although 40k of that was from shorting stocks before covid because I watched China lockdown doom porn on /pol/ before it spread to the west.

>> No.51386032

Not bad anon, provided you're in profits then you can still hold. The assets that got me like that is Sylo would have its delegated staking live soon so users can earn income.

>> No.51386041

neat are these actually written by a bizraeli? I might check it out at the bookstore to see.

>> No.51387060

Honestly? No. Never. Even if something good is posted on here, it is hard to distinguish from the 99% garbage.

>> No.51387075

sold my house 1 year ago after listening to schizo, anons. If i'd sold now i'd be down 200k.

>> No.51387107

I lurked this board for a solid 6 months and researched every term I was unfamiliar with after quitting my shitty slave job in the middle of the pandemic. I learned enough about finance to social engineer hedge fund managers with cold emails. If you don't make money with the information here you're braindead.

>> No.51387118

Momentarily. Now I'm back to square one

>> No.51387135
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I came to this board looking for business and financial advice only to realize everyone else is a clueless neet

>> No.51387274

is this the bsc version of LUNC?

>> No.51387279

fuck wrong thread sorry

>> No.51387338

Yeah but then I held all the way back down again.

>> No.51387381

Was one of the first Mithril airdrops and could have sold for like $72,000. Didn't want to ruin the fun or memes though. Still made a few thousand outta nothing and had a good time acting autistic.

Also had the opportunity to hop on LINK when it was still under like $1, but thought it was a scam marketing campaign being ran on biz at the time. Eventually learned that collectively shilled shitcoins on this board generally do well long-term --- even if they're just shills, the energy behind it is what's important (usecase unironically does not matter aside from helping to prop up sentiment, which is the real metric to go by -- hence why useless meme coins are successful whilst good tech can often stagnate). That being said, a lot of what is being shilled here currently will likely do well on subsequent bullruns, just give it time and keep an eye on trends/what tends to have more staying power.

>> No.51387428

What's that shitcoin called? Surf or something?

>> No.51387464
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Yes I did. I have been keep on hearing about Qanplatform which is a quantum resistant blockchain. Lucky me I got to buy the tokens less than the IDO price.

>> No.51387465

same. bought 10k link at 30c. still have 10k link. being both up while being down bad is a weird feeling

>> No.51387627

Never made it but /biz/ has netted me almost $40k in cashed out profits since stumbling into this garbage bin in 2017. Not too bad a salary for shitposting desu

>> No.51387833

rich? yes. then poor again? yes,

>> No.51388048
File: 12 KB, 300x225, images (57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek it's a cycle. These ICP played the fuck with me. But with QANX I ha e high hopes as it is a part of a quantum resistant hybrid blockchain.

>> No.51388446

Yeah,i bought Solana, axs and gala at their lowest thanks to biz
and lunc when some random guys were talking about it here some weeks back, i cashed out over 250%, still on Ride, i believe it'd pay off once it's game comes live, but right now, i have it in the metastaking pool with a juicy roi.

>> No.51389396
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I missed the call on Shiba from here but I ain't missing that on Qanplatform.

>> No.51389516

Its relative, but i found link at $1 and sold at 20 the bought btc at 9k with proceeds and paid off house and all vehicle loans, so debt free....
Also found unisocks here and boughted 1 pair at 9k and sold it for 205k.