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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51368543 No.51368543 [Reply] [Original]

What the heck is wrong with him? He looks like a warmed up dead body now.

Is the stress getting to him? Looks like hes about to crack.

>> No.51368570

Happens when you lie that you're satoshi for years and you arent

>> No.51368934
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I thought this image was a shoop to make him look like shit, but its the official cover shot straight off the youtube video.

I cant believe they let him out in public looking like this? Is this the best they can do with him now? He didnt shave, he didnt even brush his gd hair. Looks hungover too.

>> No.51368942

jesus he looks rough

>> No.51369188

Anyone who took the jab is going to start looking haggard af over the next years.

>> No.51369226

He's a mentally ill psychopath and a fraud, go figure

>> No.51369556

I bet you absolute dimwits didn’t even listen to a single full sentence of what he said. It was actually kinda based.

>> No.51369676

Its Szabo with the help of Finney and a group of engineers with the NSA involved. Always has been. Craig is a joke.

>> No.51369895
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I legitimately did watch the whole 7 ish minutes. None of it ever came close to a point, i have no idea what he was event trying to say. He obviously didnt write a little short speech or anything, he just tried to adlib it because he thinks he sounds smart when he talks. But he just fucking sounds like a rambling drunk.

>> No.51371296

I can't tell you how I know this, but his cancer has come back. It was in remission for ages, but it has returned aggressively.

You may be against BSV, but Craig Wright is human, and this is pretty sad news for anyone to deal with.

>> No.51371638

looks like the bondage courier kicked the shit out of him.

>> No.51371748

>but his cancer has come back. It was in remission for ages, but it has returned aggressively

What makes you think that anon? How long has it been going on?

>> No.51373068

Damn that’s sad if true. Do you think he was vaxxed?

>> No.51373162
File: 11 KB, 229x320, 8283a4c59fe1c6791d66d3a3a02e763f--michael-burry-michael-okeefe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda looks like a retarded michael burry