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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51373278 No.51373278 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone on this board trying so hard to avoid waging?

>> No.51373285

It's unrewarding at best and degrading at worst.

>> No.51373293

It’s just a bunch of bots pushing a mentality that denigrates hard work . Ie trying to make the ultimate slave cattle that cannot rebel

>> No.51373300


>> No.51373302

It's a shit game with broken mechanics and I want to stop playing

>> No.51373315

waging is making someone else rich at the cost of a tiny cut, wasting your time/energy, and making yourself a slave

>> No.51373317

the ones who complain about work are the plebs working in retail, moving boxes all day, fast food, or some other random manual labor bullshit. i sell software to small businesses and i love my job lol

>> No.51373362

of course you like it you get paid way more for for ez work

>> No.51373383

Cool sorry normal fag. Link us to your blog

>> No.51373388

You mean the people who do actual work that provides necessary goods and services and are poorly compensated hate waging and people with bloated non-jobs are satisfied?
Only collapse can fix this fake economy.

>> No.51373402

Because I value my time and you should to since is finite in our mortal life

>> No.51373406

>Only collapse can fix this fake economy.
this single statement has caused me to question my bearish stance, the long nose tribe would try to keep this charade going on as long as possible

>> No.51373417

People who like their jobs and everything about them are few and far between. Plus your time isn't really yours when you're an employee.

As covid showed us, neither is your bodily autonomy.

>> No.51373435

I’m not. Waging makes me happy and gives me purpose. I’m just trying to afford basic things in life. Which requires you to be a millionaire.

>> No.51373443

Name one benefit to being a wagecuck

>> No.51373494

Waging has now become synonymous with "path to anti-prosperity"
People only do things with proper motivation.

>> No.51373497

>Why is everyone on this board trying so hard to avoid slavery?

>> No.51373593

whiteys are very good at convincing you to be a slave
they have years of experience

>> No.51373659

unless you're in a labour camp, nobody is FORCED to work. If you want your house, internet, phone, food grown for you, your waste dealt with, electricity, basically everything these faggots take for granted.. you actually have to participate in the society that provides these things for you. Nobody is stopping you from going and living in the bush like an African or an American opiate addict

>> No.51373671

>Waging makes me happy and gives me purpose.
Your purpose is to fulfill the purposes of other humans? Do you have a soul?

>> No.51374425
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that's life, find God

>> No.51377820

because it sucks

>> No.51378682
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>> No.51378706

Why would I work?
Hell, I'd even agree to work in some deadly coal mine and die in my late 40s if that meant that I could get a house and a family with kids as well like men did back in the day. But why the FUCK would I want to work now when I won't be able to have any of that?
No possibility of ever getting a house, no possibility of ever getting a wife let alone wife AND kids, hell nowadays you can barely even pay rent with most jobs and you have to live like a rat with 8 other people just so you all survive.

So why would I go spend 8 hours every day working for someone else and get nothing but scraps of scraps in return? Fuck that and fuck you

>> No.51378715

speak for yourself lmao
I take my six fig first world salary and arbitrage the fuck out of it in the 3rd world
I literally work for an hour and reap the work of 20 man hours in buying power, waging is awesome if you're good at it

>> No.51378719

I’m not a slave, I’m not working for scraps while they inflate my salary into nothing

>> No.51378746

the modern man
pathetic, unskilled, depressed

>> No.51378758

Say if I get a wagie job involves something that makes me contribute to society, like fixing things, building things, designing things, it's all going to be used and ruined by blacks and other undesirables anyway. Even a job where you "contribute the most to society" is going to be raped and degraded by people who want me dead.

>> No.51378768
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We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.

>> No.51378776

it'd not just this board dummy, everyone on the planet is trying to escape waging. the difference is that there is a not insignificant number of people here who have managed to become free of waging whereas irl most of those people are just elderly. anybody who works after having made it either does so out of a sense of duty or love. bizraelis however correctly understand that they live under zog so those higher callings to work ring empty.

>> No.51378778

Your big nose is showing.
The point is that even a standard blue collar worker could afford to have a big family and a house, now all those are luxuries and distant dreams for most people. You just work to survive. In other words, you're a slave.

I refuse to be a slave, seethe all you want Mr. Shekelstein.

>> No.51378835

Fewer people would try to avoid it if they were paid a better wage or the price of everything was greatly reduced.

Yes I should be able to fully purchase a home with 3-4 years wages.
Yes I should be able to support a wife, 3 children and have hobbies on my single wage.
Yes I should be able to afford to not live next to undesirables or be influenced by their actions in any way.

Doesn't work like that? Then I'm not interested in participating, sorry.

>> No.51378851

The realistic wage I can expect to earn is far below what I'm willing to work for.

>> No.51378913

The workplace is full of undesirables, management is undesirables. The whole system is packed to the gills with shit people. Good luck finding a good workplace.

>> No.51378983

>Nobody is stopping you from going and living in the bush like an African or an American opiate addict
Tell that to Uncle Ted

It's always funny when institutionalist dipshits pretend they know anything other than what their television tells them

>> No.51378985


>> No.51379000

because its generally cucked, miserable, hopeless and soul destroying. Nothing beats working for yourself.

>> No.51379017

Because they're lazy. They want a get rich quick scheme with little to no work or effort involved, hence this board almost being exclusively about discussing crypto currency. Only 10% of the threads are about side hustles and how to make money by actually grinding and working your ass off, and if you make a thread about 401(k)'s or other retirement accounts half the anons will scoff at the idea of building tremendous wealth over 30-40 years so you can enjoy it later on it life.

>> No.51379024

It entirely sucks anon, I rather hang on with crypto and hope I get lucky in the bulls, not forgetting to keep my wallet transactions private .

>> No.51379095

don't be a generic unskilled worker? kek
you think you would've had a better life in the past? unironically envying a coal miner as a 21st century human, kek again, its cope, your life is 10000x better than 99.99% of all humans before you, you just can't get laid because you didn't make yourself into a high value human

>> No.51379101

Is anyone gonna tell him?

>> No.51379162

Our economy is fake. Your analysis of your own worth is likely artificial, because you're pretending not to understand the point he's making. You seem to need to believe you deserve what you have because you're an insecure dicklet.

Any individual coal miner is 10,000x more valuable as a human than you. You probably write emails for a living, coddled faggot.

>> No.51379167

Anyone can get laid, literally easiest time for that. But getting a big family? Close to impossible, jackpot/lottery tier.
Yes I'd gladly be a coal miner and die prematurely if I could also get my own big family to provide for in my own house, but none of that is a reality no more so one less slave on the market for you Mr. Shekelstein.

>> No.51379183
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wage slaving is gay, boring, stupid, pointless, humiliating.

this. make no mistake waging is a form of slavery

>> No.51379195

It's inequitable, lacks purpose and an agreement to enslave yourself to others. Until we are back on gold standard or Btc standard or some shit it's pointless as your government will just print money at will and effectively make all your back breaking labor and hard work completely meaningless. If you don't have assets like a house, gold, BTC already you're probably never getting them btw. Watch Europe this winter and add a couple of years because that's the state of the US soon once it's dollar cannot absorb any more wealth.

>> No.51379206

working for yourself sucks too because taxes make it into a form of slavery too

>> No.51379229

do you LIKE working for 8 hours out of the day when you could be using that time for something else that you love?

>> No.51379286

Anons are unaware that privacy adoption is spreading because of the solution it offers. Scammers are making great use of blockchain scanners to keep an eye on farming tactics and target their unwitting victims, which privacy platforms like Railgun look to eradicate.

>> No.51379311

Because of September 11th

>> No.51379319

just something to do i guess

>> No.51379487

super deep bro

giga monster cope
if you want to live like a coal miner with a family just work at walmart and marry some ugly fattie in a low col suburb - the problem is that this isn't good enough for you, isn't it?

>> No.51379505

Well we're smarter than you, of course we get paid more.

>> No.51379556

You can barely afford to pay a portion of rent in some small cuckbox apartment with walmart wageslaving, while a coal minder had a big family, multiple children, his own house, dog and a car.
Today you can be happy if you can afford a single shitbox car and to pay rent with 5 other people you live with with any such slave job. No slaves for you no more, Mr. Shekelstein.

>> No.51379794

then how will you support your wife and 3 children?

>> No.51379851

Jewish hands typed this post

>> No.51379970

I've got news for you buddy: Those "undesirables" are already paying more not to live near you.

>> No.51380179

The best years of your life gone, no big deal. Its cope to think that later years are the best, my parents are aging and their health is failing in so many different ways.

>> No.51380191

I don't want to participate in or help prop up modern society

>> No.51380205

Maybe you should spend your best years as a productive member of society, rather than a mere consoomer

>> No.51380255

i'm not a normalfag, and i'm also a deeply ethical person
most jobs either require prolonged social interaction, or doing unethical things

>> No.51380279

I'm not avoiding it, I wage currently but I'd rather have a job I don't hate. I don't have parents or government cheese to let me live free

>> No.51380288

It's slavery

>> No.51380391
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The business ownership meme is just as bad if not worse.
You have to grovel and beg the customer/nigger pig fucks to spend money with you, and at the end of the day, the government loves to rape you.

I have a construction company, and I'm always being threatened with non payment by either a dipshit project manager or some AR roastie bitch on a power trip.
At least when I was waging, I could relax on my off time and not worry about what kind of terrible issue was going to face me next.

I can't wait until I have enough rental property to quit this bullshit.

>> No.51380439
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I turn 30 in a month

from 22 to 30 I have spent the lion's share of Mondays through Fridays, for the lion's share of daylight hours, sitting in an office selling my time and energy to a global corporation

I do not want to sell my 30's like I did my 20's OP
I cannot do it

>> No.51380467

FPBP and I bet that there is just one post by OP's Id

>> No.51380522
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I avoid waging due to office politics and said office politics leading to shitty work that I would rather not spend the next 40 years of my life working to propagate because I saw other people who did as such only to be laid off for some dumb ass reason (too much tenure typically).

What confuses me is how the fuck people seriously wonder why people dont want to work anymore. Isn't it just a function of more money = more potential employees? Just raise salaries lmao. Like, just pay them niggas more.

>> No.51380536

>wife AND kids
They come with kids nowadays Kek.
Modern man is a symptom of his modern environment. Men and women aren't willing to commit, your employer is not willing to commit so why should you

>> No.51380620

But you will

>> No.51380640

Everyone is trying to escape wageslavery because by now it's clear the ship is sinking.

At this rate, inflation is going to leave many of us in poverty, the window of opportunity is closing.

>> No.51380691
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I will not
paid off house, a million liquid, obamacare, and most importantly roasties ignored forever
you corpo middle manager fags can eat a fat dick

>> No.51380727
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>and most importantly roasties ignored forever

top kek

>> No.51380788

I'm 38 and have been working since I was 18.

>> No.51380806
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I'm learning how to build smart contracts and blockchain projects so I can build dapps on QANplatform. I saw that if I write codes that others reuse, I will earn royalties. That's for life.

>> No.51380813

Because the industrial revolution and it's consequences were unironically a disaster for the human race. We already had it made perfect in antiquity and the days of ancient greeks and romans. Work and life was awesome, unless you were a slave. But even slaves back than had it better than modern wage slaves.
And then germoids and mongoloids chimped out and ruined everything.
Fast forward 1000 years laters to 16th and early 17th century and we have it made again, life is good and you know it.
But then some autistic anglo has to go at it and start the industrial revolution along with the eternal burgerfart from the american oil tribe.
All we can do now is wait for oil to run out (we reached peak oil in 2018) and then go back to pre industrial life like we were meant to. Until then we are all slaves.

>> No.51380932

He's a larping dumbass jew
Even if he wasn't, he's still retarded for lumping in that with 99% of other jobs
because it sucks ass,

>> No.51380971

Anyone know how to get a decent job? I'm blowing $1500 a month on rent, plus food, plus car insurance, plus gas, and other frivolities. I'm also in college going for an English degree...I'll be dropping another $10k on tuition just to get it. I have about $130k in savings left. I earned all this money through crypto. I'm just trying to get an income asap. I looked into drop shipping, but apparently that's not the move anymore. I've applied to so many jobs, but I simply can't get a decent one. I'm honestly considering joining the military if I can't get something when I graduate. I want to make at least $60k a year bros. It's so difficult.

>> No.51381020
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Fuck that anon, never going to be me. Bags (eth, matic) are going to be making me filthy fucking rich. I'd rather take it up the ass than work a 9-5 again.

>> No.51381790
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No one here ever talks about the skills gained, or the memories made, or the communities that form from having a good group of coworkers (not white collar). Some of the best times I ever had were drinking beers in the parking lot of a jobsite with my buds and booze cruising all the way home on a friday. We were like a band of brothers really. And I learned how to fix basically everything inside of a house. These fat lazy reprobates would rather post here, with no friends, no networks, no life experiences, and tell people that work for a living we're slaves. Sure maybe we are, but even slaves can have a good life. What do these miserable half men know about life other than thinking wealth is the end to all their problems. Ive seen these people on discords and such, theyre sickly, and frankly obessive over the accumulation of wealth to the point their personality has no positive attributes. They might as well be slaves to finance themselves.

>> No.51381813


>> No.51381856

Because you need to go back.

>> No.51382077
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This. Modern society is a fucking scam. Why should I work hard all my life to enjoy 10-15 years of retirement while the richest people in the world squeeze me for every drop that they can? All while they enjoy everything life has to offer at the snap of a finger and while also dictating policy that actively hurts me? Nah fuck those kikes. I am going to get out of this meme society as soon as I possibly can.

>> No.51382915


>> No.51382968

>literal communist talking points
>fuck those kikes
I will never understand /biz/

>> No.51382984

leftypol tries hard to blend in

>> No.51383126

Shut up and shine my boots slave

>> No.51383160
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waging is a form of bondage and humiliation. It's infantilizing and serves as a maudlin vestige of our earliest modern times. It needs to be strangled to death. And we are the plump, greasy, dirty fingernailed hand willing to tender the bidding.

>> No.51383193

nigger cattle detected

>> No.51383258

Its always the ugliest most dysgenic freaks with this attitude too.

>> No.51383284

>goynigger thinks it's people episode
You need to go back

>> No.51383476
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I can acknowledge that the rich vacuum up all of the money they can while also acknowledging that jews are significantly over represented in the top .01%

If you dont understand how the rich actively work against you in tandem with the jews I dont know what the fuck to tell you my friend.

>> No.51383507

>Just raise salaries lmao. Like, just pay them niggas more.
This does not solve the problem of bad working conditions. I know because I worked at a company that paid $150k+ (and quit because it sucked)

>> No.51383530

unions solve this unless you have a shitty one

>> No.51383555

I could MAYBE tolerate working for the government or for a non-profit, but there is just something so cucked about working for a for-profit company if you are not at least part owner. Imagine wasting your valuable life to make someone else rich.