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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51372737 No.51372737 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that LUNC now has the same tokenomics as STATERA. People actually think that's bullish lmao

>> No.51372749
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Go back to your telegram, nigger. Massa needs his shoes shined.

>> No.51372770
File: 140 KB, 853x1000, A5F97AC6-BFB3-4934-9DDB-9197AA294923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51372818

Do you think there's an anti lunch telegram or something? You guys are just D0B0 2 shitting up the board

>> No.51372834

We are noble crusaders on a mission to repeg ustc holders and make them whole. In doing so, we might exponentially burn lunc and become wealthy after having done so. How is this bad?

>> No.51372879

the difference is that lunc tards have most of their volume off chain on faggy cexs that dont burn shit kek

>> No.51372890

Gate.io Mexc and kucoin are doing it.

>> No.51372912


>> No.51372963

Think you mean newfag redditors

>> No.51372983

I don’t and you didn’t answer the question faggot. And I do mean faggot.

>> No.51372995

Stopped reading your post after the reddit crusader GME shit

>> No.51373010
File: 420 KB, 1125x1156, 8DBEBA5A-6F72-4D42-A9B6-E757D5BDB74F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> swears he didn’t read two sentences on an image posting board
> he did
Getting gayer by the second faglord

>> No.51373018
File: 718 KB, 480x854, 1662838036414364.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks op here are you peas

>> No.51373049

Thanks for the bumps redditor

>> No.51373060

>samefagging his thread

>> No.51373081

Again you guys are using the term samefag wrong just like shill. Summers over kid you need to go back

>> No.51373128

t. Do Kwon

>> No.51373137

>fagging even harder

>> No.51373225

Thanks for the bumps newfag

>> No.51373261

I don't understand where they all came from, every one of their posts reeks of cancer. I'd just filter them but I'm savouring this for when it dumps and they cry about it. Go in their general if you want some keks too.

>> No.51373280

Telegrams latch onto coins like D0B0 until the next coin comes along

>> No.51373296

>Continues to samefag

>> No.51373328

Maybe it's because the market is down/board is slow I'm just noticing the desperation more.

>> No.51373340

yeah because /biz/ would never say anything bad about the meme coin of the month

>> No.51373754


>> No.51373766

>Gate.io Mexc and kucoin are doing it.
They are not and they will not.

>> No.51373773


>> No.51373835

mfw I still hold STA ($0.17 buy price) from 2 years ago, AND LUNC. I was thinking last night about how both are going to pump ETH merger and burn tax are applied soon, I'm actually bullish on both desu. Are we looking at STA revival and a LUNC moon? I'm thinking yes, I'm extremely bullish. I am also 142 IQ and extremely retarded.

>> No.51373944

Would be hilarious if STA made a return

>> No.51374266

>eth will be more deflationary
>lunc proposed burn passed
>STA already deflationary with wn ecosystem with sub 1m marketcap
is this it bros? the era of deflation is here

>> No.51374278

checked let's make it happen
verification not required