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51368843 No.51368843 [Reply] [Original]


I ( 23) joined my most recent firm in 2019.

I have just left my first real job working for a top 10 bank, to this small local company (around 200 people)

I joined as an analyst, doing the analytics for 2 departments. pay was shit, but I wanted the experience.

I love to learn...

I love playing around with, tablu, PBI, R, SQL, stata, love excel. I also know my way around Power automate, Powerapps, SP architecture, powershell, VB, C#, java etc.

Before covid, I actually rolled out TEAMS to my team early b/c skype for business's sunsetting was on my radar. That turned out to be a blessing since, COVID hit, and everyone was forced to be at home.

Well everyone but me and my boss, and her "Boomer Crew". We'll touch on that later

This put me in the spotlight since, we all should be adopting TEAMs, so I was then put on a project "helping" our PM team quickly roll out teams to the rest of the company, (with the correct architecture)

I got a small award for this (read trophy), but nothing else, but I did not complain about that since I was new.

But since I was "Tech Savvy" my boss basically made it her perogative that I had to be within arms length of her (during a pandemic).

For what? To basically be her AV slave, changing the settings on Teams for her to "select" microphone, and "webcam". To replace her mouse battery when it died. to plug a usb back into her pc, when it was unplugged.

I would not have minded this if it wasn't so fucking constant, and it was not just her, there were 4 other boomers.

>> No.51368855

One of the boomers ancient PCs had to get replaced, IT replaced it with a new desktop unit, and they came to ME, not IT. because their "files were deleted" what files you might ask? her desktop.

Apparently she saved everything on her fucking desktop, and was told to save everything on her shared drive. She did not know what the "shared drive" was, so she just saved everything on her desktop.

Then it was apparently "my job" to call IT for her, have them spin up the drive of her old PC, and transfer the shit back over to her desktop.

this same boomer, also constantly asks me to write emails for her that are "too technical". Guess what is too technical?

" Mr. X,

I am sending you a secure email where you can send the requested file. Please upload an Excel spreadsheet (xlsx) or a comma delimited file (CSV)

Thank You,

Clueless Coworker"


>> No.51368877

Another one of these boomers is a "team leader / manager" I luckily do not report to her. But she has made it her "mission" to make everybody as happy as they can be in the office. I am usually nice and etc. But I am just focused on my work. I am paid salary, so fuck overtime. She asked me why I am not very emotional or happy, I said sorry, I have asperger's syndrome, a form of Autism, and understanding and expressing emotions is sometimes difficult. (this is NOT a lie, I am an ASPIE).

A normal reaction would be to say "ok" and leave it at that.

A month later this lady is coming to me claiming to think she is "neurodivergent too, wow isn't it so cool that we have this in common" b/c she read some blog online, like WTF!

I had a legitimate diagnosis when I was a kid, I struggled with this my whole life, and I am lucky I have high functioning Autism.

I am both offended and fucking shocked. I can't correct her either b/c "company politics"

Lady you are 65+ stop treating this like HS. Its not just her, all of them have to stop treating work like HS.

>> No.51368909

>reddit spacing
>blogs like a female
>consumes copious amounts of søy milk
Kys zoom zoom

>> No.51368918
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My worst decision is being proactive, and showing I know PS and scripting.

So I worked with IT to get some of our vendors to send me some files to an FTP site, and I created a scheduled Powershell task to move files over to automate my Tablu reporting.

I was talking to one of the boomers about this and they asked me if I can look into an issue for them,

there are several emails that come in every day and someone's task is to discern data from the emails and put them into service tickets. Manually, by hand.

luckily everything was in the same format.

5 days later, I have created a script that looks at the email, pulls out the necessary data as variables, and uploads those variables as a batch for a new service ticket. Impressive! This probably was very good for me. WRONG!

While everybody loved it, it apparently inspired all the other boomers, from other departments to come out from their caves, and basically ask me to automate their jobs for them.

I had requests left and right, from departments I have never even interacted with. I was inundated. By the end of the week, I had like 37 + requests by email alone.

>> No.51368948
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It got so bad, I had to list every request to boomer boss, and thankfully she was like "I'm not sharing you" and put a quash to the majority of these requests.

Now the requests that did stick were with the C-suite boomers. Which was great for her and me (so I thought).

Now I have to mention even though I aimed to never do OT, because of my stupid decision to show off, since mid 2021, working late became the norm, with requests becoming more and more complex.

Recently I just had my review with her, and guess what, I got a raise, how much? $5,000.

That's it, I make a little over $53k a year now. I know that I am luckily to have that, as others do not have as much, and/or even work dangerous jobs to earn enough to put food on the table.

This is a $ 750 million finance firm, and we made records profits 3 years running,

Now at a minimum, I have worked over 400+ hours of unpaid OT since 2021, nights and weekends spent making her little fucking tools and apps.

If I was paid out in OT, I would have easily been able to pay off most of my student loans.

I am basically a software developer at this point, that is stuck in the "Data Analyst" title

I have given up lots of time for this stupid Boomer paradise, and have been surrounded by stupid, day-in and day-out, for $5k and some trophies?

>> No.51368953

So are you gonna fuck them in the ass or what?

>> No.51368962

Ask for a new title and position, like IT Coordinator or something.

>> No.51368977
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Keeping my professional composure, I thanked her for her "generous raise", but also I am looking for a new challenge, I said I am looking to move to the project team, since they need a developer. Boomer boss said she would look back into it and we would circle in what will be December 2022. I actually like some ppl on that team.

At the bare minimum, I can distance myself from the boomer squad. If I get pigeonholed into her group, I will take the next offer with more money and health insurance. I am just so fed up.

>Fuck awards,
>Fuck cake, and the empty carbs,
>Fuck "waring many hats" and the "office family"

All that is boomer smoke screen to make you ignore your shit pay and overwork.

>> No.51368989

this but unironically
are zoomer wagecucks of ameriburger persuasion the lowest lifeform?
makes $100k a year for sitting on their ass and copypasting code, still whines about everything
the entitlement is just unbelievable

>> No.51369060
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Icing on the cake....

My boss just told me I always had the option of being remote, but "it reduced your visibility if you want to get promoted", as she said she was looking out for me.

I’m sorry, it was a PANDEMIC, Nobody else was in the office, but us, all the leadership (including C-suite) were working at home for at least 6 months. I could have gone to the back of the building, spray painted the walls, and nobody would have noticed.

There are plenty of other stories... but,


For the last 8 months I have been leaving time bombs in my scripts.

IT doesn;t review my scripts bc A - too complex and B - they "trust" me.

If I do not get what I want, everything I have built crumbles when I leave

every script I have written has a counter, counting down to a year from when I built it. \

When the counter reaches zero, the script stops working, and tools show little errors that say >" unexpected error, if broke, call annon"

I know when to update these, so it does not happen if I am still here

if I leave, I will eventually be called back in, and I will quote an outrageous $ per hour fee, to fix it for them.

>> No.51369130
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Long story short,
But, the high effort and low reward mentality that boomer seniors have, is why we have people quiet quitting.

Gen x, millennials, and gen Zrs, if you are in boomer hell workplace, keep your head down, and get out as fast as possible. Leave yourself some "afterwork" if you can.

>> No.51369135
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Sounds like you just need to ask for what you want. Pick a dollar figure that matches your hatred for the work. If you don’t get it then go somewhere else. ^.^

>> No.51369144

get over yourself you narcissistic queer
fuck's sake

>> No.51369153

>Sounds like you just need to ask for what you want
this, you sound like a turbo faggot

>> No.51369268
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, the service_level_cuckhaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly the reason I choose this line of work, love being a white-collar worker who can sit on his ass all day.

>> No.51369286

thanks for the advice annon

>> No.51369338

>during a le pandemic
faggot detected

>> No.51369371
File: 77 KB, 1000x563, how-to-suck-your-own-dick-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are what you eat

>> No.51369398

I ain't readin' all that shit.

>I love playing around with, tablu, PBI, R, SQL, stata, love excel. I also know my way around Power automate, Powerapps, SP architecture, powershell, VB, C#, java etc.
So you don't have any useful skills. Got it.

>> No.51369493

You do realize that this reddit power fantasy is illegal and will most likely backfire. If you think that even a single person would be able to find your kill-switch, then don't fucking do it retard. And even if they were all idiots and you offer them to fix this "problem" at a ridiculous rate, maybe they'll just hire an external guy out of spite. Then you're fucked again.

tldr Get a fucking grip, forget these revenge fantasies, grow some balls and look for a new job

>> No.51369671

here let me summarize OP's epic reddit story
>work with boomers
>boomers are impressed by tech skills
>proceed to take it up the ass from them with unpaid overtime
>get no material benefit from any of it
>never ask or demand anything from boss
>plot revenge instead of finding a new job
you're definitely a top autist
instead of communicating like an adult you bent over for everyone's wishes

>> No.51369709

>23 year old finally gets a job
>bottom of the ladder it work
>wanted a programming job but didn't get jt
>feels he isn't respected enough by his seniors because he should be le hacker man
>concocts a ridiculous fantasy where he gets his revenge
>posts it on r/4channel

>> No.51369743

Nigger say NO or ask for a raise. Stop being a pussy.

>> No.51369775

Threes sentences in I can see this is a typical blog post that 90% of workers including myself can post. Don't depress me further.

>> No.51369849

Not reading your blog post, cool story bro, blah blah, etc.
But this stood out to me >>51368918
The fuck you doing bragging about automating your job?

I automated my job and my boss didn't even know about it. They give me the same task every week, which they have rated at 20-25 manhours, and my script completes it in 15 minutes. I put in like 2 hours max of real work every week, but usually none at all.

I just watch anime or Netflix and shitpost all day while pretending to work. Work smart not hard.

>> No.51369883

Amazing effort post but I cbf reading the wails of a zoomie.
>My worst decision is being proactive
Stopped here. Yes you did. You'll learn in time to finesse the system. In the business world you're a fucking retard if you're honest and hard working. You'll be taken advantage of over and over. Tossed aside once you're burnt out.
You should have started palming their IT problems aside long ago. Your boss isn't impressed you can type an email or plug in a usb, they like that they can abuse you and make you do it for them.
If it's not in your contract, do not do it. Or you negotiate a new contract which takes into account your new roles. In small business this is a bit more tricky as you're somewhat expected to spread your skills but not a big bank.
You realise this, yet have not found a way for yourself to survive? You're so close to figuring it all out anon.

>> No.51369914

Also you're a piece of shit for the teams thing. If I worked with you I'd be angling to have you fired and I don't think it'd be hard because you sound annoying as fuck and way to eager.

>> No.51369934

>When the counter reaches zero, the script stops working, and tools show little errors that say >" unexpected error, if broke, call annon"
Or they outsource it to developers in India that work for $1/hour, Ranjeet does a CTRL+F in your script for the error to find the cause, discovers your ploy, and you get sued for corporate sabotage.

Even if you're using a compiled script instead of an interpreted one, decompiling tools like IDA Pro and Ghidra have come a long way that it would be peanuts for anyone half competent to find evidence of sabotage.

If this isn't a larp, this is a time bomb in both directions OP.

>> No.51369964

99% automation of one’s own job is fine.
You can even leave them everything when you leave.
They’ll never figure out that last 1%.

>> No.51369983

>pay was shit, but I wanted the experience.
>I love to learn
>I love
Listen kid, you're finding out the same thing I did 10 years ago when I was your age: no one gives a shit what you want.
Hard work will be rewarded with more work, you want to move up the ladder you either kiss ass or just move to a different company.

>> No.51369989

People need to stop showing off something that makes them more efficient, otherwise they will be expected to achieve the results they demonstrated without reward. If this is what they want, then fine, but remember, corporations have no incentive to reward over-achievers when they don't have to.

>> No.51370006

why didn't you stay working for the boomers, you had a piss easy job making some boomers happy with some easy ass scripts. fucking heaven.

>> No.51370062

>To basically be her AV slave, changing the settings on Teams for her to "select" microphone, and "webcam". To replace her mouse battery when it died. to plug a usb back into her pc, when it was unplugged.

Quit that fucking job as soon as possible. You can find a company where you actually get to work in a real team environment as opposed to being some boomer's bitch boy. You will be much happier then. I know because I've been there.

>> No.51370101

Doesn’t sound like it was that easy.
Sounds more like spend a bunch of your own time to save some boomer a minute per day.
Reminds me of these people who would make shell scripts that would save themselves less than a second per day.

>> No.51370179

>That's it, I make a little over $53k a year now.
lol shit man. You could get a job delivering pizza's and make just as much with less of a headache. Hell camgirls make 100K and all they need to is show their tits. You dun goofed.

>> No.51370223

I did actual work, DevOps in the past. so yes it sounds easy. "script that reads a mail and makes a ticket" piss easy.

wait until you have to keep pajeet java applications running., jeet apps with memory leaks.

>> No.51370251

don't worry anon, they'll all be dead soon.

>> No.51372864

you need to stop typing blog posts and start finding a new job lmao