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51366718 No.51366718 [Reply] [Original]

>be born in europoor Italy
>finish a degree computer engineering
>make 32K per year after taxes
>look up salaries in America
>100K a year starting
>mfw born in the wrong country
I cannot even move because getting a work visa or green card is impossibly difficult.

>> No.51366736

Yeah but it’s not like living in America is like living in Italy but getting paid more. This isn’t a country but an economic zone where everyone hates each other.

>> No.51366775

Yeah, idk what europoors fail to understand about this. You would think having basic economic literacy would teach them about cost of living etc. But no they continue to be stupid

>> No.51366792
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VGH, life in America

>> No.51366808

>be italian
>also retarded
Adds up

>> No.51366826

32k after taxes is huge for italy
fuck your mother with this humble brag thread

>> No.51366849

lmao why would you want to come to the US as the other anons wrote already this is an economic zone which doesn't even have the political stability to justify it anymore

>> No.51366882

>32k in ITALY
>complains despise being in the top 8% of earners

Kill yourself greedy pig. 32K in ITALY is more than enough for a high middle class living. Be thankful your not eating and shoveling slop in Siberia. Unironically, people like you wanting to earn 100k in Europe should be dragged out of their homes and shot in broad daylight. Simple as. You earn more than enough stop complaining.

>> No.51366891

Amerilard here, is 32k really considered upper middle class? What the fuck

>> No.51366909

You can just look for jobs online with American companies and earn close to their salaries while still living with Italian costs of living.

>> No.51366915

Most salaries are around 1300-1700 in Italy. 32k a year isn't bad at all
Also income is pre-taxed

>> No.51366934

>>complains despise being in the top 8% of earners
>cannot afford a house
>cannot afford a car and gas
>cannot afford decent food
>every girl rejects me for making no money
Bruh what?

>> No.51366954

It all depends where you live in the US. I make $90k a year but I live in SoCal, so I am poor.

>> No.51366964

i make 100k after tax and still feel poor on the east coast (not new york)

>> No.51366967
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>doesn't understand basic concepts like cost of living
This is why your country is poor. 80k is considered poverty is san francisco. This doesn't mean that poor people are rich, it means people are still live poorly despite making significantly more than you.

>> No.51367210

>doesn't understand Italy isn't third world cheap
Yeah Italy is cheaper to live in than San Fran but do you really think it's cheap? Do you think 32K get's you far in Italy? 32K isn't a lot of money even if you live in montana.

>> No.51367221

saw a place in phillip where some people lived on a graveyard. comfy

>> No.51367251

You can always move to Slovakia and enjoy 15 k p.a.,>>51366736

>> No.51367253

Fly to Mexico and walk across the border. No need for a green card or a work visa you’ll be immediately sent to a sanctuary state that’ll make you an honorary citizen.

>> No.51367266

>Be paid $100k
>>At least $60-70k in debt
>Car payments of $700 a month which is necessary because Americans are afraid of sidewalks
>Health insurance costs hundreds a month and still doesn't mean you're off the hook if you need medical attention
>Zero social support systems so you have to save EVERYRHING and invest wisely or you're stuck wasting car food and working as a Walmart greeter when you're 75
>Housing is so expensive that it takes you half your life to pay off and you live in suburbs surrounded by strip malls
>Kids college and education, even for things like trade jobs, costs tens of thousands
>Social activities revolve around spending copious money on goyslop, alcohol, and movies
>Everyone literally hates everyone.

>> No.51367290

>every girl rejects me for making no money
yeah no bro they reject you because you're ugly, sorry to have to break it to you

>> No.51367330

Americhad EU expat here I can give you a definitive answer. Yes, Italy is absolutely that cheap. Even in Germany's biggest cities their cost of living is second world-tier. Even with only 32k it's often possible to put more in the bank per month when compared to the American salary equivalent for your position.

>> No.51367474
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Honestly, I'm with the Italian bro on this one. For fucks sake, you have 15 year old kids born into disfunctional families going to school in huge pick up trucks like can't be seen in Europe. Even homeless people in America have iphones and asked for donations on cashapp.

>> No.51367486

>100K a year starting
That sounds like a minimum wage in Califagnia

>> No.51367521

Hey retard, none of that shit means anything if you can't afford shelter and your life can be instantly financially ruined if you have a serious health problem

>> No.51367540

Also, Americans are fat as fuck and ugly.
t. American

>> No.51367645

> I cannot even move because getting a work visa or green card is impossibly difficult.
idk, I see thirdworldies working in American tech companies all the time. A significant portion of the workforce in large enterprise companies are foreign contractors.

>> No.51367657

i lived extensively in both america and europe, and it's the burgerfats who are ignorant in this matter
cost of living in america is actually cheaper than europe if you don't fall for the numerous consumerist traps. the american problem comes down to burgers having no impulse control whatsoever

>> No.51367673

thirdworlders have extensive networks for immigration, both from their ingroup and outgroup
nobody is giving green cards to unconnected whites unless they're top 1%

>> No.51367719

same, but with:
>my currency is also getting fucked

>> No.51367723

32k after taxes is unheard of in it*ly. It's at least 64k pre-taxes. Nobody gains that much being a newly graduated dev. You are larping.

>> No.51367732

>All of these very carefully curated numbers
>32k per year after taxes in Italy
>100k a year starting (pre-tax for the job I picked in a high cost of living area and not the 80k a year pretax you get in a job with a low cost of living area)
>no talk about calculating the costs of transportation, insurance, or the various levels of compensation that aren't cash
>no talk about how at the top tiers of programming they all have to offer something close to mid six figure compensation packages to compete for the top talent regardless of whether you're in Paris, London, or San Francisco

Let's be honest OP. You really just want an excuse to wallow in misery feeling sorry for yourself.

>muh taxes

You're Italian. You think I believe you when you say that you pay your taxes? Lol. Unless you're lying about being Italian and this is a psyop.

>> No.51367753

Rent in a nice part of Italy is a couple hundred bucks a month. Rent where you live is probably $2500/month.

>> No.51367755

What were the most egregious traps you saw?
>T. Burger who no longer eats out and only buys groceries in bulk or on sale and needs to keep saving

>> No.51367808

>>>At least $60-70k in debt
Excepting mortgage, I have never been a quarter that in debt.
>>Car payments of $700 a month which is necessary because Americans are afraid of sidewalks
Yuropoor detected. Never had a car paymment over $300, btw.
>>Health insurance costs hundreds a month and still doesn't mean you're off the hook if you need medical attention
Do you even exercise, bro.
>>Zero social support systems so you have to save EVERYRHING and invest wisely or you're stuck wasting car food and working as a Walmart greeter when you're 75
Welcome to adulthood.
>>Housing is so expensive that it takes you half your life to pay off and you live in suburbs surrounded by strip malls
Paying my second house off soon, fren.
>>Kids college and education, even for things like trade jobs, costs tens of thousands
Not if you skip the expensive schools.
>>Social activities revolve around spending copious money on goyslop, alcohol, and movies
>social activities
>>Everyone literally hates everyone.
I guess if you're democrat/liberal/progressive/woke you do. Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.51367823

If you are an employee in it*ly you never see your full salary. Your employer pays taxes+contributions directly to the state.
And that is more than 50% of the total salary.
Your chances of not paying taxes as an employee are zero.

>> No.51367832

>Americans are fat as fuck and ugly.
Hey, I'm not fat!

>> No.51367835

you think you want to live here but you don't, you're falling into the same trap every foreigner falls into. every single person i've met who came here from a non-bug culture (meaning non-anglo europeans and white latins) quickly learn to hate it. even BRAZILIANS get here, realize that there is no joy to life (its literally just work and consoom) and either just stay and lose their lust of life or leave. the only foriegners who truly enjoy being here are asians/indians/anglos because the US is just a supercharged version of their bug colonies. i think you need to look at yourself as extremely lucky that you were born italian, that actually means something - you don't want this life, trust me.

>> No.51367862

>200 bucks
No, rent is minimum 500 €/month in any place where jobs are available.

>> No.51367895

America is a lot more expensive and stressful. I’m sure Italy is a lot more laid back and good enough for the average person. Health care isn’t tied to employment.

>> No.51367905

You could end up like Walmart anon.

>> No.51367925

American property values. They're alot higher than Europe. Also, medical insurance, and property taxes tend to range higher annually.

>> No.51367926

Literally this with a room and board and a free iPhone.

>> No.51367951

>>100K a year starting
it's more like 50-60k starting

>> No.51367964

>32k a year after taxes
bro where the fuck are you working?

>> No.51367989

>compares after taxes with before taxes of different countries
>compares pays with completly differrnt cost of living
I make 35k€ after taxes and can save 70℅ of my pay every month, in america there are people making 200k living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.51367999

fly to Mexico and just cross the border
You will even understand Pedro and Juanita to a more than bearable extent.

>> No.51368016

Most people live in disgusting 1960s modernist apartment blocks and have low salaries. Also even small cities are submerged by migrants and are becoming open air garbage dumps.
The silver lining is that you are never too far away to places of beauty to which you can escape once in a while.

>> No.51368042


>> No.51368191

just move to America.

>> No.51368206

that's not even what the guy you replied to was saying retard.

>> No.51368224

McMansions and cars on finance.

>> No.51368236

Wtf are you complaining about making 32k a year? I'm barely making 10k and I'm feeling fine.

>> No.51368241

Where do you live? India?

>> No.51368251

99% of people in america aren't smart enough to do stem so shit example

>> No.51368252

Lithuania. Tbf they raised my salary a month ago so now I should make like 11k a year. That's obviously after taxes.

>> No.51368258

You're mentally disabled. People like you is why biz needs IQ tests per IP address

>> No.51368275

just get a job in some other european country, it's not super hard with your degree. i am in finland and work for swedish company remote.

>> No.51368297

I took an IQ test during my country's military recruitment process. It came out to 128.
I've simply decided to quit the rat race. Not like I would be making dramatically more in an office job. 15k a year is what I could be hoping to make as a mid level office drone in my country.

>> No.51368344
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pls Lituanibro let me marry your sister and give your family a foothold in America. pls.

>> No.51368364

Piss off you weirdo. Nobody wants to move to America here.

>> No.51368374

Okay, do you attack your government because of it? Or do you worship the ones who fucked your life up?

Be honest.

>> No.51368395
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Yeah... Me either.

>> No.51368403

At least you have a chance of marrying May Thai if you’re in Italy. She’s live in Italy. If I were rich enough, I’d pay to marry her.

>> No.51368413

Have you tried looking for jobs in cryptocurrency companies?
There is a lot of demand for Rust and Solidity developers which pay real good money. I'd say it's usually 2x higher than stuff like webdev, it's well worth learning

>> No.51368416

Americans pay for their individual safety net (healthcare, insurances, ...). Our governments collect a lot of our money via taxes upfront to pay for things like universal healthcare for refugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.

>> No.51368417

the cost of living in america is subsidized by those consumer traps. if nobody else was retarded enough to fall for them, your money would be competing with everyone else's

>> No.51368428

> 32k
> greedy
It's faggots like you falling for socialism.

>> No.51368430

>Moving to America

>> No.51368487

Who wants to live there seriously, maybe 20 years ago, now its like buying the top

>> No.51368515
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Literally everything is cheaper in the US than in Italy you retarded mutt. You simply refuse to admit you have it incredibly easy compared to any other nation on earth.

>> No.51368594

I am American. I make 200k/year. I would trade that for 30k/year if our white demographics looked like Italy's (91% Native Italians).

>> No.51368633

32k after taxes in Italy is pretty fucking good. I make 19k after taxes as a codenonkey. I can speak fluent English and Germsn so I plan on fucking off from this hellhole as soon as possibld

>> No.51368657

What is the average rent payment in the US?
go ahead ill wait pastanigger

>> No.51368702

It’s not difficult at all you faggot just go C2C and get pimped out

>> No.51368721

>gets shot at school

>> No.51368742
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for the 400k (the price of a dilapidated crack shed in the states) you can buy a large country side house with amazing views, olive trees and wonderful weather


>> No.51368763

35k as a codemonkey in germany shouldnt be hard at all

>> No.51368765

400k in Italy is 1 million in the US. I'm sure you could find a comparable property for that amount in West Virginia or Mississippi.

>> No.51368790

I recently got 3 stitches total without lidocaine (local numbing). No insurance. My estimated bill is $2,300. My salary is around 30k. Even if I had insurance, I would have paid a monthly premium above $100 and still would have a high bill till I reach deductible. I have been playing with the idea of moving to a country with universal Healthcare, because the majority of Americans aren't earning a comfy salary and are one health event away from financial ruin.

>> No.51368803

>this is what yuros actually believe
How much is your rent/how much did your houe cost?

>> No.51368806 [DELETED] 

>omparable property for that amount in West Virginia or Mississippi.

Yes and get shot by trailer park meth heads trying to steal your catalytic converter

>> No.51368859

It would suck to get a big bill for medical treatment, except when the alternative is you get stuck on a waiting list and die.

>> No.51368874

> hah, you people in the Sheraton have it so easy compared to us in the Hyatt

>> No.51368881

>I'm sure you could find a comparable property for that amount in West Virginia or Mississippi

and get stabbed by the local methheads when they try to steal your catalytic converter

>> No.51368896

> 32k post taxes
This wage is a dream in the UK

>> No.51368917

Mean per person healthcare spending is actually higher in the UK than the US.

>> No.51368950

It's similar to insurance. Everyone pays more in tax form, but you get peace of mind in knowing that a single event won't bankrupt you.

>> No.51368957

How long can i last in EU with $100k?
I want to go next year to Vienna, Paris, or London, figure one you guys might know.

>> No.51368964
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go to mexico, talk to the cartels tell them to help u cross the border, buy fake documents or tell an american friend/relative to let u use his documents for employment. There are MILLIONS of people doing this in this country. You can too.

>> No.51369008

Learn Spanish. Fly to Mexico. Walk across the border and ask for asylum. Biden will give you a cash card and free rent.

>> No.51369026
File: 216 KB, 1024x759, A5ABD7DB-2883-4833-A6D0-6A75BE234E91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kid got to America in a raft from Cuba. You can do it anon.

>> No.51369052

cost of living might be cheaper (but likely not) but the cost of quality of life is more expensive in the US than anywhere else in the world

>> No.51369063

>west virginia

picked two of the states with the lowest quality of life in the country

>> No.51369092

How do you transition into something permanent and secure though? That sounds so unstable for building a life, knowing you could be deported for any random shit if you get detained, or if a cop ever pulls you over, and not being able to buy a home, or have a bank account or find a good job that does background checks. Maybe if you stick to sanctuary cities you'll be fine, and I guess all that and working shitty jobs under the table is a better life than living in Mexico, but compared to living in Italy it seems way worse.

>> No.51369127

Is that the source for the let me tell you about your country meme

>> No.51369244

>the italian peninsula is being invaded by foreigners and its becoming a trash pile civilization.

Multa talia eventi!

Im sure it will never recover from this like it has for 4 thousand years.

>> No.51369267

Actually life in Mexico is better than America. Those with the means are escaping.



>> No.51369303

Seriously though, if I could have worked in the US/invested in American stock market, I would have been a millionaire a long time ago.

>> No.51369327

I earn 37k per year after taxes living in Ukraine working for globohomo (WFH), and I am not an IT or codenigger, but international business major. Also not an expat, born and raised here.

>> No.51369350

>Actually life in Mexico is better than America. Those with the means are escaping.
Why are they escaping if life is better in Mexico?

>> No.51369362

oh you're saying Americans with means are escaping to Mexico.
Why are so many Mexicans coming to America then?

Also how is permanent residency in Mexico?

>> No.51369391
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This country is literally india
The only thing that saves us is the whiter skin

>> No.51369546

Its fucking elian gonzalez, how fucking young are you faggots?

>> No.51369741

>be engineer
>produce nothing of value
>get nothing of value
crazy how that shit works

>> No.51369788

I make a 100k I'm the US and I live great, none of what you said is a big deal at all

>> No.51369805

does that mean i can stay in italy for cheap

>> No.51369829

>Move from Mexico to US
>Make a lot of money but always want to go back to Mexico
It's arbitrage. Always has been.

>> No.51369854

California median wage is like 38k

>> No.51369967

>This isn’t a country but an economic zone where everyone hates each other.
So the same as the EU, just more Mexican?

>> No.51370039

Yeah, blame your whore mother for raising the average so much.

>> No.51370041

The people coming into America from the south are from many countries. Even Russians are coming in.

>> No.51370157

Just move to Switzerland.

>> No.51370214
File: 8 KB, 275x183, 7F53AEB4-B3BA-4786-A5F0-6F347537BD84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Euros, is peep show a true representation of life in the eu?

>> No.51370587

>everything is cheaper in the US than in Italy
>average house is 7x more expensive
>health insurance is hundreds of shekels per month and when you finally need it, you still have to pay THOUSANDS out of pocket before he insurance jews contribute a cent
Yeah. Everything is cheaper except the 2 greatest expenses you're going to have.

>> No.51370640

>They're alot higher than Europe
No lmao. Maybe in NYC? But at that point you're comparing the middle class parts of Paris or London to middle class NYC which are all basically the same thing.
McMansions are more expensive but they're for the upper class, but low/middle class no way, Europe is more expensive.

>> No.51370872
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Your employer is paying ~90k
Net salary is shit cause it’s taxed at 65%

>> No.51370895

I live in usa and I'm a manager. I get 45k BEFORE taxes
After taxes it's like 27k
Shut the fuck up retard you don't know the real life here.
You're comparing your self to web3 developer pay now stfu

>> No.51370933
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secondo post obbligatorio
>Bene bene signor Gianny, vedo che lei non ha pagato il pizzo
Lose a te evasore fiscale, che non paghi il pizzo ad uno stato mafioso, che non paghi l’INPS progettato da Bernie Madoff

>> No.51370944
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>> No.51371919



>> No.51371950

Our cost of living is lower in america too dummy

>> No.51371989

stopped reading after thread subject
t. europoor next time without Italy

>> No.51371992

What do you manage? Manage the amount of goyslop you can put into the bodies of mutts?

>> No.51372010

Jesus dude I make more than you delivering packages