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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51369039 No.51369039 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51369065
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I have Satueday to Wednesday off

>> No.51369088

Im a neet though

>> No.51369260
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I have 4 day weekends though

>> No.51369292

I work from home though

>> No.51369322
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Jokes on you, I already started my shift at Panera Bread.

>> No.51369363


I just wanted to drop you all a line this fine Saturday evening to encourage you all to get some rest tonight!

You’ve earned it!!!
Also, I’m gonna need you all to come in a couple hours earlier on Monday morning ready to rock and roll!!!!!


Brandon Dipshitson
Project Lead
Kikelstein Enterprises

>> No.51369396

I have Monday off
Also I like my job
It allows me to afford my own place where I make tender love to my onahole while watching the finest JAVs and going on amphetamine binges

>> No.51369422

i only work 4 days. the perfect amount of days to work. you just need to call 1-2 days off and you got yourself a vacation every weekend if you wanted. it also doesn't burn you out and makes you want to work. if you wanna be extreme neet mode work 3 days instead.

>> No.51369480
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>> No.51370030

but I got fired 3 weeks ago and have been living off savings, unemployment, and my severage package while drinking IPAs and watching anime until 3 in the morning.

>> No.51370056

No, fuck you Jeff.
NEET master race.

>> No.51370083

ive been on weekend since 1 august 2021 and i'll stay on weekend till atleast 1 august 2023. im planning my winter travel now, the weather is cooling in western europe. time to move to le sun.

>> No.51370104


>> No.51370213

please stop

>> No.51370230


how much was your severance package ?

>> No.51370828

I can't discuss that. But I'll just say that it wasn't nearly enough to sustain me for a significant amount of time, and I plan on liquidating my wife's old retirement account and maybe selling my stocks or crypto if I become desperate.

>> No.51370869

>i can’t discuss that
holy shit you sound like a fucking faggot. hate that i share a planet with you tbqh senpai

>> No.51370982

Stop being a bitch and "discuss it". How much was your goddamn severance package. Answer the question you worthless meat puppet.

>> No.51370991

Lmao, get your booster, cuck.

>> No.51371453

college football all day
NFL all day Sunday
plenty of weekend left, Mr.Bezos. Get lost

>> No.51371583

this, what a fag

>> No.51372835

Based as fuck.